Chapter12:The reveal of Laura

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Mean while somewhere in Arizona....
Laura's POV:I sit on the bed.I read my diary where I wrote thoughts about me and Ross.I miss him but I ran away for the better.I did it to protect him.Their was a knock at my door I hide the diary underneath my pillow.Ella comes in with Ellington.Yes that jerk backstabber is her so called boyfriend.I still can't believe they would this to Ross and his family. "Hey,Laura hope your enjoying your stay."Ella tells me and laughs at her own joke interlocks hands with Ellington "You guys got some nerve.What kind of cruel people are you? Threatening to kill my boyfriend's family."Ella rolls her eyes "Aww.How sweet you think you're still together to bad you'll have to break up!" Ellington shouts my heart shatters a bit "What!? That's not part of the part of the deal! The deal was I stay here but still have a chance to go back to Cali." Ella puts her hand one my shoulder "Laura we aren't rich you know.Plus wouldn't you make it easier for Ross to find a girl who really deserves to have him?" I nod a tear slowly goes down my cheek "That's what I thought.You a day to write a break up letter to him or else we kill them including you!Come on babe." Ellington says and takes Ella's hand they go out the door and lock it.I take out my diary and look at a picture of me and Ross.I take out my locket and hold it on my hand.Don't worry Ross I'll find my way back to you if it's the last thing I do.But this only for right now.I take out a pice of paper and start writing the letter.I take off my locker and put it in a zip block bag.I put the address and slide it though the hole of the door.I slide down the door and cry "I'm sorry.."I whisper and put my head in my arms.

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