- CheolHao - Congratulation -

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Top : Seungcheol


Today is graduation day at the Seoul school, and Minghao is stressed, but he's reassured by the idea that his boyfriend is there to support him. Seungcheol has been away from the school for two years now, and he's graduated, but he's promised Minghao that he'll be there for him, the day it's his turn, which is why he's there at his lover's side right now. The elder senses that his boyfriend is tense, so he grabs his hand gently and starts to stroke it slowly.

Minghao turns his head towards his eldest and the latter does the same, gently Seungcheol moves closer and places a little peck on the youngest's lips, the Chinese starts to giggle softly and he sighs, his head naturally comes to join his boyfriend's shoulder and he waits patiently to know if he's going to graduate or not, and a few minutes later the answer comes. Minghao is called, which means he has his diploma in his pocket.

When the young Chinese man returns to his eldest, Seungcheol puts his hands on the younger man's hips and rubs his nose against his boyfriend's. Minghao giggles and wraps his arms around Seungcheol's neck.

" I'm proud of you, I was sure you were going to get it, congratulations my precious baby Hao ! "

" It's all thanks to you, without you I would have given up a long time ago but you gave me the strength to go all the way, so thank you. Congratulations also for supporting me, backing me up and helping me from the depths of your soul."

" You'll be entitled to a reward when you get to the apartment. "

" Let's hurry home then, I can't wait to find out what you have in store for me. "

Seungcheol smiled wryly, he untied himself from Minghao's arms gently and asked him to follow, the two lovers walked quietly to their apartment and once they arrived inside it, Minghao was tackled against the front door and he was kissed fiercely on the lips.

Minghao smiles as he wraps his arms around Seungcheol's neck once more and Seungcheol squeezes his boyfriend's ass between his hands. Minghao obviously groans at this and soon feels his older brother lightly pinching his hips.

The younger Minghao knows all about this, so he jumps up and wraps his legs around his boyfriend's waist, and his boyfriend carries him to their bedroom. Once inside, Minghao realizes that the room is decorated, with photos of him and Seungcheol all over the place, and candles lit, making the room softly lit and perfumed.

" I'll leave you to look at the room, and I'll get what I need for the rest."

" Is that my reward ? "

" You're not satisfied with going to visit paradise ? Would you have preferred something else ? I'm sorry I'm not very imaginative."

" No, that's fine don't worry hyung, I can't wait for you to reward me."

Minghao smiles delicately and Seungcheol does the same, he goes and gets some lubricant and protection from the drawer of their bedside table and comes back to his boyfriend, he comes back on him and starts to undress him slowly, when the young man's shirt lands on the floor, Seungcheol takes the opportunity to come and kiss his boyfriend's skin and he comes to enjoy licking and biting Minghao's sensitive parts.

The young man shudders and moans, Seungcheol quickly removes the rest of the clothes from his boyfriend's body, then stops his gentle torture and asks Minghao to open his eyes, the younger man does so and Seungcheol puts on a little show, removing his clothes as sensuously and gently as possible, doing a kind of striptease that makes Minghao smile.

Seungcheol withdraws from his boyfriend's legs and the latter understands the situation so he puts his torso against the mattress and waits, he soon feels Seungcheol's wet fingers titillating his entrance so he becomes impatient and asks his elder to do it so Seungcheol retracts his fingers and he moves them automatically.

" Ah ~ "

" Do my fingers please you that much ? "

" Ah ~ yes ! Can you..um ~ make love to me now, um ~ "

" Ask so nicely why would I refuse ? "

Seungcheol retrieves his fingers, he puts the protection around his crotch warns his boyfriend and he gets inside him, he positions himself correctly and asks his boyfriend if he can move and the latter says yes, then the elder starts to move, Minghao comes and grabs a cushion and he puts his head in it and starts to moan.

" Hao ~ I want to... hear you ! Ah ~"

" Ahn ~ okay Ah ~ hyungie !!! "

The elder taps lightly into Minghao's soft spot and this makes both boys moan, as the minutes pass the heat in the room increases and Minghao feels he's nearing his end, he quickly tells his elder who's coming but Seungcheol asks him to wait a little longer so he does and Seungcheol says after a few more taps that he's coming soon.

Slowly he grabs his boyfriend's crotch and motions on it and the two end up coming together in a long moan of pleasure. Seungcheol withdraws as gently as possible from Minghao and goes off to throw the protection in the garbage can and he also goes off to clean his hand in the bathroom, when he returns he sees that his boyfriend is getting dressed for the night and he does the same.

Minghao puts his hands over his boyfriend's and the two lovers stay to look at the magnificent photos displayed in the room. Seungcheol places several kisses on the back of his boyfriend's neck, and the young man chuckles.

" Congratulations again on your graduation my Hao baby ~"

" Thank you Cheol-ya ! Can we go to sleep now, I'm not particularly hungry."

" That's fine with me, honestly I'm a bit exhausted too and I'm not especially hungry anymore so let's go to sleep. "

Minghao nods and the two lovers decide to go to bed, they've earned a good night's sleep after all the day they've had.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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