- SoonSeok - Possessive -

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- Top Soonyoung -

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- Top Soonyoung -

( Rinaa_ae Here your request he took me so long to do it gosh sorry ! )

N/A : Thank you everyone for 19K of views 🫶🏻


Soonyoung and Seokmin have been friends for a few years now, they always support each other in all circumstances, but now, the younger man seems to be drifting away from the older man, The older don't understand  so he often asks the younger what's going on, and Seokmin just respond that he's made a new friend called Joshua, and they have a lot of fun together because they like each other so much, they have a lot in common so it's really incredible when they spend time together.

Soonyoung didn't like it, he's jealous and extremely possessive of Seokmin. From the start, it's just been the two of them together without any other person and suddenly this men come in the middle of them, which is extremely unpleasant for the boy, Seokmin on his side doesn't really mind to be away from Soonyoung.

Right now the two men are in their appartement, Seokmin are on his phone with someone and Soonyoung are in the kitchen.

When the call ends, Seokmin turns to Soonyoung with a beautiful smile on his lips, but this quickly disappears when Soonyoung drags him upstairs.

" Soon... What's the matter with you ? Where are we going ? "

" I'm possessive of you Seok, you still haven't figured out that I have feelings for you ? "

" Uh-huh ? "

" Staying with Joshua all the time is so much nicer than staying with me right now hum ? "

" No, I.."

Seokmin can't go any further in his sentence, Soonyoung came to tackle him against a wall, and from the look of his hate-filled eyes, Seokmin didn't want to say anything else.

Soonyoung after several secondes comes to kiss Seokmin fiercely and sticking his body to his, the younger finds himself trapped between the older and the wall behind him, he can't get away so he decides to enjoy the kiss, honestly this moment he's been dreaming of for a long time so now that it's happening he has no desire for it to end.

" Hum.."

Seokmin make a little noises in the exchange as Soonyoung slides his tongue into his mouth and explores his oral cavity, sucking on his tongue at times. What's more, the older man's hands, which had been resting against the front wall, moved down to the black-haired man's ass, squeezing Seokmin's ass without restraint or an ounce of gentleness. The younger can only moans more and more.

Soonyoung slowly steps back and starts kissing Seokmin neck and collarbone, he marks the Seokmin's body and the younger moan even more..

" Ahn ~ fuck Soon ! You don't have to be possessive, you know I've been yours for an long time ah ~ "

Soonyoung straightens his head before speaking, observes his work and smiles wryly as he runs his fingers over the fine mark he's left.

" How could I know that ? You're spending your time with Joshua these days. "

" There's Jeonghan with us, too."

" Who's Jeonghan ? "

" The boy Joshua likes. If you want I'll play cupid between them, arrange dates and outings for them so they can get closer and become a couple. "

" Why didn't you ever tell me about this ? "

" Because I really like your reactions when you're jealous."

" You used this situation to make me jealous ? "

" Yes, and i'm happy with it, I don't regret it at all. "

" You know you deserve a punishment for have doing that."

" We don't have sex on the first night."

" Fuck that rule. I'll show you how possessive I am of you."

" Fine, but I'm also going to prove to you that I'm extremely possessive of you too."

Seokmin pulls Soonyoung away from him and grabs his wrist to drag him towards his bedroom. Once inside, he pushes Soonyoung over to his bed and stands over him.

The older not happy with the situation, reverse the positions, he now finds himself on top of Seokmin, he pulls off his shirt and removes it from Seokmin, slowly his mouth joins the younger body, he covers the whole of Seokmin body with his passage, he bites, sucks and plays with Seokmin sensitive parts, the younger moans and scratches the older back when the pleasure is too intense.

" Ahn ~ Soon please ah ! "

Soonyoung smiles wryly at this, then comes to remove the rest of the excess clothing, so the two lovers find themselves naked.

While Soonyoung gets up to fetch a condom, Seokmin puts his belly against the mattress and waits, the older comes back on top of him, he asks Seokmin to suck his fingers, the youngrt does so and once they're wet, Soonyoung takes his fingers back and inserts them into Seokmin slowly.

The black-haired boy grunts in pain as it's a new sensation for him, then when it's a little better Soonyoung inserts a second finger then starts making scissor movements to relax Seokmin entrance. Seokmin still grunts in pain, a tear rolling down his cheek.

" Ah... Soon ! Take me, now."

" Are you sure ? "

Seokmin simply nods, Soonyoung not wanting to embarrass the younger any more than that, withdraws his fingers and pulls the condom over his crotch before gently thrusting into Seokmin. The young man shrieks in pain at first, tears rolling down his cheeks, and he comes to take a pillow between his hands to squeeze it between his fingers, after some times, Seokmin feel ready so he say it.

" You can move Soon I feel okay now."

Soonyoung starts to move and the cries of pain turn into cries of pleasure, the older moans as does the black-haired boy and after a few minutes the two boys come at the same time.

Soonyoung gently withdraws from Seokmin and goes to throw the condom in the garbage can, the younger only managing to roll onto his side, Soonyoung laughs and wipes the side of Seokmin's bed, puts on a few sprays of perfume and goes to bed beside Seokmin.

" That hurts."

" I'm sorry Minnie ~ I went a little too hard."

" You showed me your possessiveness but next time go easy. "

" There's going to be a next time ? "

" Possibly, I'm in love with you, I think you're also in love with me so we're not going to stay friends."

" No, we're definitely not going to stay friends Minnie. Do you mind if we're a couple ? "

" Sure, I'd love to be your boyfriend. Next time I'll be the one to show you that I can be just as possessive as you."

" Can't wait ~ "

Seokmin laughs softly, then feels Soonyoung come and encircle his waist with his arms, and he also feels his boyfriend place a few kisses on the back of his neck. The younger smiles and gently closes his eyes, he lets himself go completely and sleep comes quickly. He'll thank Joshua for helping him make Soonyoung jealous, without whom he'd never have gone beyond friendship with Soonyoung.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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