- Idiot - SeokWoo -

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- Wonwoo top -

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- Wonwoo top -


One year, Seokmin has been married for a year now to someone who doesn't love him, to someone who is toxic, who makes him suffer, who hurts him, who is jealous and possessive, all traits of the boy's character that Seokmin doesn't like at all, but then why does he stay in this relationship? Because his parents forced him into this marriage, knowing that the young man he's married to has money and can offer him a stable and perfect life.

But his parents were wrong: his life isn't stable, let alone perfect. His husband is sometimes extremely violent towards him, and he can't seem to shake off this toxic and distressing relationship.

Today he's all alone in his house, Wonwoo is away on business at his office, and to be honest Seokmin feels good, without his eldest around he feels relaxed and perfectly fine, though his happiness is short-lived as he hears the front door open.

Slowly he turns his head towards the entrance and sees Wonwoo staring at him with dark eyes, filled with jealousy and bitterness. Seokmin doesn't understand - he hasn't done anything but eat and clean the house - why his eldest seems so angry with him.

Seokmin knows he's in for a rough time, but doesn't quite understand why. He tries to push the boy away, but the boy has so much more strength than he does that he can't do it, so he gives up and lets it happen.

" You're mine and only mine Seokmin ! It's clear, you're not allowed to see any other guy, only me ! "

" I didn't get out of here! Fuck you're such a pain in the ass, you're a serious idiot. "

" An idiot ? You're the idiot here, you know very well what happens when you spend your time with someone other than me."

" I spent my day in the house alone, asshole. "

Wonwoo clearly turns a deaf ear, for him, his husband has left the house and gone to meet someone other than himself somewhere outside the house, whereas no, Seokmin hasn't done that, and even if he had it's none of Wonwoo's business.

They may be married on paper but certainly not in Seokmin's heart, so in his eyes he can do as he pleases, even if he suffers when Wonwoo finds out because his jealousy and possessiveness explode, at least when he sees people other than his eldest he feels good and free.

Here, in a submissive position and clearly in a position of weakness, he doesn't like it at all, but what can he do? Wonwoo is so much stronger than he is that it's impossible for him to break free from his hold.

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