How dare she.

Just before she prounced i ran then I jumped in front of him and tackled her to the ground. His face was right away shocked.

"You bitch get off me!" She yelled.

" How dare you slap him!!! HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO YOU YOU FREAKING WHORE!!!" I shouted punching her in the face.

She flipped me over and started pulling my hair.

"He broke up with me. And i can see he's your mate. Its a shame i got him in my bed before you did" She smirked.

That put me over the edge...

I grabbed her hand and flipped her over me. Her body slamming againest the pavement. I twisted her arm and held her hand striaght.

"Bitch challenge me one more time and youll never be able to hold a pom pom ever again" I hissed.

I looked at her face. Evil still evident. Like my mother said. When trying to hurt someone do it while looking into there eyes. And dont stop until, they are practically begging you with there eyes. Be merciless. But that wasnt me. Her eyes were brown again. Her face loosened. Fear glued to her features.

 I still wanted to hurt her. But with her face quivering in fear and, her human features, i just couldnt do it. It would be like killing humans. And that was againest everything i stand for. I let go and she ran away. My contacts were blue again.  I started breathing softer. I turn to see Jared. His smile was forced.

Scared of what I could do. My tears formed slowly.

"Cherlly..." He whispered, seeing my upset face.

He's afrid of me.

I shook my head turned and ran away.. I never thought of myself as a killer until now. I almost broke the hands off of my own kind. And in front of the person who could never turn away from me. No matter how much we hate/love each other. I ran right into the trees. He started running after me. I ran so fast past trees bearly missing them by a inch.

 I heard feet pounding behind me. How could he even look at me the same again? I mean i was horrible. I almsot killed one of my own, because i was angry. What if he makes me angry and i try and hurt him. I would never forgive myself. Next thing i know I was pinned againest a tree.

"Stop running away. You have to much stamania for me to catch up" He growled putting his forehead to mine.

I sunk in front of him. I didnt want him near me. I could seriously hurt him. And i dont want that. He wrapped his arms around me waist not letting me fall to hard on the ground. When i pushed him away he just kept shaking his head and hugging me to his chest. I was hysetrical by then.

"Im a k-killer" I said stuttering.

"No Cherlly. It was a breakdown. You are not a killer. If anything she would have killed me" He said honestly shaking his head.

"And then I would have killed her. Jar you should stay with her. Im dangerous. Us togther would make me nervous everyday" I said honestly still trying to push him away.

"So you do care..." he trailed off, dogdeing my hands.

" Jar ive always cared" I said giving up and trying to get away from him.

He was here to stay.He toke my hands and put them on his chest. He placed his hand over mine.

"Do you feel that?"

I nodded.

"My heartbeat?"

I nodded once more.

Why do I love you? (COMPLETED!!! In editing process)Where stories live. Discover now