- ChanCheol - Truth -

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- Seungcheol top -

( For the person who wanted this ~ )

♥︎ Finally my favorite duo are back ♥︎


Seungcheol, having set things straight and especially with Chan's declaration in his head, decides to go and look for him, and soon enough finds him in the practice room, Seungcheol is not even surprised to find his precious maknae here, as the young man spends most of his time in this room. At first Seungcheol wanted to go into the room to talk with Chan, but in the end he stayed at the door to watch the younger man practice. He's perfectly aware that he's being weird, but he's always found the maknae hypnotic in his gestures; once you set eyes on him, it's impossible to take your eyes off him.

When the music ends, Seungcheol finally decides to enter the room, locking the door behind him as he senses that things are about to get out of hand. No lie, he's liked Chan for a while now, but he's always kept his feelings inside for fear that they wouldn't be reciprocated, however, now that his feelings are revealed, he won't hold back from doing what he wants.

Slowly approaching the younger boy, he wraps his arms around Chan's waist, resting his head on the boy's shoulder and running his hands quickly under the boy's sweaty shirt. The black-haired boy blinks rapidly, his heart beating extremely fast and his panic increasing as he feels Seungcheol place several small kisses on the back of his neck.

" Cheol ~ what are you doing ? "

" You want the truth Chan ? "

" What truth ? "

" I've been attracted to you for a very long time, my heart has a frantic rhythm when I'm near you, my brain thinks of nothing but you, my eyes seek nothing but to look at you.... "

" I was being sincere earlier too. The truth is I really tried to forget you with Wonwoo but it clearly didn't work - I still have feelings for you and they're growing stronger day by day."

" I'm sure even the fans have noticed that our closeness has been more and more assertive lately."

" Yes, they've noticed, but I'm in the middle of JeongCheol. "

" The truth Chan is I don't give a damn about Jeonghan, I mean, he's my friend and that's that, and that's fine. Besides, he's got Joshua and I've got you."

Chan smiles softly, his cheeks tinged slightly red and slowly Seungcheol lets go of Chan, he takes him by the shoulders and turns him towards him, without hesitating any longer he finally places his lips on the younger man's and moves him back to the room's mirror, Chan's back is pressed against it and his whole body shivers with pleasure, Seungcheol's hands are active on his body and soon they reach the level of his ass.

When the older man gently squeezes them, Chan moans and Seungcheol takes the opportunity to insert his tongue into the younger man's mouth, their two pink muscles play together and Chan feels the ecstasy rising up inside him, his body on fire like Seungcheol's. The older man stops kneading Chan's buttocks and slowly moves his hands to the button of the boy's pants.

" Chan, the truth is I don't want to stop here. Shall we go further ? "

" Hum ~ do me good Cheollie-hyung ~"

Seungcheol smiles softly, places kisses on Chan's neck and removes the boy's pants and underwear at the same time, quickly lowering his kisses and when his face reaches the boy's swollen crotch he looks up. Chan with his lust-filled gaze nods to tell Seungcheol he can do it and the leader smiles, he starts by simply placing a few kisses on Chan's base then after time he sticks out his tongue, licks a little of Chan's length and when he hears his maknae grunt he stops playing and takes the younger boy in his mouth.

The eldest doesn't hesitate any longer, he moves his head forward and back to suck the whole length of Chan, the youngest grunts as he runs his hands through his elder's hair, then when he feels he's nearing his end he pulls on the boy's hair but the leader doesn't stop, he continues to suck his maknae until it comes in his mouth.

The youngest doesn't take long to come in a long moan of pleasure, the leader withdraws his mouth and then with a slight smirk he swallows all he had in his mouth then takes the water bottle from his maknae and drinks to wash down the taste a little.

" Am I dreaming or did you just swallow ? "

" You're not dreaming it's the first time I've done this and for some reason it doesn't bother me, and I feel my body has accepted it easily. "

" Don't do it again though, it's a bit disgusting."

Seungcheol chuckles softly and comes back to Chan, putting his underwear and pants back on and returning to kiss him gently on the lips. Chan obviously accepts the kiss and puts his hands in the older boy's hair, the leader places his hands on the younger boy's ass and after a few minutes the two boys back away from each other breathless.

" Will you be my boyfriend Channie-ya ? "

" Obviously you're clearly the one and only to have been allowed to do this. Wonwoo already tried to do it, but I refused."

" And with me you agreed."

" You'd prefer me to push you away when I have feelings for you ? It's not logical Cheollie-hyung. "

Chan chuckles slowly and Seungcheol's heart melts with tenderness at the soft laughter, slowly he moves away from his boyfriend and takes his hand, interlacing his fingers with Chan's and nodding, the maknae nods and the two lovers leave for the door, Seungcheol takes the key and unlocks the door and the two boys leave the room.

They quickly join the living room and see Jun and Minghao about to do it, Seungcheol places a hand over Chan's eyes and he coughs slightly Minghao pushes Jun away with his cheeks on fire.

" What did I say guys ? The living room couch is no place to do it."

" Sorry hyung we got carried away by our emotions plus we were all alone."

" I understand, but where are the others ? "

" Jeonghan and Joshua disappeared just after you left, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Vernon and Seungkwan are doing four-way stuff that doesn't even surprise me. And Seokmin I think went to see Jungkook sunbae to keep him company poor him he's been lonely since Taehyung sunbae left for military service. Jungkook sunbae want his boyfriend back or want to join him quickly. "

Seungcheol nods and thanks Jun for the information, he takes Chan with him and the two lovers set about preparing the evening meal for the other members, obviously teasing each other and playing a lot together, they're really happy to finally be able to be a couple and act like one freely.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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