- Mine - SoonHoon -

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Soonyoung top

My third favorite ship


Soonyoung and Jihoon have been a couple for a few months now, and the elder of the two is sometimes possessive. At first this didn't bother Jihoon, but now it's starting to seriously annoy him because it's too much.

The young boy is currently getting ready in his room, planning to go clubbing with his friends but forgetting to warn his lover, so when he comes home from work and smells perfume he gets upset almost immediately.

" Lee Jihoon ! "

The younger man flinches, stops applying cream to his face and swallows. When his lover uses that cold, hard voice, he knows he's in for a rough time.

" Where are you going ? "

" I-I'm going to a party with the guys. I...I forgot to warn you, sorry. " Jihoon stammers a little bit scared.

He doesn't even dare look his boyfriend in the eye, he starts shaking with fear and this disturbs Soonyoung he's never seen his lover afraid of him so as delicately as possible he approaches him and takes him in his arms.

" You... You're not going to get mad at me ? "

" No, I'm going to let you go, I trust you, I'm sorry I really don't want you to be scared of me."

" I don't like your misplaced jealousy Soon' you weren't like this at first.. why are you now ? "

" I'm so afraid of losing you, I'm jealous because others can easily be better than me and your heart can carry interest for someone other than me, I don't want that to happen."

Jihoon is deeply touched by his boyfriend's revelation, slowly getting Soonyoung off his back and looking into his elder's eyes. It's always been that way between them, a simple visual exchange is enough to make them lose their senses.

The elder gently puts his head on Jihoon's neck and kisses the younger man's soft, milky skin, even leaving traces in his wake, causing Jihoon to let out a little squeak of pleasure.

Soonyoung removes his head and admires his work, a slight smirk on his lips. Slowly, his fingers run over the purplish mark and he places a tender kiss on his lover's lips.

Then he steps back and places both hands on the wall behind Jihoon.

" You're going to be late, Hoonie."

" Honestly, right now I don't give a damn about my friends at all. There's only one thing I want."

" And what's that ? " Soonyoung's voice is suave and his eyes are ablaze with desire.

" I want you to show me that i'm yours. "

" I'll show you that you're mine with great pleasure Jihoonie ~"

" Can I mark you too ? I want people to know you're mine, too."

Soonyoung smiles wryly and slowly undoes the buttons of his shirt, once his torso is exposed he tells his lover with the help of his gaze that he can do what he wishes, so it's like this that Jihoon starts kissing and sucking his elder's skin, leaving marks in his wake.

His actions spin Soonyoung's mind and make him moan with delight, the boy tilts his head back in pleasure and Jihoon takes the opportunity to mark his collarbone.

Soonyoung can't take it anymore, so he takes Jihoon by the shoulders and then puts his hands on Jihoon's hips to carry him to the sink.

The youngest knows what's going to happen and he's happy about it, he feels his elder take off his pants and his underwear, then he takes off his own clothes and the two lovers look each other up and down before kissing like savages.

Soonyoung's hands roam all over Jihoon's body, while his hands get lost in his eldest's hair, the envy and desire only increasing along with the heat of the room.

Soonyoung finally stops kissing Jihoon on the lips and asks him to come down from the washbasin, Jihoon obviously does so and then he feels his elder's cold fingers come down his back, this sends a long shiver down his spine, he leans his head back and Soonyoung takes the opportunity to embrace him.

" Soon-ah take me, without anything."

" Without any preparation and without condom ? "

" Um, I want you to make love to me without anything today. "

" As you wish, baby."

The eldest stops cuddling his youngest and warns his boyfriend anyway before thrusting into him, a long moan of pleasure escaping from the mouths of both boys and Soonyoung as he adjusts come to catch Jihoon's crotch.

When he finds a position that's comfortable for both him and Jihoon, he starts to move, palpating Jihoon's crotch at the same time, the room filling with moans, heavy sighs and soft words too.

Jihoon leans against the sink and Soonyoung marks his back and neck with his mouth, then he finds the right spot so he keeps tapping into it this sends electric shocks through the bodies of both lovers.

" Um, if with this people don't understand that you're mine there's a problem. "

" Ah ~ Ahn ~ Soonie, um ~ I'll..."

" Me too, Hum ~ I'm reaching my limit baby Hoonie."

After a few more strokes the two lovers end up coming at the same time, Soonyoung withdraws as gently as possible from Jihoon so as not to make him and then then he washes his hand because it's dirty.

" I don't think I'll go now, I'm tired. "

" That's a pity, your friends could have seen that you're mine if you'd been."

Soonyoung smiles as he looks at his wonderful boyfriend's body filled with his marks, Jihoon gets a small smile and starts to yawn, the elder chuckles softly and he goes to get some pyjamas, he puts one on and helps his lover put his on, then afterwards he carries the younger one in his arms and goes to settle him in their bed.

One thing's for sure: they're going to get a good night's sleep after a moment like that, and it's well deserved.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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