- SeokHan - Loved you -

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- Top Jeonghan -

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- Top Jeonghan -

( For the person who wanted this ship ! )

N/A : Thank you so much for the 25K of views my god <3


Seokmin and Jeonghan were a couple for five years, but the younger of the two put an end to their relationship because he had to move to Australia to stay by his father's side, who was ill and wanted to make the most of his finest example.
Jeonghan understood, but also took it badly, a long-distance relationship being too much for the younger man, he preferred to stop everything rather than try ? It hurts, it really hurts.

-> Two years later.

Seokmin has finished mourning, his mother is much better and she's asked him to get on with his life, so the young man is back in South Korea, he's informed his friends of his return and they're officially celebrating the boy's arrival in a bar.

They don't drink alcohol, nor do they desire it, but that doesn't stop them from smiling and being cheerful.
As Seokmin began to drift further and further into his thoughts, he caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye of someone who strongly resembled the person he had loved so dearly.

" I'm going to the bathroom, guys." Said the boy before slipping away.

Without much difficulty he reaches the bathroom, and his imagination plays no tricks on him - it's Jeonghan right there in front of him. Seeing the boy again, countless memories come flooding back, the young man starts to get tears in the corners of his eyes, and it's only then that Jeonghan turns to face him.

Time seems to stand still, and the older man doesn't even move. He tries to speak, but his voice is stuck in his throat.

" Jeonghan hyung. "

The gentleness of the young man's voice automatically brings tears to Jeonghan's eyes, and without waiting any longer he draws the dark-haired man into his arms and cries into his neck.

" I'm so sorry to have abandoned you. "

" Did you even love me once ? "

" I have loved you. From the bottom of my heart hyung."

" Then why did you abandon me two years before ? "

" I would never have put up with a long-distance relationship, you know how I am, I need affection, seeing and hearing you over the phone definitely wouldn't have appealed to me. "

" I could have come with you that day, I would have supported you through it all. "

" I know, but your dreams are more important than I am. "

" You're wrong Seok, nothing is more important than you. "

Seokmin pulls away slightly from Jeonghan's arms and comes to wipe his eldest's eyes, Jeonghan pushes his youngest's hands away and without hesitation places his lips on Seokmin's.

The kiss is gentle at first, but they've missed each other so much that it eventually deepens, Jeonghan flicks his tongue against Seokmin's lower lip. Seokmin gets the message, so he opens his mouth slightly and lets Jeonghan's tongue play with his. Jeonghan also undulates his pelvis against the younger, causing their budding erections to clash. Seokmin pushes Jeonghan off, both boys gasping for breath.

" Follow me. "

The younger man grabs his eldest's wrist and drags him out of the bathroom to the bar's VIP rooms, one of which he'd reserved for the night and is happy to know he'll be sharing with someone. Once inside, Seokmin pushes his eldest onto the bed, then locks the door before towering over Jeonghan.

Slowly unbuttoning his eldest's shirt and doing the same with his own, the younger man gently places kisses all over his eldest's body, the latter undulating his body in pleasure, grunting at times as he longs for all this to go further.

" Min-ah, you loved me ~ is that what you said earlier ? " Jeonghan manages to ask between grunts of pleasure.

"Yes, I loved you."

" What about ...um.. now..ahh ~"

" Now I still love you Jeonghan. "

" Me too, me too I still love you. "

Seokmin smiles wryly and gently touches his eldest's body with his fingertips, then brings his hands down to his eldest's belt, undoes it deftly and Jeonghan reverses their position - he's now on top of his youngest. He undulates his pelvis against Seokmin's. Breaths and obscene noises fill the room.

" Hum ~ hyung ~"

" Um ~ what do you want love ? "

" I want us to go further. Make up for lost time. "

" Are you back for good ? Or are you just passing through ? "

" Um ! Ah ! I'm back officially I'm apartment hunting. "

" Come back and live with me. "

Jeonghan unbuckles his boyfriend's belt and pulls down his pants, his hand gently teasing Seokmin's crotch, the younger man can't take it anymore, he removes his elder's hand and takes Jeonghan's neck between his hands, he brings their two faces closer and kisses him fiercely while continuing to undulate his pelvis against Jeonghan's. The elder pushes the younger away.

" To think we've always done it this way. "

" Ah ! What are you talking about ? "

" We've always teased each other before going any further. "

" Nothing has changed between us hyung and nothing ever will. I loved you for sure, but I still love you, and I never stopped doing that. "

" I haven't, I've never been able to forget you, you are and always will be first in my heart. "

" Now that everything's clear, we can move on to the next stage. This is getting unbearable. "

Jeonghan smiles and returns to embrace his lover, his hands return to caress the smaller man's body, and their obscene noises return to occupy the space.

Jeonghan moves his body and positions one of his knees on the youngest's crotch, having fun annoying the youngest who grunts in displeasure, the eldest laughs at this, removes his knee and replaces it with his hand, after several movements the youngest comes into Jeonghan's hand and Jeonghan comes too.

The elder quickly leaves, fetches tissues and cleans his hand and Seokmin's torso, then lies down beside the younger and takes Seokmin in his arms.

Seokmin is really glad to be back in South Korea, because he's got his old habits back, his friends his old life and, most importantly, he's found the one he loved so much and the one he still loves today, Jeonghan.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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