- JiHanCheol - Forget -

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( For the person who wanted this )


It's been a good hour since Seungcheol should have gone home to spend the evening with his two lovers, but he still hasn't returned. No, Joshua and Jeonghan aren't the type to make rules for the older boy, it's just that they'd normally planned for the three of them to spend the evening together to celebrate Seungcheol's birthday properly, The two youngest even baked a cake together while Seungcheol was out with Chan, his best friend, and had told their boyfriend he could come back around eight o'clock, although that time is long past now.

Joshua and Jeonghan are settled on their sofa in the living room, and they can't stop looking at the time. The blond has his head resting on the black-haired man's shoulder, and sometimes he places a multitude of kisses on Joshua's neck, but the young American quickly stops him, causing Jeonghan to sulk.

" Stop making that adorable little pout, Angel. You know very well what happens when you go too far."

" I want to do it. I want us to do it, it's been a long time. "

" We're waiting for Seungcheol and you'll see that you'll be able to do it with him."

Jeonghan sighed, he'd wanted to do it with Joshua but apparently the younger man didn't see it that way, he looked at the clock again and was really fed up with the situation.

" Bambi, I'm going to go take a shower I'm sick of waiting, you know what to do if he comes back. "

" Hm, don't worry Angel, he'll get his punishment. "

Joshua smiles wryly a little bit and Jeonghan chuckles, places a kiss on the youngest's forehead and heads off for a shower, and not even five minutes later Seungcheol finally returns home, perfectly sober and swallowing hard when he sees the youngest looking at him with a dark look.

" Do you know what time it is ? I think you forget what we said to you."

" Sorry."

" I don't care about sorry baby, you know very well what happens when you don't listen, come here. Me and Jeonghan will make you forget the time too."

Seungcheol starts to blush and he approaches the younger man, he settles on the sofa and almost automatically Joshua comes to settle on his legs, the younger man is torrid but Seungcheol is used to it he also knows that in this kind of situation he's not allowed to move on his own and he's not allowed to touch or try to make Joshua slow down anymore it's him who leads the pace and Seungcheol has no say in the matter.

Joshua kisses him on the lips and continues to move his body against Seungcheol's, a few minutes later the two men finally come, Joshua steps back from Seungcheol and he doesn't let him catch his breath, he asks him to join Jeonghan upstairs in the shower immediately.

The older man allows himself a sigh and undresses in front of Joshua, the American smiles and watches his boyfriend head for the bathroom, but he's so tired he goes to his room, changes and goes to bed.

Seungcheol arrives in the bathroom and gets into the shower. Jeonghan smiles softly, kisses the older boy on the lips and presses his back against the shower wall.

" Joshua make you forget what time is it,  I'm going to do the same. "

" Hm ~ I'm sorry ah ~"

" We don't care about your apologies Hm ~ we asked you for one thing, one thing only ! It's not ~ complicated to do it and respect it ."

" I know but ah ~ when I'm outside our house I never look at the time."

" You're too busy with Chan mostly. You tend to forget us a lot when you're with him, are you sure you don't regret being in a relationship with us ? "

" Han ~ how could I regret that ? I love you way too much to want another person Chan and I are fucking ! Friends and that's it. He's already in a relationship and in love with his boyfriend too ! "

Jeonghan smiles at this, he gives several more strokes and finally both men end up coming in a long moan of pleasure, Jeonghan moves away from Seungcheol and he stops running the water, then he gets out of the shower, the older man also gets out and Jeonghan dries him off with a towel, he then gives him one of Joshua's sweaters and shorts and he gets dressed too.

The two lovers don't really have any energy left so they decide to join Joshua in their bed, when they enter the room they see Joshua sleeping peacefully and they can't help but smile at the sight, Jeonghan comes to take a seat next to the younger one and Seungcheol adds.

" I really love you, I assure you." Seungcheol says shyly.

" We love you too Cheol ah don't worry and we know you love us, we just wanted to spend this evening with you to celebrate your birthday. "

" We even baked a cake for you but apparently we'll eat it tomorrow."

" Aren't you asleep Shuji-ya ? "

" You know very well that I always wait to have you by my side before I fall asleep. "

" What time is it ? " Seungcheol asks.

" You don't need to know what time it is." The two youngest answer together.

Seungcheol makes a slight pout and Joshua opens his eyes, he places a kiss on his eldest's lips then turns to Jeonghan and places a kiss on his cheek, it's always been like that, kisses on the mouth are reserved only for Seungcheol and kisses in other places on the face are reserved for Jeonghan and it works the other way round, Jeonghan simply kisses Seungcheol on the lips and covers Joshua's face without touching his lips.

As for Seungcheol, well, he rarely engages the first kiss, so in a way he's just letting his two boyfriends have their way with him, and to be honest it's a situation that suits him just fine - he's happy to be living like this with the two people they love most in the world - he'd never have thought it possible, but now that they've been living like this for two years and nobody's bothered, well, he's just as happy as the two younger ones.

What's certain is that Seungcheol will now look at the clock more often when he goes out with his best friend, as he doesn't want to incur the wrath of the people he loves most in this world.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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