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So, i'm sorry but for this ship it's going to be only angst and they are not together at the end

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So, i'm sorry but for this ship it's going to be only angst and they are not together at the end..
Why ? Because i'm not into this ship... I hope your going to enjoy it

( xyzbith your request )

- Top Joshua -
Pov Joshua

N/A : Thank you for the 15K of views and the 100 followers it's amazing 🫶🏻❤️‍🩹


The months have passed, the seasons have changed but my mind still thinks of you, why did I make the error of loving you ? Why did I make the error of accepting to be in a relationship with you, when I wasn't in love with you in the first place ? Why are you living your life perfectly well without me in someone else's arms while I can't get you out of my mind ?

" You're still thinking about him, aren't you ? "

I sigh, and two arms come to wrap around my waist, I can't even stop my tears from flowing, it's crazy how pathetic I've become after this painful separation, but at the same time how else could I feel ? He abandoned me with a vulgar letter after we celebrated our two loves...

[ Flash-back ] no one pov

Seokmin waits patiently for Joshua to come home from work, he's prepared a little surprise for his boyfriend because today is their two-year anniversary, and when he sees his eldest come home he smiles, immediately getting up from the sofa and approaching Joshua. The boy places a tender kiss on his boyfriend's lips and says happy birthday. Seokmin replies the same and also tells him he has a surprise for him.

Slowly he unzips his pants and the American's eyes blink rapidly, the younger man starts to blush when he sees his boyfriend's eyes filled with desire, he doesn't even hesitate, he carries his lover and leads him to their bedroom, once inside, Joshua places Seokmin on the bed and sits on top of him.

He takes off all the clothes on Seokmin's body and on his own body, as it's going to be useless for what happens next, and goes to his bathroom for protection. When he comes back, he stands over his boyfriend again and starts kissing him all over, on his lips, cheeks, arms, hands, torso, thighs, and he also starts licking his boyfriend's swollen crotch.

The latter starts moaning with pleasure, his hands get lost in the older man's hair and after a few more minutes Seokmin finally comes in his lover's mouth, the latter steps back and takes a handkerchief to spit out the liquid then he takes his lover's thighs and places them on his shoulders.

" Are you ready ? "

" You made the error of forgetting the condom, you don't make love without anything."


oshua rolls his eyes and deftly places the protection over his crotch, using his gaze he asks if he can go and Seokmin nods, the American smiles and thrusts into his boyfriend the two let out grunts of pleasure, the elder returns to kiss the younger on the lips and he continues to stroke inside his boyfriend, the moans getting louder and louder, and after a few more strokes in the right place the two men end up coming together.

Joshua gently withdraws from his boyfriend and goes to throw the protection in the garbage can, cleans his body with a washcloth and then goes to bed next to Seokmin.

-> the next morning

Joshua wakes up slowly and is surprised to find that his boyfriend is not with him. He starts to look for him, but he has completely disappeared:

[ Joshua hyung I've spent two wonderful years by your side but I don't think I feel any love for you anymore, you're a really great man and I think you can do better than me. Honestly I know at first you didn't love me like I loved you and I don't blame you, you've been a really good boyfriend and I hope you can forget me in someone else's arms.
To be very honest with you, I met someone else and I made the mistake of cheating on you with him and falling in love with him, I say it's a mistake but in my eyes it's not a mistake, it's my feelings that did the talking and I have no other excuse.
Celebrating our two-year anniversary by making love was something I really wanted to do because it allowed us to end our relationship on a good note.
I wish you all the happiness in the world and I sincerely hope you'll forget me.]

-> Back to the present / pov Joshua

I'm trying to forget you but I can't, I'm living with my best friend and he's confessed to having feelings for me, he's promised me that thanks to him I'll be able to forget you but for the moment I still can't, you're still inside my heart and mind, you were my first love but I don't want you to be my last love. I want to start loving again, I want to trust in someone new and I want to move on without you for good.

My best friend still embracing my waist and his head still resting on my shoulder, I sigh and place his hands on hers, positioning my head comfortably against his shoulder.

" You know I really want to forget him, he completely forgot me in Minghao's arms so I owe it to myself to forget him too."

" I'm sorry, I promised to help you do that but apparently this separation is still too fresh for me to manage to make you forget the love you have for him."

" I wouldn't make the error of giving up on love for him, so I ask you one thing Jeonghan. Don't break me, and mend my crumbled heart, honestly I'm sure you're capable of it. "

" I'll do everything in my power to see you smile forever, let me show you that love is a beautiful and magical feeling. "

" I give you all my trust help me forget my error of the past."

I hear Jeonghan chuckle softly and his mouth comes to rest on the back of my neck, I don't think I feel love for him, at least not yet as he says my separation from Seokmin is still too recent for me to be able to put it completely aside nevertheless I want to believe in it, I know Jeonghan can make me happy and I sincerely hope that this time I don't make any mistakes in my choices. I trust Jeonghan and I don't think he'll hurt me, and he's so honest that if one day he wants to leave me we'll talk and find a solution together, he won't leave me like Seokmin does.

Loving Jeonghan is undoubtedly the best possible decision, I'm convinced that he can make me totally forget the mistake of my past and that he'll manage to pick up the pieces of my broken heart.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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