- GyuCheol - If you leave me -

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- Top Seungcheol -

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- Top Seungcheol -

~ For the person who wanted this ship ~


Seungcheol and Mingyu have been together for quite some time now, but repeated lies and secrecy have finally driven the little couple apart. They love each other more than anything else, and they're certain that they feel nothing but love for each other,nevertheless, this strong feeling of love seems to be gradually turning into hatred, and it's starting to become really unbearable, so unbearable that Seungcheol starts sleeping on the sofa and going out more and more, so unbearable that Mingyu goes to sleep at his best friend's house, to cry in his arms and empty himself.

At the moment, the younger is sitting on the sofa in the living room, rereading all the conversations he's had with Seungcheol so far and wondering how even their discussion could have gone from tenderness to something so cold, it doesn't really make sense because he's convinced that the love he has for his eldest son is mutual, or at least he's trying to convince himself that it's still mutual. [ Does he still love me ? ] is the question running through the young man's mind all the time.

Since he has no answer to this question, but really wants one, he decides that this evening will be the one that either fixes or destroys everything. He hopes that the situation will get better and that they'll be back to the way they were before; in the worst case, they'll take a little break and maybe that'll do their relationship some good.

It's been a long time since he's cooked for the two of them, but today he really wants to, so he makes his eldest's favorite dish and hopes he'll like it. There's no reason why he shouldn't like it, after all since they've known each other it's been his favorite thing to eat, he always complimented Mingyu way of doing things when he made this dish especially for him and the boy sincerely hopes it will have the same effect as before.

After putting the dish in the oven, he left the kitchen and decided to take some decorations from the television cabinet. He seemed to find something he liked: red and white flower petals, little sequins and rhinestones.

All that's needed to decorate the table, in fact, once everything's scattered on the table, Mingyu places plates and cutlery on the table and then returns to the oven to watch the cooking process, which seems to need a few more minutes, allowing Mingyu to take a shower.

Once he's showered, he changes, stealing a baggy black T-shirt from his lover, then putting on a pair of beige pants with a little belt, putting on the perfume Seungcheol gave him on his birthday, some jewelry on his fingers and not forgetting the watch he has in common with his elder, because it's really precious, it marked their first year as a couple and it's important to the younger.

After getting ready, Mingyu goes back downstairs to the living room, where he sees Seungcheol. The elder looks doubtfully at the younger, and for the black-haired boy, time seems to stand still : he doesn't even know why he's frozen on the stairs like that.

" Gyu ah ? What's all this about ? "

The black-haired man comes to, and an electric shock runs through his spine as the older man's gaze is so piercing. With extremely slow steps, he approaches the older man and, with infinite gentleness, takes him in his arms, tears accompanying the embrace and the older man sighs.

" Gyu ah ? What's going on..."

" If you leave me Seungcheol hyung, I don't know if I can survive. "

" We need to talk, don't you think ? "

" You're the reason I breathe."

" Gyu ah, I'm in a world made of you, there's no reason for me to leave you, okay ? On the other hand, if you leave me, I'm not sure I can survive. "

" I have no desire to stop our relationship, I want us to go back to the way we were, please Cheol-hyung. "

Seungcheol nods softly and places a simple kiss in his boyfriend's hair, gently the younger steps away from his elder and invites the one he loves to sit at the table as the meal is ready.

When the black-haired man places the dish on the table, the blond is truly overwhelmed by the younger man's efforts, he really feels that because of all his little lies he almost lost the person he cares most about, and as Mingyu goes to sit down on his chair, Seungcheol calls him to come to him.

Of course, the little one went straight to the older one's side, and the latter took Mingyu straight onto his lap and put his arms around him, planting lots of kisses on the back of his lover's neck. Mingyu began to gesticulate and giggle like a child, and Seungcheol had never felt better.

To hear his lover's laughter again, to be able to hold him in his arms like before, to kiss him, to cuddle him. All these are things he'd missed, and he's really happy to have them back.

" Gyu ah, I still love you so much, you're the one in my heart, you're everything I need."

" Can we talk about why we grew apart ? "

" That woman, you believed her didn't you ? "

Mingyu simply nods, and Seungcheol sighs he explains what really happened that day.

" That woman's been in love with me for quite some time now, that famous day you saw her, well I'd pushed her away I think I'd even insulted her, she'd taken it very badly obviously and as you were coming that day well she put a plan in place to make you doubt my fidelity and it worked very well. You doubt me and really think I raped her."

" I'm sorry I really believed it, she looked so destroy, she was crying, and her clothes was open like you really did it..."

" She looked bad because I told her that the person I love more than anything in the world was coming soon and that I need him and no one else to be happy. "

" How could I have doubted you so much..."

" It was your doubts that broke everything between us Gyu ah. Trust me, I only have a heart in my eyes for you, I only have feelings for you."

" I love you with all my heart, I have doubts because I tell myself you're so perfect it wouldn't be surprising if you found someone better than me."

" Stand up."

Mingyu tilts his head to the side but does as his boyfriend asks, he stands up from his legs and Seungcheol stands up too, he comes straight to grab Mingyu hips and he makes his torso stick against the smaller one's then without hesitating any longer he kisses his younger one on the lips, the younger wraps his arms around Seungcheol's neck and the older one seeing well that the younger one is struggling to keep his balance, decides to carry his boyfriend.

He settles him on the table and continues to devour his lips, Mingyu begins to moan silently and the older one moves his mouth down to the younger one's neck and collarbone, the latter moans heavily as he feels the elder come to suck on his skin.

" Cheol ah ~ I've prepared a meal..."

" I want you to be my meal Gyu ah. Will you let me devour you ? "

Mingyu starts to blush but nods, Seungcheol slowly removes Mingyu's pants and underwear and his own clothes too, he then spreads his boyfriend's legs and settles between them, he slowly marks his boyfriend's skin while giving strokes in the right places, Mingyu moans loudly and after a few minutes the two men end up coming together, Seungcheol decides to go and get some things to clean up the mess and he takes care of getting some more clothes for himself and his boyfriend, after this sweet moment of course the two lovers decide to eat the meal prepared by Mingyu happier than ever.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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