- WooKwan - Drunk -

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- Top : Wonwoo -

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- Top : Wonwoo -

( kfangirlyahh Here your request hope your going to enjoy it ! )


At the moment, the members of Seventeen are celebrating the promotion of their new album, and they're all having a few drinks. Some of them feel that things are going a bit too far, so they stop and go to bed, but Wonwoo and Seungkwan stay a little longer to drink, as they don't yet feel the fatigue building up inside them.

When Seungkwan gets ready to go back to his room, which he shares with Vernon, he comes across the young man and another member who seems to be Mingyu. The two boys are asleep and completely naked, the younger one's head is on the older one's chest, and Seungkwan, not wanting to disturb the two sleeping boys, decides to leave, Since Mingyu is here, Wonwoo, who shares a room with Mingyu, must be alone in his room at the moment, so Seungkwan decides to go.

When he enters Wonwoo's room, the older one is changing, and the younger one is marvelling at his elder's body. When Wonwoo turns to him, he smiles wryly as he sees that his younger brother is speechless, and slowly approaches him, pressing Seungkwan's back against the now locked bedroom door.

" You like what you see, don't you ? " Wonwoo asks gently, letting his fingers slide down the younger man's body.

Seungkwan swallows hard and his eyes come to rest on Wonwoo's lips. The older man notices this, so without hesitation he comes to kiss the younger, the exchange is clearly soft and pleasant until Wonwoo slips his tongue into the younger's mouth.

The kiss now becomes fiery and messy, the elder craves more and when he feels Seungkwan's crotch against his knee he understands that he's not the only one who wants more, so without leaving Seungkwan's lips he carries the boy and deposits him on the bed in the room, then positions himself above him and starts to undo Seungkwan's clothes.

Once Seungkwan's shirt is on the floor, Wonwoo takes the opportunity to lick his younger son's skin, then lets his hands undo and remove the rest of the young man's clothes. Little by little, no clothes are left between them, and Wonwoo quickly tells the younger man that he's off to pick up some useful things for later.

Seungkwan nods, puts his belly against the mattress and waits, after a few minutes he feels a body mass on him, and he also feels cold fingers coming to trace his spine, shivers run down the smallest's spine and a slight moan escapes his mouth as he feels a first finger enter him, quickly Wonwoo adds a second finger and he starts making scissor movements to relax Seungkwan's entrance.

" Ah ~"

" Do you feel ready ? "

" I don't know, I've never done this with... ~ anyone ! Ah ~"

" I'm your first time ? "

" Hum ~ yes ! "

" I'll take it slow I promise, I'll pull my fingers out and insert myself into you, if it hurts too much tell me, and we'll stop. "

Seungkwan nods, Wonwoo strokes his hair gently and then steps back to put the protection around his crotch, then warns the younger and inserts himself inside him, the first sensation is strange but the younger asks the older to do something anyway. So the eldest starts to move.

Slowly, delicately, without hurting Seungkwan in any way, he gradually accelerates his strokes and movements, and the room fills with groans, each louder than the last, the pleasure so intense that little tears of happiness roll down the youngest's cheeks.

" Ah ! It hurts here ! "

" Don't worry it'll soon feel better."

Wonwoo continues to tap Seungkwan's soft spot and after several more strokes the two men finally come together in a long moan of extreme happiness, the elder gently withdraws from Seungkwan and goes to throw the protection in the garbage can, then he grabs some tissues and comes back to the younger one, this has rolled to the other side of the bed and the elder takes the opportunity to clean the dirty side of the bed. He then settles down beside Seungkwan, and the two fall asleep peacefully.

- The next morning -

It's a rude awakening, the Seventeen members' heads are spinning and some of them don't understand how they ended up in beds that aren't theirs to begin with, as in the case of Seungcheol who woke up in Wonwoo's room completely naked with a pain in his lower back.

The young man clearly didn't understand why he was naked in Wonwoo's room, but his pain and the hickeys on his neck were a clear indication of what had happened.

It's only a week later that Wonwoo manages to catch Seungkwan and drag him back to his room so they can discuss the whole thing calmly and with more peace of mind than before...

" Let's be honest and serious. We really did make love together a week before and the fact that you're ignoring me now because of it, it hurts me Kwan.."

" Sorry I didn't know how to react to that so I just decided to ignore you, sorry if that hurt you."

" Kwan, I don't blame you. But I do blame myself that we did it drunk."

" Surely sobering up would have been better ! " Seungkwan starts blushing.

" I like you a lot, but I didn't know you liked me."

" Even though I was drunk I was still consenting and aware of my actions, I gave you my first time and I'm glad I did."

" I'm glad to know we share the same feelings for each other, and I'm glad to know you don't regret it."

Wonwoo approaches Seungkwan and places his hands on the younger boy's hips, lets his mouth drop a little peck on the younger boy's lips and stepsback, the younger pout he want more than that and the oldest understands so he kiss more firmly Seungkwan's mouth and steps back, slowly places a chaste kiss on the younger's forehead, then steps back once more, lets his gaze delve into the vocalist's and asks him if he'll be his boyfriend and the vocalist accepts obviously happy. At last, a new Seventeen couple exists.


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