- JunChan - Fine -

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- Chan top -

( For the person who wanted this ! )

N/A : Their really so adorable together


Jun and Chan have been best friends for years now, and while everything seems to be going well between them, the reality is very different.

Chan often goes out with other friends of his without Jun, and Jun goes out with his own too, like right now for example, the older one is with his little gang and he's watching his best friend flirt with a guy whose name he doesn't even know.

" Jun-ah you are fine ? "

" Yes, i'm fine."

Even though he says this, his friends aren't stupid, they know very well he's not as okay as he's trying to make them believe, slowly his eldest named Jeonghan follows his gaze and he comes across Joshua and Chan flirting.

" I understand better why you're 《 fine 》Jun-ah."

" What's that supposed to mean ? "

" It bother you to see Chan flirting with Joshua hm ? "

" How do you know his first name ? "

" We're fuck together sometimes, like a lot of times honestly."

Jun and all the other boys turn their heads toward Jeonghan, who laughs softly and shrugs.

" Are you really doing that with him ? Your in relationship with him or ? "

" Yeah we do that, and o, well I don't know honestly it's very complicated between us, but it doesn't matter."

" Your little heart's not hurting too much ? Because we know you love him since-"

" Eh Jun, saying that when your heart's hurting too is a bit, funny."

Jun blinks and assimilates his friend's words, it's true that he often says he's doing well but if he has to be honest with himself he's not doing so well.

Jun sighs and gets up from his chair before leaving, Soonyoung chasing after him and the two friends deciding to stay together in the facility's practice room.

" Jun hyung if you're not well, I'm here."

" Thanks a lot Soon ah, but I'm fine."

Jun smiles and runs his hand through his friend's hair, the latter isn't reassured but he doesn't insist because if his elder wants to share what's on his mind he'll do it on his own, he doesn't feel like forcing him to say anything. So he lets it go.

-> At the end of the day.

Jun waits patiently for Chan as the two friends always enter their apartment together, and in not even thirty seconds the younger arrives with Joshua at his side. The two arrive and flirt in front of Jun, which breaks the black-haired man's heart, but he prefers not to say anything.

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