- GyuHan - Party -

368 8 3

- Top Jeonghan -

( For the person who wanted this ship ! )

N/A : Also i'm the worst author ever I didn't thanks all of you for the number of views ~ so thank you my diamonds ! <3


Joshua and Jeonghan are two friends who get on really well, and today they've been invited to a party, which will be full of people they don't know, but it's even better for meeting new people. Anyway, the two boys are in front of the party house.

" I hope we'll have a lot of fun during this evening, that we're not going for nothing." Says Jeonghan

" I think we're going to have a great time personally. " Says Joshua

Jeonghan would be lying if he said he didn't find him to his liking, but that's not the point. The owner of the house lets the two boys in, and he and Joshua are constantly giving each other the most enticing glances. They stare at each other for a long time, but neither speaks. Joshua has already disappeared, so the two boys are in their own bubble. Finally, it's the party organizer who steps up to Jeonghan first, who lets him come to him and looks him in the eye...

" Stop looking at me like that, or I'll take you to my room and i'm going to fuck you " Says Mingyu

" We can fuck, but i'm top." Jeonghan smirks slightly.

Mingyu is stunned by this lack of tact and pure honesty, but in the end he finds it just as pleasing. And then, to be honest, this proposal doesn't really displease him, so he too takes a step towards the dark-haired man, only a millimeter away...

" That's a really interesting proposal, the party can be more interesting now ~ " replies the black-haired man.

" Don't turn me on and test my patience like that, Mingyu ?"

" How did you know my first name ? "

" I know so much more about you, Gyu ~ "

" Shua-ah tells me your name is Jeonghan, isn't it ? "

" Totally. Introduction done, can we get down to business ? "

Mingyu smiles softly and closes the gap between himself and the blond, his lips settling without a hint of gentleness on his partner's. Jeonghan smiles into the kiss, drawing the younger man even closer to him to accentuate the already feverish kiss. Mingyu then pulls away from his partner and grabs his hand to lead him into his bedroom, where he locks the door.

Mingyu waits patiently for his eldest to return, and after a few seconds, he takes Jeonghan by the shoulders and presses him up against the door to regain possession of Jeonghan's lips. The kiss is even more torrid than the previous one: the two boys don't put an ounce of gentleness into it, but they do put into it all their feelings of the moment, meaning envy, desire and passion.

Jeonghan sinks his kisses into his younger's neck and collarbone, the latter tugs at his elder's hair, the desire increases as does the heat of the room, the sounds of wet kisses fill the space, to which is added the jerky breathing of both young men. The eldest pushes his youngest back, until he takes him onto the bed, he stands over him, and gently unbuttons his youngest's shirt, the tension is high, warm and pleasurable, once this shirt is unbuttoned.

Mingyu places his hands under his eldest's top and helps him to remove it, once the shirt is off the youngest analyzes Jeonghan's body licking his lips then he gently caresses his eldest's body. Jeonghan smiles gently, takes Mingyu hands away and places them above his head, then plunges back onto his younger's lips...

He follows his kisses down Mingyu's body, the young man grunts with pleasure and Jeonghan starts to move his hips and slowly one of his knees comes to meet Mingyu's crotch, the elder moves his knee and the younger moans with pleasure, and after a few minutes Mingyu comes in his pants, Jeonghan smiles gently and then notices that the elder hasn't come so he plunges his hand into the blond's pants and underwear, takes the older man's crotch between his hands and starts moving his hand along Jeonghan's length.

After several strokes, the older man moves into Mingyu's hand, Mingyu smiles, withdraws his hand and takes a handkerchief from his bedside table, wipes his hand, Jeonghan moves to Mingyu's side and yawns slowly, making the younger man smile. He gently places his head on Jeonghan's chest and the blond man slowly strokes the younger man's hair.

" I had a question..." Jeonghan says

" I listen to you "

" How long have you wanted me in your bed ? "

" I don't want you to be the man of my night."

" What do you mean ? We just had sex anyway."

" I want you to be the man who stays by my side the longest."

" Did you actually have a crush on me ? "

" Yeah I have a crush on you for a long time now, and I spent the best evening of my life, what can I ask more ? "

" That I accept your request ? "

This time it's Mingyu who's stunned, he gently raises his head towards his older, who smiles gently, then straightens up to place his lips on his younger's, who smiles into the kiss, placing his hands on his older cheeks. The older puts his hands in his youngest hair, then gently steps back, smiling.

" Was your proposal serious ? " Jeonghan asks.

" That depends on whether you're serious ? "

" I've never been more serious in my life, I've been crushing on you for months and months and-"

Mingyu pulls Jeonghan to him again, once more placing his lips on his eldest's, both boys happy. Mingyu pulls back again, and looks into his eldest's eyes.

" I don't mind trying to be your boyfriend. " says the older.

" Is that so ? "

" My real question is why didn't you dare to do this earlier ? "

" I didn't dare, you saw all the people there are, at your feet. "

" And what motivated you to do this evening by inviting me ? "

" It's a dare I lost to Minghao, and I'd never have done it on my own. "

" And your looks too ? Did that make it a bet ?"

" At the base of the basics I was simply supposed to turn you on not have sex with you, but the temptation was too strong."

" Still, you can thank this young man because you're now in a relationship with your crush. "

Mingyu laughed softly and rested his head on his older chest, who resumed caressing his youngest hair. It's been a wonderful evening for both our boys and they know that their relationship are not going to stay like this.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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