Chapter 11:their will always be an us.

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Ross's POV:Me and Laura watch the beautiful sunset.I put my hands on her waist and she cuddles ageist my shoulder.Her soft ombré hair touching my skin.It was all perfect.I don't want to let her go.She then turns her head and looks me in the eyes "Ross?" she says my name in her gentle yet sweet voice "Yeah?" I ask her looking right into her eyes "Why does it seem like every time we want to be together life just pulls us away from each other why is that?"That's a deep question I think hard for sec "I guess that's just how it is.But think about it this why the world can throw anything it wants at us but you know what's the one thing that keeps us strong our love." I say simply then turn her to face me "Yeah.I guess we sort of have that connection."I kiss her she kisses back she pulls out her flip phone  "Oh shoot! I didn't realize what time it was.Ness is going to kill me I'm not even through packing yet.I got to go."Right she's leaving.I look down at my feet she lifts my head I look at her in the eyes  "Hey,This isn't goodbye.It never will be.I promise you that." I nod she pulls me into a hug i hug her tight we stay like that for a minute or so after that she lets go.I kiss her she kisses back she looks me in the eyes again "I love you Ross.So much Don't ever forget that you're my one and only."I smile and kiss her check"And you I."We hug one last time she kisses my check and I watch her go.I decide to go back to the others where they weren't there.They left me great just great.I started to walk to our house which was like a 20 minute walk.I rang the doorbell Rocky open's it.I go up to all my siblings who were on the couch watching tv."You're welcome."Rocky says  and playfully rolls his eyes than sits by Riker "Thanks,For leaving me at the beach guys.I may be the youngest but I'm still here." I give them my explanation "Sorry,Dude you and Laura were so lovely dovey with each other mom wanted us to let you two have your moment."Riker explained "You should of asked her to come over.Why didn't you?"Ryland asks I look down at my feet again "She couldn't she's leaving tomorrow remember?" I say they all nod sadly "It's okay Ross you did the right thing.Hey,You're still going to see her at the airport." Rydel points out I nod she hugs me and I hug back "Well I'm going to hit the hay.Night." I go up to my bedroom and scroll through Twitter and Instagram interacted with the R5 family then fell asleep.ZZZZ

Raura:Maybe this timeWhere stories live. Discover now