Chapter 14:It's the same old feeling.

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3 months later

Ross's POV:We are at Six Flags right now.By we I mean me Carly,Laura and Zac.It was Carly's idea for them to tag a long so I decided why not.Turns out Zac's Laura's new boyfriend I'm happy for her.But I can't help but have this feeling inside of me that somethings not right."Hey,Let's go on the Demon Zacky." Laura tells Zac as they hold hands Oh god.Not the freak'n demon please "Sure,Laur.Carly Ross?" I try to act cool "Sure.Why not come on Ross let's give it a try." Carly takes my hand and we follow Zac and Laura I chuckle nervously "Sure." We wait in line and finally it was out turn I start to have a chill the demon is my worst nightmare I get sick so easily on this ride whatever maybe I just need to suck it in.Me and Carly take the front two seats when Laura and Zac take the back the ride starts it gets sought of bumpy I hold Carly's hand to clam myself she gives me a smile I give her one back.I think this might be- BAM! Before I know it I feel dizzy and I blackout a dew minutes later I feel someone hold me must be Carls I open my eyes to not Carly but Laura once she sees my eyes open she hugs me "Oh my god you scared me I'm glad you're okay." she hugs me I hug back "Me to." I say and give her a smile she smiles back Carly comes up "My god Ross.What the heck were you thinking you know how weird you get on roller coasters.Well I guess it's partly my fault to I let put pressure on you.Sorry,I'm glad your okay." she kissed my cheek I stand up "Well I'll have you know that was the most amazing ride ever! Right Laur we were both hanging tight  the whole time." Zac brags in his Italian accent putting his arm around Laura  I roll my eyes "Show off." I mumble underneath my breath "What was that Ross?" Carly turns to me and asks "Umm...I said Mohawk.Mohawk as in  the hair style I was thinking of getting one." I nervously say "And that's not going to happen  not as long as I'm here." Carly says in a jokey way and laughs I laugh along "I'm starving.Come on Laur lets go to the food court I heard theirs a gogurt bar and I know how much you love gogurt." She giggles "Zac you know theirs no such thing." He shrugs "Why not wait and see my lady." he kisses her cheek as they hold hands and walk "We should probably go to." Carly tells me I nod and we follow them she holds onto my arm and gives me a look "Are you okay? You seem a little out of it today?" she ask me honestly I don't know what I'm feeling right now.I just feel this guilt whenever Zac speaks in his fresh Italian accent to Laura it's like he's pulling her in and it's just  uncomfortable  to see.I don't like it.Wait.That's it that feeling the same old feeling I.. I still love her.Maybe it's time to tell Carl's the truth."Ross.What's up?" I shake my head "I'll tell you later.Come on." I take her hand as we start to walk to the food stands.

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