- SeokHao - Cute -

735 18 7

- Top Minghao -

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- Top Minghao -

( xyzbith Here your request I hope your going to enjoy it )

Also thanks everyone for the 14K of views ♥︎


Minghao has always found his eldest Seokmin cute and adorable, whether in his actions, his mimics, his words, he loves everything his eldest does, unfortunately he's convinced that his budding feelings aren't reciprocated, why does he say this to himself ? Because every time they get together Seokmin talks about Joshua and it's starting to get on his nerves a bit, but he doesn't say anything because there's no point, and since he and Seokmin aren't a couple there's no need for jealousy, and besides, the American already has feelings for Jeonghan and the little duo are a couple, so he needn't be afraid that one day Seokmin will be a couple with Joshua, because the older one loves the blond too much to leave him for another member.

Right now Minghao is outside his apartment, thinking about anything and everything, then his imagination reverts to thinking about Seokmin, he's so deep in thought that he doesn't even realize he's walking into someone, it's only when the person starts shouting his stage name that he starts to panic. Slowly he looks over at the girl and she asks for an autograph, a photo, she's completely crazy in the eyes of the young Chinese man so he starts running back to his agency.

He knows the girl is after him because he hears footsteps behind him, yet he doesn't slow down and even speeds up, eventually arriving at his agency and once inside he locks the door and lets himself slide against it, Seokmin arrives at this point and seeing his youngest like this worries him so he approaches him.

" What happened out there ? Why are you out of breath ? Did you run a marathon or something ? "

" I did my sport for the day I'm telling you, there was a fan chasing me."

" You've always been told to be careful and wear a mask when you go out."

Seokmin smiles softly and he gently strokes his younger's hair, his heart goes into overdrive and he exposes when the older boy starts to smile softly, Minghao finally gets up from the floor and his face is not even inches from Seokmin's, both boys don't move until they hear a voice.

" I'm feeling the sexual tension up to here is when you go into action ? "

" I'm waiting for Minghao to ask me to do it with him."

Minghao blinks a few times and finally a slight smile comes to the corners of his lips, he takes Seokmin's wrist and leads him to his room, once inside, he locks the door and presses Seokmin against it.

" Talking about Joshua all the time was to make me jealous ? "

" To get your attention yes, but it didn't work, you were so quiet all the time..."

" Believe me I didn't feel good inside me, honestly I thought you were cute and adorable but you're just the opposite making plans like that."

" I'm sorry I'm not as cute as you think."

Seokmin smiles softly and Minghao quickly comes to kiss him on the lips, the kiss is feverish and torrid extremely messy and aggressive but it suits both boys all the same, Minghao's hands come to undo the older boy's clothes while Seokmin's hands come to lose themselves in the younger boy's hair, quickly no more clothes are on Seokmin's body.

Minghao also undid his own clothes and turned Seokmin so that his belly was pressed against the door.

" I forbid you to move, I'll be right back.

Seokmin nods and it's only after a few minutes that he feels fingers slowly caressing his back, the older man starts to shiver and Minghao chuckles slowly, his fingers titillating Seokmin's entrance and then finally deciding to insert them inside the older man.

The older man begins to moan softly and the younger smiles, then uses his mouth to mark the nape of his elder's neck, then withdraws his fingers and steps back to place the protection around his crotch, then gets into a good position and tells his elder that he's going to enter.

Seokmin simply nods and Minghao inserts himself into him, slowly he starts to move and the silent room soon fills with moans and noises, each louder than the next, Minghao speeds up his thrusts after a few minutes and Seokmin cries out when he feels his youngest banging into his sweet spot. The younger man takes hold of his elder's crotch and continues his movements.

The two men end up coming together at the same time, Minghao gently pulls away from his elder and goes to put the protection in the garbage can, then also goes to clean his hand in the bathroom, then comes back to his elder, dresses again and helps Seokmin dress again too.

" Will you be my boyfriend Seok-ah ? "

The older boy simply nods and yawns. Minghao thinks he's cute again, so he takes him in his arms and places a little kiss in his boyfriend's hair, then opens the bedroom door at the same time. The two lovers soon hear the voices of the other members calling out to them.

" You're a cute couple, but we still have to work, so let's go. Hao you'll have sex with Min later, okay." Soonyoung says nonchalantly.

" You're late, we just did it. And I thought I'd done my sport for the day. " Says Minghao, Seokmin him hides inside his boyfriend's arms blushing.

" Just because you've done it once doesn't mean you won't do it again. Sorry, but no, we've still got a lot to see, so come on." Says the dance leader, rolling his eyes.

Minghao laughs at this, gently unties Seokmin from his arms, places a quick kiss on the corner of his lips and leaves to join the members of the performance team in the practice room.

" Min ! You come with us now too please, we need you too, we have to prepare our next music. "

" Coming Han hyung ! "

Seokmin comes out of Minghao's room and the other members giggle, the young boy wonders why so he takes his mobile out of his pocket and looks at his reflection, his hair is a mess and he sees a purple streak on his neck, Seokmin grunts and the other members start laughing more frankly, at least we can say that if the members hadn't heard them making love [ which is highly unlikely ] now they're visual proof of what happened inside, a new couple within Seventeen now exists, soon there won't be any singles left in this group.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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