Chapter10:Bad News.

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AN:The month is now August Rydel and Laura are both okay and Ross and Laura are a happy couple.R5 found a new drummer to replace Ellington.Everything's in place they way that they should be or so they thought.
Laura's POV:Today was such a wonderful day with the Lynch's Ross took me out on our first date in a long time with was just as amazing as the day before.I love him so much.Right now Ross is dropping me off at the hotel where me and Ness are staying at."So I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him "Yeah,Bye Laur." he tells me and kisses my cheek "Bye,Rossy." I say back to him I laugh he hates it when I call him that "I told you not to call me that." he puts a pouty face I laugh we hug.After that he leaves I go up to the hotel room."Hey,Ness." I tell my big sister "Laura,Where were you? I have been worried." She tells me "relax Ness I was with Ross." she nods and smiles at me "Laura,Theirs something I want to talk to you about." I give her a concern look "sit here." She pats on the bed I sit next to her "What about?" I asks she takes a deep breath "Laura their is no easy for me to say this.We are going back to Italy on Friday." As soon as she said that my heart sank I was out of shock "You're kidding right?" I ask her she shakes her head I feel tears come down my eyes "Ness,I'm happy here.I want to stay here."she pulls me into a hug I hug her tight "I know you do.But Laura you need to finish college and not to mention all of our families are there missing us." she points out "I have family here.The Lynch's, Ross they are my family to I can't just leave them."I cry harder "I'm sorry Laura but we have to go Mom and Dad are there to I don't want them to worry." I shake me head "I'm not going!" I shout "Laura Marie Marano you do not talk to me like that! Yes you are going and there's nothing you can do.Vanessa tells me strictly I go into the other bed that had a door and slammed it.I can't believe her! How can she expect me to throw away my life here? I love my life here! My life in Italy was hell.I missed Ross so much and I cried so much every night because I missed him.Now she wants me to throw the relationship I have with him and be miserable again! Wait I have Ross.Maybe that's what I need a good talk with my loving boyfriend.Tomorrow I'll talk to him he always knows how to make me feel better maybe that's what I need.I go into my bed put my hair in a bun and close my eyes.I will find a way to stay if it's the last thing I do.

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