Chapter 9:information

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Ross's POV: Ellingtion.I should of known.Who else would want to ruin our lives? "Well what did he say?" I ask "He wants us all to come to this abandoned house at midnight.
But he wants something in order for us to get Delly back." he tells us "What is it?" I ask "He wants Laura." I give him a look "Dude,No we are not turning her in!" I hold her tightly "Ross,Culm down.But why me?"
Laura asks getting away from my grip "He didn't give a reason but he did sound to good who knows what he could be doing to Delly we have to go save her.
" Riker tells us "Then theirs no time to lose we have to go now." Laura says I take her hand "Laur,You can't go I won't let you he wants you.
"I say putting my hand on her cheek "Ross,It's sweet that you care but I have to for your sister sake.I promise no matter what he does I won't give in." she says and kisses my cheek "I'll get Rocky and Ry meet me by the car.
"Riker tells us we both nod I lead Laura to our van we both go in the back seats a minute later Rocky and Ryland comes and sits in the two front seats in front of us.Riker comes and starts the car and we go on our way.We are coming Delly don't worry.

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