Hangin With The Simpson's? -Chapter 3

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He was right, I did love it. I was so excited to hang with him. I was just staring into nothing when he suddenly interrupted me. "So... You live here in Belgium, right?"He asked me "Yeah, I do" I answered. "What do you wanna do now?" He asked, smiling. "Meet your parents and Alli and Tommy" I replied, also smiling. "They already saw you, you know" He laughed. "Oh no! You got to be kidding me? They saw me like this?!"

I asked, panicking. I look like crap, really. "Yes" He said. "They saw you being beautiful" He winked. I looked down quickly to hide that I was blushing. I was smiling like a fool. But he saw it anyways. "Don't hide that gorgeous smile of yours" He said while smiling at me. That made me blush even more.

"Let's go to your family" I said, trying to make an end to this awkward moment. "Okay, let's go" He said. He threw his arm around my shoulder and lead me to the bus his family was in. "His arm is around me!!" I thought to myself while screaming of excitement (also in my head of course, wouldn't wanna go all fangirl at him).

We got in the bus. Alli, Tom and Angie ran up to me and hugged me. I was a bit surprised but happy to know they cared about me. "Hey Thory, are you okay?" Alli asked. I looked at Cody who had his hands on my hips. I smirked at him and looked back at Alli. "I am thanks to your brother" Alli smiled and so did I. Cody blushed. "Are you blushing Coco?" Tommy said. "No" Cody said while looking away, still blushing. "Yes you are Curdy!" Alli said in her thick Australian accent. She was laughing. "I think Coco is in love!" Tommy yelled. Cody blushed again. "I am not" He said, still trying to hide his face from me. Brad coughed slightly to let us know they were still here too. Alli and I laughed. "Hi, I'm Angie and this is my husband Brad" Angie said, shaking my hand and then hugging me, Brad did the same. "Oh I know" I said. Oh crap, that sounded so wrong. I'm not a creep or anything! "That sounded wrong, I'm not a creep. Just .. Angel all the way" I said, blushing of embarrassement. Everybody laughed except me. I felt so ashamed of what I've said.

"I'm Tom, but you can call me Tommy" Tommy said, winking at me. I smiled at him. "Watch out Cody, your little brother is gonna steal away your girl" Matt said while laughing. "She's not my girl" Cody said blushing. "Yet" He mumbled. "What was that?" Alli asked, already knowing the answer. She just wanted to tease him. "I'm Matt, Cody's manager" Matt said. "I know" I said smiling. "Well, I'm Thory" I said, introducing myself. "We know" They all said together, laughing.

"Matt, can I have the day off?" Cody asked. "Sure" Matt replied. "So, did your mom call yet, honey?" Angie asked me. "Yup" I said, popping the p. "And what did she say?" "She had to go help a friend, I can stay with you guys all day. If that's alright with you and your husband, Mrs. Simpson" "Of course sweetie. And call me Angie please" She replied. I smiled at her and nodded. "Mom, dad, can Thory and I go hang out?" Cody asked his parents. "Sure thing" Brad said. "But take Alli with you" Angie said, finishing Brad's sentence.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Cody asked Alli and I. "Let's go meet Thory's friends!!" Alli yelled of excitement. "If that's okay with the lady it's okay with me" Cody said, smiling at me. "Uhm.. Sure" I said, cracking a smile. "I'll text or call them and ask them if they wanna come to my house. Good?" I partly told them, partly asked them. "Okay!" Alli said.

I called Aurélie, my best friend, first.

"Hey Aurélie!" "Hey! Thory?" "Guessed right!" I giggled. "Why are you calling me on the middle of the day? I thought you were at Cody's concert?" Cody smirked "Shh, be quite" I whispered while putting a finger on my lip, doing the shut-up-sign. "Who were you talking to?" Aurélie asked. "No one. Just.. My cat.." Cody laughed but quitely. "Oh okay. So why are you calling me?" "Are you free? Come to my house in about an hour or so" "Uhm, okay I guess.. But why?" "You'll see. Just come over. Gotta go. See ya!" "Okay" And with that I hung up.

"So, is she coming?" Cody asked. "Yes, she is" I replied. I then texted Tanne and Tess.

Thory: "Hey girlies!! Are you free? Come to my house in about an hour or so. Here's the adress: \Thory's adress/ No questions! Just come to my house! Kisses, Thory."

I quickly got a reply from Tess.

Tess: "Uhm, okay.. We'll see ya then I guess x"

Thory: "Yes you will :) see ya x"

"Tanne and Tess are coming too!" I informed Alli and Cody. "Alright!" Alli yelled, still excited. Gosh, what drugs was she on?!

We told their parents where we were going and I texted my mom to tell her too. She quickly replied.

Mom: "Okay Toto, nice of Alli that she wants to meet your friends :) but don't stay in your room with the door closed when only you and Cody are in it ;) have fun xx"

I blushed as I read it because Alli and Cody were reading it too. Cody was blushing too and Alli.. Well, Alli did as Alli always does in situations like this, wich is laugh at us.

"This. Is. Hilarious." She said while taking my phone out of my hands. I saw she started replying on my mom's text.

Thory: "I'll keep an eye on Thory and my brother, Ms. Celis. Kisses, Alli."

We all laughed while Cody and I were still blushing. We quickly got a reply from my mom.

Mom: "Why thank you Alli. And call me Francine :) x"

Alli replied.

Thory: "You're more then welcome Francine. I don't trust them haha. I trust Thory, I just don't trust my brother :p"

I laughed while reading it. Cody just stood there, staring at the ground, blushing. "Let's hit the road!" Alli yelled, ending the awkward silence. Matt took us to my house.

We went into my room and I told them my plan.

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