Goodmorning -Chapter 48

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I woke up because of a text I received.

Sam x: 'Goodmorning sunshine x'

I smiled as I stood up and opened my curtains. I exited my room and set the table for myself so I could eat. I was about to sit down when I heard the doorbell. Who would come to our house at 8 am? I put on my bathrobe and walked to the hallway. I opened the door and immediately hugged the person. It was Sam, of course.

"Not that I don't like seeing you but uhm, what are you doing here so early?" I asked, clearly confused. "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast but I don't know where the bakery is" He answered. I giggled a little. "That's sweet. Come in, I was just about to eat since I only just woke up" I motioned for him to step inside, wich he did.

I looked at myself. Oh my God, I was still in pj's and my hair was still messy. "Did you have breakfast yet?" I asked while walking to the diningroom, Sam following behind me.

"Nope. I was actually hoping I could eat breakfast together with you" "Okay, but excuse my messiness. I just woke up so I'm still in pj's and my hair's a mess too. I have to shower anyways"

"Even when you wake up, without any make-up, I'm in love" He sang and smiled. He had a lot of confidence lately, I wondered why that was. Wow, his voice is so beautiful when he sings. But wait a sec, he was singing Got Me Good.. By Cody Simpson.. Damn it, everything led me back to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" He started, worry filling up in his eyes. "No, it's okay" I cut him off. "You're a fan, I understand" I gave him a reassuring smile. I walked to the kitchen to grab an extra plate and knife for Sam. I put it down on the table and sat down. "Oh wait, want some water?" I asked while standing back up. "Yes please" He answered polite. I walked to the kitchen and stood in front of the cupboard.

The glasses were standing on a quite high shelve and I am pretty small so I stood on my tippytoes to try and reach the glasses. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms 'round my waist, hugging me from behind. "Need some help?" Sam whispered in my ear and lifted me up before I could answer. I grabbed a glass and he put me back down. I turned around to face him. "Thanks" I blushed. I walked past him, to the diningroom, and put the glass down. I walked back to the kitchen, grabbed a water bottle, then walked back to the diningroom and poured some water in our glasses.

We sat down and had breakfast together. Afterwards I put all the dishes in the sink. "Is it okay if I go shower now?" I asked Sam. "Yes of course. I'll just stay here and watch some tv" He answered as he sat down on the couch. I entered our bathroom and put my iPod on shuffle.

I stepped in the shower and just let the water stream down on me. It felt so refreshing and yet so warm. Not Just You was playing. Stop reminding me of Cody! Please stop, please.. I collapsed in the bathtub and started crying. How could he do this to me? Why did he kiss her? I thought he loved me.. I thought he was the one.. You probably think I'm a pethatic little baby now, starting to cry when I hear a Cody song. As I was crying, I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Thory, are you okay?" Sam shouted to get over the noise of the water running and me crying. "Y- yeah. I- I'm fine" I stuttered as I tried to raise my voice so it would be louder than all the noise. "Are you sure?" He shouted again. "Yeah, I'm sure" I shouted back as I wiped away my tears. I turned the water off and grabbed my towel as I stepped out of the shower. Oh shoot, I forgot to bring my clothes. Dammit.

"Uh, Sam?" I said, peeking only my head through the bathroomdoor. "Yeah?" I heard him say. I looked down, and there he was, sitting on the ground. Exactly on the spot where Cody sat when he was creeping on me when I was showering (chapter 9). I giggled a bit at the thought. "Could you get some clothes for me please?" I awkwardly asked. "Sure, in your closet in your room right?" "Yup. And could you uhm, bring me some underwear too please?" Wow, this was even awkwarder. Wait, is that even a word? I don't think so. But I don't care, you understand what I meant, that's all that matters.

"Sure" He chuckled. "What kind of underwear and clothes?" He asked. "I don't really care. Just pick something" I smiled. "Aight, I'll be right back" He said as he started walking to my room. I closed the bathroomdoor again. Look at me, forgetting my clothes, being the awkward potato I am, again.

After a while, Sam knocked on the door. "I got your clothes" He smiled as I opened the door. I grabbed them and flashed him a smile "Thanks". He kept standing there, just smiling at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I chuckled. "Because I've never seen such a special girl like you before" He explained. "You're such a weirdo" I giggled while hitting him playfully on the chest. "Ouch Thory, that hurt my feelings" He joked as he put his hand over the place where his heart is.

"Oh poor baby. Now go, I gotta change" I laughed. He nodded and walked back to the livingroom. He's such a wonderful boy. I smiled to myself as I turned around and closed the bathroom behind me.

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