Chapter twenty four - Happy ending-

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  • Dedicated to true friends and EX druggies x

-         Hey lovelies, I know last chapter seemed to have fallen from a tree being extremely random and not rooted inside the novel but it was very important though. As compensation I’ll try and write as much as I could today bonding the last chapter with my plot.

-         Vote and comment if you please!

But most importantly Enjoy.

Twenty four:


I rested my elbow on the armrest and turned my head to watch Abraham focusing on the road,” Are you going to forgive me?”

His jaws clenched before he closed his eyes,” It’s not about forgiveness, but the sight I’ve seen, I can’t shake it off”

I bit my lip,” what did you see that would make you so angry? I was just in a club”

He turned to steal a glance at me,” Roya, you were dressed in an amazing dress but it wasn’t for me—“ he sighed,”—I was there on business and out of the blue, my girlfriend is dancing erotically on the dance floor.”

I widened my eyes, he thought my dancing was erotic? I thought I looked like a spasming duck.

“I didn’t meant to dance like that, I was trying to blend in” I argued in a low voice,

“I don’t care—“he snarled,”—you were dressed in a dress that sought attention, you went to a club without your boyfriend and let’s not forget the fact that you’re friendship skills really excelled while talking to the barman”

My tongue dried as I watched him speak venomously, for how long has he been watching me?

“Are you jealous?” I asked leaning forward to see his face properly, he shook his head but then went still,” I feel betrayed”

My heart constricted,” Abraham, I didn’t think you’d react so badly”

“W-when I care about someone—“he started before closing his eyes and hitting the steering wheel,”—when I care about someone, I trust them and you thinking you can’t trust me annoys me”

“I didn’t have any new ideas for my campaign and it’s one of the most important things I’m working on now, without that campaign my life has no purpose. It’s an oath I’ve made and I’m willing to keep it. I didn’t mean to break your trust, I just knew you wouldn’t have let me go alone and we wouldn’t have ended up working on my research, we would have made out or did anything a couple do in clubs.” I explained.

“and what’s up with that dress?” he murmured in a while, I rolled my eyes playfully;” didn’t you just hint I looked sexy in it?”

He chuckled and stated,” No” I nudged his side and laughed

“Don’t you dare surprise me like that again, I bet the deal is totally off with the folks I was with”

I stared at him,” you shouldn’t  have le–“

“Complete that sentence and bad stuff will happen” he threatened jokingly and I chuckled deciding on not completing it, he wouldn’t have lived with the fact that he didn’t jump to my rescue. I was his girlfriend, he needed to protect me, but I wasn’t in constant need for his protection.

“Abraham, didn’t the scar affect the way I look?” I asked thoughtfully out of the blue, he seemed to be taken a back as well with the change of subject but he shrugged before asking,” what scar?”

I curled my lips in amusement,” that one silly” I pointed at the place I memorized by heart. He shook his head,” I forgot it was even there”

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