Chapter 5:Break up.

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Ross's POV:I can't believe I did this! And out of all people I kissed Mia! Mia! Now Laura's never going to forgive me.I lost her for good.I pack my stuff and start walking to my car.I bump into this girl but not just any girl Laura.She tried to run away but I grabbed her wrist."Let.Go." she demands "Not until you let me explain." I tell her and turn her around to face me."Their is nothing for you to explain Ross." I look at her eyes they are all red from crying I really broke her."Laur she kissed me-"I started to say she cuts me off "She might of kissed but what hurts me is that you kissed back."she says softly and hurt.Her words get to me that's right I kissed back.She walks past me I grab her wrists again "I have nothing else to say to you." With that she throws the sliver neckless I gave her on our first date at me."Laur wait! What about us!?" She turns around "We were never friends and their was never an "Us".She snaps at me and gets in her car and drives away.What did I do to deserve this? What did I do to let the girl of my dreams go? What did I do to lose my best friend.

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