- First love - VerKwan -

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- Seungkwan top -

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- Seungkwan top -



he young members of the Seventeen group are training together in the practice room. Nothing's been done yet, no one's been booked yet, they're still in the waiting period, but they're well aware that some chemistry is better than others, and the kids have seen the duo of Seungkwan and Hansol come together very quickly, in fact these two boys are both the same age, so it's been easy for them to get close.

Even if they are only fifteen years old, they really know how they feel about each other deep down, but for the moment neither of them wants to take the first step and confess to the other the feelings that run through them.

At the moment, Hansol is training in the dance hall with Joshua and Chan, the two Americans having asked the younger to help them with their dancing as they lack mastery, whereas Chan has all the techniques under his belt, plus he's an excellent teacher, he never gets angry and takes his time to explain things calmly, he talks to his elders as he would to five-year-olds, but it works.

" Bonon hyung, you're not concentrating what's going on ? "

" It's always the same problem Chan-ah I feel like I'm never going to make it."

" If you forget Seungkwan for a few moments, I'm sure you can do it." Joshua said, patting Hansol lightly on the shoulder.

" He's my first love Josh, it's impossible for me to put him aside for even one second."

" Nevertheless, if you really want to reach the ends of your dreams, you'll have to concentrate on what we do a little more. It's all well and good to love someone hyung, but if it stops you concentrating. No way."

Chan sighs slightly and picks up his water bottle before leaving the room, on his way out he comes face to face with Seungcheol who is staring at him, the young dancer rolls his eyes and takes care to push the older man with his shoulder, the animosity between the two is really electric but nobody dares say anything.

Joshua also ends up abandoning Hansol because he's seen his best friend Jeonghan not doing well, so being a good friend and mainstay of the young man, Joshua decides to spend the rest of the day with him.

Hansol finds himself alone in the practice room, he tries to put on some music again and concentrate, but nothing works, his brain is too preoccupied with Seungkwan, he even manages to imagine quite complex things, this makes him blush obviously he blames himself for imagining this kind of thing but it's stronger than him.

" Hansol-ah ! Is everything all right ? "

" Kwan-ah..."

" Chan's a little upset, yet he never gets upset when we're training even if we can't, what did you do to upset him ? "

" I didn't make him angry, Seungcheol did. "

" I really wonder why those two hate each other so much. Let's train together if you want."

Hansol nods and Seungkwan leaves to lock the door, he doesn't want anyone to come and disturb them and for good reason he has other things on his mind than training, once he's put the key on the floor, the elder approaches the younger and slowly pushes him back to the wall mirror in the room.

The American blinks rapidly, not understanding what's going on, then when he feels lips meeting his, he closes his eyes and enjoys the exchange he's been dreaming of. There's nothing sweet and innocent about this kiss; it's aggressive and torrid, always demanding more. Seungkwan's hands are active on the younger man's body, while the American's hands are lost in the elder's hair.

To catch their breath, the older man slowly steps back and slides his hands up the younger man's ass, squeezes gently and Hansol moans silently.

" I hope you'll keep quiet like this, let's not let the others hear us we'll traumatize them."

" Ah... Kwan-ah do you have what we need for uh that ? "

" I've always wanted and dreamed of this moment obviously I've taken the necessary things for our first time."

Hansol starts to blush and the older boy comes back to kiss him, the older boy lets his hands come to undo the younger boy's clothes and he also lets Hansol's hands come to remove his own clothes, the two now find themselves completely naked in the room.

Seungkwan asks the younger boy to press his belly against the mirror and the boy does so, the older boy takes some lubricant and puts it on his fingers, before warning his younger brother that he's going to insert them inside him to relax his entrance, Hansol simply nods and the older boy inserts two fingers, when he hears Hansol say he can do more he moves them.

" Ah ~ I feel ready..~"

" Are you sure ? "


Yes ! Please make love to me."

Seungkwan removes his fingers, then puts a protection around his crotch, then warns Hansol and enters him, both let out a long moan, after a few adjustments to be more comfortable Hansol tells the older one that he can move, so he does.

The American regrets a little because he's in pain, so he makes as little noise as possible, but asks the older man to slow down. After a while, the American warns that he's going to come and Seungkwan says he's going to come too, so after a few minutes the two boys come together with a long moan of pleasure.

Seungkwan withdraws as gently as possible from Hansol, then removes the protection from his crotch and throws it in the garbage can. Hansol, for his part, collects his clothes and goes off to clean himself up a bit in the shower, after a few minutes he returns to the practice room to get dressed and sees that Seungkwan has cleaned the mirror.

" Kwan-ah do we agree that we shouldn't stop there ? "

" Don't panic like that, Hansol-ah you know I've heard you say many times that I'm your first love." Hansol starts to blush and Seungkwan chuckles as he moves closer to the younger man.

Gently he places his hands on the younger boy's hips and places a chaste kiss on Hansol's nose, the boy starts to blush even more and hides his head in his hands, Seungkwan's heart melts at such cuteness.

" Hansol, you're my first love too you don't have to feel shy about it."

" You haven't had anyone before me ? "

" I assure you I haven't, Hansol... will you be my first love ? Be my first boyfriend ? "

" Yes, I'm willing to be your boyfriend Kwan-ah. "

The eldest laughed and took the youngest in his arms, staying like that until he heard someone knocking against the door, their moment of pleasure broken but honestly they had to come to the realization that they weren't alone here.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

lilacbamyang Here I go with your request I hope you enjoy reading this ~

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