- Hip hop team + DK - Stupid -

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- Top HHT ( Hip Hop Team ) -

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

- Top HHT ( Hip Hop Team ) -

( For the person who wanted this ! )


Since he wasn't very rich, his parents decided to marry him off to four different wealthy men, obviously the men in question don't know this and think they're the one and only in Seokmin's eyes, but one thing that really bothers Seokmin's husbands is that he disappears for three weeks before coming back, and while at first they didn't pay much attention to this, now they're really confused to see Seokmin away for so long.

Today and for the whole week, Seokmin is in the house of her first husband, who is Wonwoo, the first man she married and she feels relatively comfortable with him, even if sometimes Wonwoo is jealous he is never violent verbally and even less physically.

Wonwoo is slightly cold and Seokmin can't figure out what's going on. He comes and sits on his eldest's legs while the latter is on the sofa, kisses him on the lips and moves his pelvis against the older man's, but the latter doesn't react. For him, there's only one thing going through his mind: My husband is cheating on me.

So he pushes Seokmin away and, in a fit of anger, lays the younger man down on the sofa and sits on top of him. Unlike usual, he's very aggressive, his jealousy rising and he's quite violent, his gestures are abrupt and Seokmin finds it hard to understand - of course he wants to do it with Wonwoo, he's the one who wanted it in the first place - but given the way the older man is acting, he doesn't particularly want to.

That's why, after several minutes, he doesn't come when Wonwoo does and quickly abandons his husband on the sofa to take a shower. Seokmin, stunned, decides to grab his clothes and run out of the house, joining his second husband.

Of course, when Vernon hears the front door of his house open, he's still puzzled, but he's even more surprised to see his husband here in front of him, so he gently drops his knife and fork and goes to take his husband in his arms, Seokmin doesn't speak and he returns the younger man's embrace, Vernon finally pulls the older man away from him and analyzes his husband's neck.

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