It's okay blondie -Chapter 64

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I'm sorry for freaking you out guys! So here's an early update to say sorry. Here you go, I'm so mean.

~3rd person~ 

Cody and Thory both shot up in their bed, snapping back to reality. They noticed that they were both awake now.

~Cody's POV~ 

"I had this totally weird and scary nightmare" I started, Thory was awake too. "Yeah, me too" She muttered, not fully awake yet and her voice a bit hoarse. "Bella shot you and you died" I sighed. "I had the same nightmare!" She gasped. "But this one was different from other nightmares. It felt so real, the pain, the emotions, it felt real" We said in unision.

"I'm a bit scared Cody. What if she tries to kill me again?" "She won't. I'll be here to protect you" I kissed the top of her head. She smiled to herself and turned around, facing me. "Thanks Codes" She pecked my lips. I tried to fall asleep again but it wasn't easy. I kept thinking about that nightmare, we both had the exact same one. And the pain felt so real. Maybe that's what it's about, my biggest fear is losing her. Nightmares represent fears right?

~Thory's POV~ 

I tried to fall asleep again but it wasn't easy. I kept thinking about that nightmare, we both had the exact same one. And the pain felt so real. Maybe that's what it's about, my biggest fear is not being able to be with Cody. Nightmares represent fears right?

I opened twitter -I haven't been on there in ages- on my iPhone and saw lots of tweets. I ignored the hate and saw lots of sweet 'Get well soon' tweets. I also saw that #SupportThory was now trending, and has been for a week or two. I also saw that Cody tweeted something last night. I read the tweet,

'@CodySimpson: Back together with my girl. I love you baby @HeyItsThory'

Aww, I retweeted, favourited and replied,

' '@CodySimpson: Back together with my girl. I love you baby @HeyItsThory' I love you too Simpson(:'

I put my phone away and waited till I fell asleep.

~Morning 7am~ 

"Morning princess" Cody whispered before kissing me softly on the cheek. I pretended to be still asleep because this bed was just so comfy. "I know that you're awake" He chuckled. I smiled, my eyes still closed. I rolled over to my other side and faked some snoring sounds. "I guess I'll just have to tickle you until you're awake then" Cody sighed, teasing me.

I felt him coming closer, almost lying on top of me, his hands ready to tickle my side, my weak spot. "I wouldn't do that if I were you Simpson. If you do it, I'm not responsible for your injuries" I spoke, eyes still closed. He started singing quietly, only for me to hear, "Hey there pretty blue eyes, what'cha doing later tonight? Mind if I spend time with you?".

I opened my eyes and rested my hand on the back of his neck. (Yes only one, cast, remember) "There are those pretty blue eyes" He winked. I pulled him down and kissed him passionately, only to be flipped over after a few seconds. After a few minutes of making out, I stood up and went to Alli's room to get some clothes. I changed and went to the diningroom, only to see Brad making eggs and bacon, yum.

"As much as I would love to stay for breakfast, I have to go back to our hotel" I said as I walked to the door. I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist, Cody's. He picked me up carefully, so he wouldn't hurt me because of my arm, and placed me on a chair. "Sit down, you're not going anywhere soon" He smirked. "Ooh, kidnapping me huh? What's next, rape?" I raised an eyebrow as I laughed a bit.

"It's not kidnapping if it isn't against your will, same with rape" Cody whispered in my ear and winked at me. Oh damn, I can't believe he just said that. "I'm not having sex until after marriage" I whispered back, hoping he would stop now. "Let's get married soon then aye" He winked again. I should've seen this coming -.-

I giggled. He spoke a little louder now as he looked me dead in the eye, "No Thory, I'm serious". I didn't know what to say at that moment, I love him but getting married? Oh well, he proposed before and I said yes back then. So why would I say no now? I looked around and saw that everybody was off to the livingroom and Cody and I were alone now.

I turned my head back to Cody and saw that he was on one knee now. Oh no, not again. I'm gonna cry. He took my hand, the one of the arm that wasn't in a cast, and kissed my knuckles softly. "Thory NoMiddleName Brouns," He started. I giggled, I don't have a middle name but I didn't think he would actually say it, like that.

"Yeah, I know that you don't like that last name, but that's your official one so yeah, you know". I giggled again at his cuteness. I can't believe he's actually doing this, again. "But if you want, we can change that last name of yours soon" He smiled.

"You're not only my girlfriend but also my bestfriend. And from the moment I met you, I wanted to make you mine. There was just some sort of chemistry between us, that kind of chemistry that people call love. And even though people tried to pull us apart, love never failed on us. Yeah, we had our ups and downs, but we never stopped loving each other"

"People said that we're too young to know what true love is, that we're too young to know about forever. But we will prove those people wrong, we will prove that our love is real, and that we'll stick together no matter what. Yeah, it will be difficult when I'm on tour and you have school in Belgium and stuff, but we'll figure something out" At this moment the tears started to well up in my eyes, damn it Cody, stop it stop it stop it.

"Please let me prove it to you, let me prove that we are able to keep what we have. Please let me prove that we are able to start a family and raise our children. Please let me prove it all to you by saying yes and marrying me?"

"Yes Cody, I will" He jumped up from the floor and hugged me. "Owie, my arm" "Sorry babe, I'm so sorry" "It's okay blondie" I giggled. "Hey! You're blonde too!" "No shit Sherlock?" I laughed. He grabbed my waist and pulled me a little closer, biting his lip he looked into my eyes, at my lips, and finally back at my eyes. He cupped my face and kissed me in that special way only he could.

We both pulled away, smiling like fools. "Oh! Wait a second!" I said, running to where I left my purse. I grabbed a small box from the bottom of my purse and gave it to Cody. "Go ahead" I said. With a confused expression on his face he opened the box and his lips curled into a smile as soon as he noticed what was inside.

He gently put the necklace around my neck and kissed my soft spot, causing me to moan quietly. He grabbed the ring and put it on me. "There you go my lady" He smiled. "Thanks Codes" "Can I ask you something?" "Sure" "Why did you carry those with you?" "Well uhm, I always carry them with me. I don't really know why though. I guess I always hoped to run into you and everything being okay again" I sighed.

"Well is it?" "No, it's not". Cody frowned a bit, not expecting that answer. "Everything is perfect" I pecked his cheek. "I have to go now!" I shouted so everyone would hear. They walked in, gave me a hug and then I was ready to go back. I gave Cody a goodbye kiss. "Get a room!" Alli laughed. I giggled and waved at everyone. I walked back to my hotel and hugged my mom. I told her everything and she was happy for me, confused, but happy.

You there! Reader! Yes you! You must think I'm crazy huh? Being back together for not even a day and then saying yes to his proposal. You must think I'm a slut huh? Well whatever. If you do think so, well eff you then. If you don't, thanks for understanding reader, you're kind and sweet. It's just, do you know how true love really feels? I can't really describe it, but when I'm with Cody I just. I don't even know, I just love him so much. And you know what? True love isn't easy, but must be fought for. Because once you find it, it can never be replaced. And ladies and gentlemen, I found true love, I know that now. *applause* 


Hey Panda's! What do you think about all this? Hate it? Well eff you then.. Love it? YAY! I love you. I really do. Vote and comment, kay? Kay. Bye

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