- CheolHao - Attitude -

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Top : Minghao

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Top : Minghao

( chiey007 I hope this new os with the CheolHao are going to please you ~ )


Minghao is sitting outside, looking up at the sky and wondering how he could love a boy who doesn't give a damn about him, who seems to be more interested in everyone else than in him, and that makes him feel bad. It's because of this that Minghao is gradually moving away from the group, because he feels that he's too much and not loved by the leader, whereas he loves him much more than he should.

After a few minutes alone, he hears a voice coming from behind him. Slowly, the young Chinese turns his head and sees that it's his leader approaching him with a magnificent smile on his lips. At the sight of this sublime smile, Minghao's heart starts to beat faster, and his cheeks begin to heat up.

" Hao ! I'm sorry to disturb you in your quiet moment, but I really needed to talk to you."

" What's going on Coups hyung ? "

" Your attitude has been really strange lately.... "

" My attitude ? "

" Yes, your attitude towards the other members and especially towards me, you ignore me, you don't talk to me anymore, why ? "

Seungcheol sits down next to Minghao on the floor, and the young Chinese sighs, he runs a hand through his hair stressing about the situation, slowly he turns his head towards his elder's and having had slightly enough, he finally breaks down.

He explains everything to his eldest, deliberately keeping his feelings towards him to himself, but Seungcheol isn't stupid, he understands that there's something behind all this, so he slowly places one of his hands on one of Minghao's thighs, the young Chinese finally falls silent and turns his head so that his gaze rests on the horizon and not on his eldest's face.

" Hao do you have a problem with me ? "

" No ? Why should I ? You're a wonderful leader, everyone loves you and appreciates you enormously."

" Do you count yourself in that everybody ? Do you like me ? "

" I'm very attached to you, I assure you I'm extremely attached to you."

Seungcheol smiles again, Minghao turns his head towards his eldest's again, and the leader turns his head towards the youngest's too, slowly and guided by their hearts they let their two faces come closer to each other, and calmly with extreme gentleness their two mouths come to meet, Minghao still has a small movement of retreat.

Nevertheless Seungcheol puts one of his hands behind his head and makes sure their lips stay in contact, he slowly slides his tongue inside his younger's mouth, his pink muscle explores Minghao's oral cavity without any restraint and his hands begin to roam the younger's body, obviously the Chinese moans softly and his whole body is flowing with a delicious electric current, when Seungcheol feels his younger's shivers he smiles and comes to position himself on top of Minghao.

Slowly he rubs their two budding erections together and this makes Minghao grunt, delicately Minghao puts his hands on his eldest's hips and reverses the positions, he's been waiting an awfully long time for this moment so he wants to take the lead and this makes the eldest smile wryly.

" Suck me Hao please. " Ask Seungcheol with lust in his eyes.

Minghao flinches but accepts with a soft smile on his lips, he gently pulls down the leader's pants and underwear, then starts to lick and bite his elder's legs, the latter starts to moan silently then, Minghao comes to give little licks on his elder's length and ends up taking him in his mouth, Seungcheol moans louder and Minghao goes back and forth while letting go of his elder's base.

After a few minutes, Seungcheol ends up in his younger son's mouth, and the latter hesitates between swallowing and spitting, finally deciding that spitting is better. Seungcheol takes a handkerchief from his pocket and hands it to Minghao, the young Chinese man spits it all out and smiles wryly.

He slowly gets up from Seungcheol's legs and the elder gets dressed again, looking towards Minghao, the young Chinese gets up from the ground and holds out his hand to the Korean, who takes the younger man's hand in his own and now finds himself with both feet on the ground, slowly Minghao returns to embrace Seungcheol.

The exchange is gentle, but as the younger man slides his tongue into the older man's mouth, the kiss becomes more languorous and aggressive. This time it's clearly Minghao who dominates, and Seungcheol gives in, moaning softly as Minghao presses his buttocks between his hands, gently pushing the Chinese man away from him.

" Hao, will you stop your bad attitude now that we've got our problems sorted out. "

" Yes baby Cheol-ah, I promise I'll stop acting like an unsociable boy who doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything."

" Do you agree to be my boyfriend ? "

" Of course I accept baby Cheol, are we going to continue what we started in my room ? "

" Um I'd really like to but PD nim asked me to go and see him as soon as our problems are sorted out, I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear that your attitude's going to be beyond reproach from now on. "

" Baby when you get back, meet me in my room and we'll do..."

" Nothing... we won't do anything because when I get back, I'm cooking dinner for the kids and then I have to train with Hoshi and Dino."

Minghao sighs and slowly places kisses on Seungcheol's neck, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he feels the younger man sucking on his skin while kneading his buttocks.

" Hum ~ Hao ! If you like, after my workouts we can take a shower together."

" I knew you'd find a way for us to continue what we started. "

" I never said we'd do anything more than shower."

" Your attitude is obnoxious there though."

" You agreed to be my boyfriend for the best and worst of my character, sorry Hao you're going to have to get used to it ! "

Gently Seungcheol places a kiss on his lover's lips and then gets him to let go and run away. When the leader enters the agency, the two principal dancers shake their heads, pointing to the time, indeed the young man is a few minutes late, the boy apologizes and Hoshi and Dino say it's no big deal, they are understood when they see Seungcheol's marked neck. The leader put his hand on his neck, blushing, and the two youngest laughed at him. Now he doesn't feel like training any more, because he knows he's going to get teased, but hey... he still needs to train, so what the hell, he'll deal with it.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

PS : Listen to Attitude of ATBO it's a wonderful song ! ~

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