Chapter 14:Moving on

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Ross's POV:I saw her.All this time I thought I lost her but she's still alive and here.These last four years I have done nothing but gone to the police station and ask if they found her but they never told me anything.When I saw her I just wanted her in my arms  it was like a part of me came back to life.But I lost my chance now.I lost her again.But I have Carly now the least thing I want to do is make the same mistake I have to do this right.I lay on my bed and scroll through Instagram I stop and check the time 5:00 pm.Oh shoot! Carly's birthday party! I rush to the bathroom and start to get ready when I got out I put on a tux and leave my hair the way it was.I rush down the stairs breathing heavily from rushing and bump into my mom "Whoa there lover boy." she says and chuckles "Sorry,Mom I completely lost track of time." She reaches for my tux and fixes the collar "Well,the important thing is your ready to go.Come on, everyone else is in the car." I nod and we both head to the car I sit in the back beside Rydel "It's about time.We have been waiting for like 10 minutes it's not good for my hair." Rocky comments from the other side staring at his reflection in his tiny pocket mirror I playfully roll my eyes and start to play with my phone.About an hour later we arrive at the banquet and head inside we grab the little cards with our names on it and sit at our table.Once we get their I can't help but notice three other people at our table Laura,Vanessa and some other guy.Who could he be?The table was in a long rectangle like of shape Laura and Vanessa were sitting together one one side when the guy was across from Laura having a conversation.I try to go to the other table where the rest of my family went but there wasn't enough space their was one spot next to Laura I go sit by her I didn't know what to say or do.Vanessa all of a sudden looks up and sees me "Well,Well If it isn't Mr.Ross Lynch.Kind of you to join us." I give her a light smile Laura turns to me and says "You look nervous.Its ok you look handsome she's going to love you.Of course she loves you your her boyfriend." She tells me and makes a nervous chuckle and looks  down "Are you okay?" I ask her lifting her head up "I'm fine really." she assures me "Hello,Ross.I would like to thank you for taking care of Laura.I can't wait to bring her home to Italy Mr. and Ms.Marano will be glad.I'm also Carly's second cousin from Italy." the guy with slick back brown hair tells me in his fresh Italian accent Laura looks back at him and smiles then looks back to me "This is Zac.We met back in Italy when I was there he became my friend." Laura explains "Don't you mean best friend come on now Laura don't be shy." he mocks me jokey that's sort of my thing I smile and slightly nod "Well it's very nice to meet you Zac and no I actually haven't seen Laura in so long but that's something for her to say." He shakes his head "Hey,Don't worry about it.Laur and I already talked." I nod and give a smile he called her 'Laur' that's also my thing What am I even doing I have Carly I'm here for her not Laura.The announcer came to the stage Carly's dad "Thank you all for coming.Hope your all enjoying yourselves.Now without further a do I give you my daughter Carly Summer Gonzales." Everyone turns to the stairs as Carly comes down I wait for her and walk her to a seat she had this floral pink high low dress and heals with her hair perfectly curled "You look pretty." I push in her chair she smiles at me "Thanks.Stay with me Ross." I shrug and take a seat across from her it would be no use going back to the table anyway Zac is probably showering Laura with his Italian ways.I playfully roll my eyes I feel Carly touch my hand "Hey.You okay?" She asks me with a concern look I smile "Don't worry about me this is your night I'm okay I promise." she nods "Okay." Just then a slow song starts to play around and see I Laura and Zac dancing together his hands on her waist  twirling her in his arms I can't help but have this feeling inside of me I just can't believe I lost her to him.Carly calls me letting me out of my thoughts "Ross!" I shake my head and move around "Y-yeah W-what?" I put my hand on my forehead and sigh Carly shakes her hand "It's obvious somethings bothering you.Its Laura and Zac isn't it?" she asks I shake my head and nervously hesitate "N-O W-why would you say that?" I nervously chuckle "Ross you can't hide it.I know you to well you still love her don't you?" she softy asks and looks down "I-I don't know.Carls,I love you and you know that I really don't know what I'm feeling right now but I just want you to know that when she wasn't their these past four years have been a pain and your the person who made it better.Maybe all I need to do is let it out.Come on let's go dance." I take her hand and we both head to the dance floor we start to dance she puts her hands on my shoulders and I put my hands on her waist "I just want to make sure your okay." she pulls me into a hug and we share a kiss.I look over at Laura and Zac she looks happy I'm glad she's happy I am to."I promise you that no matter what happens nothing will happen to us.Happy birthday."I tell Carly as I wiser in her ear and hold her close. Maybe I am ready to move on and let what's past go.

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