- Last chance - SeokHao -

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- Minghao top -

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- Minghao top -


Seokmin and Minghao have been a couple for a few years now, but even though they're in this relationship, no one inside or outside the group knows about it - only they do - and it's starting to make Minghao deeply sick and angry.

Today, the members are in the practice room, training for their new comeback, but Minghao isn't into it at all, his mind is completely elsewhere, he doesn't necessarily feel well, and to recharge his batteries he decides to go and take Seokmin in his arms, who, like the members, doesn't really know what's going on, but he lets Minghao do as he pleases.

After a few minutes spent like this, Seokmin ends up telling the others that he needs to speak with Minghao, alone, to see what's going on, even if he honestly knows why his younger is reacting like this, given what's happened so far.

Once they're out of each other's sight, Seokmin literally bursts into tears, because he knows what's going on deep down in his lover's mind, and it really hurts.

Minghao sighs heavily, then takes the older man in his arms, strokes his back and stares blankly to avoid crying.

" I'm sorry Hao, I'm a bad boyfriend. I know you're angry about yesterday..."

" I'm not angry."

Seokmin gently raises his gaze to Minghao and the youngster smiles at him before pressing his lips against the dark-haired man's. The exchange is sweet but has a terrible aftertaste, which is why the black-haired man automatically backs away.

" Seokmin-ah "

" I really don't like it when you call me that."

" Let's take a break. I can't take this situation anymore. I need to focus on myself again and I think we need to think things through on our own."

The older man shakes his head and holds on to the younger man's jacket, but for the latter the decision is made and he won't go back on it, he makes Seokmin let go of him and he re-enters the practice room.

All the members look at him and Soonyoung and Seungkwan, not seeing Seokmin come back, decide to go and see for themselves the boy's condition. In just a few seconds, the youngest member of BooSeokSoon re-enters the room and grabs Minghao's wrist with a lot of anger.

" Are you serious ? Why are you doing this ? Why are you making Seokmin cry ? It's always..."

" For fuck's sake, leave me alone, will you ? It's complicated enough as it is so there's no need to add to it. "

" He's suffering because of you."

" So what ? I'm suffering too, just because I don't show it doesn't mean my heart isn't break into a million of pieces right now."

Minghao sighs and gets Seungkwan to let go of him, then walks out of the room, deciding to leave the agency and walk quietly to think about something else and clear his head.

It's not until late at night that he returns to the agency, everyone seems to be in bed, except for one person whom he finds in the kitchen, obviously Seokmin.

Seeing the younger boy, the older one puts down his glass of water on the worktop and runs over to Minghao. Once he reaches him, he wraps his arms around the boy's neck and starts kissing his boyfriend.

Minghao pushes him away gently but keeps Seokmin in his arms, sighs audibly and puts back the strands of his boyfriend's hair, then puts back his own hair afterwards.

" Please Hao, give me one last chance. "

" One last chance ? "

" One more chance that will be the last. "

" One more chance ? What are you talking about ? "

" Let me find you through this last chance that I can be the best boyfriend possible. I don't want this break, I want you."

" Walking it felt good and I think we can give each other one more chance, and you want me in what way ? "

Minghao smiles and Seokmin returns to kiss him, this time the younger man doesn't break off the exchange, but deepens it by inserting his tongue into his boyfriend's mouth.

Without even realizing it, Seokmin begins to undulate his body against that of his lover, who, when he feels his budding erection rubbing against Seokmin's, grunts with pleasure and envy.

Slowly he slides his hands up his boyfriend's ass, and his boyfriend gets the message. He jumps up and lets his boyfriend carry him to his bedroom. Minghao opens the bedroom door with his foot and closes it again with his foot.

He sets his boyfriend down on his bed and then stands over the boy, his and Seokmin's clothes quickly ending up on the floor and the older boy's body automatically filled with purplish marks.

Obviously all this, all these actions make Seokmin groan and he arches his pelvis in happiness, when he feels Minghao coming to titillate his places together.

" Put your belly against the mattress, baby.

" Hum ~"

Minghao slowly straightens up and lets his boyfriend change his position, once the young man is in the position Minghao wants and desires the boy smiles, he traces his elder's spine with his tongue and lightly rubs his crotch against Seokmin's entrance.

" Hao ~ please stop playing ! Make love to me. "

" So needy and whiny ~"

" Hum ! Please Hao... stop, I'm hurting too... "

" Okay stop begging, we'll go through stages, no preparation no protection just penetration."

" Hao ! Don't say it like that."

Minghao bursts out laughing and tells his boyfriend he's going in, Seokmin simply nods and lets out a long moan of pleasure when he feels the younger man inside him.

Quickly the adjustment is made, and Seokmin asks his boyfriend to move so he does, the room so silent before is quickly filled with moans, sounds of wet kisses, clipped breaths and sweet words.

When he senses that he's nearing his end, Minghao grabs Seokmin's crotch and moves back and forth along its length, continuing his thrusts into Seokmin's prostate. Soon both men are coming at the same time and a long moan of pleasure escapes Seokmin's mouth as he feels his boyfriend pulling out of him.

The younger man goes off to clean his hand in the bathroom and Seokmin, with what little energy he has left, puts on a long T-shirt and underwear. When Minghao returns from the bathroom, he does the same as his boyfriend, puts on a long tee-shirt and underwear, then goes to Seokmin's side in bed.

" I promise I won't waste this last chance you're giving me Minghao."

" I sincerely hope I haven't made the wrong choice in giving our love story a second chance, but I love you so much that even if I suffer so be it."

" I assure you I won't make you suffer again. From now on, you'll come first, Kwan, I assure you.."

Minghao smiles gently and places a chaste kiss on his lover's forehead, now that the whole situation has been cleared up, everything should go more smoothly between them.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

SharminAkter455147 Here your request I hope you like it !

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