- Tired - JiHan -

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  Jeonghan top

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  Jeonghan top

My second favorite ship


The atmosphere in the main room of Jeonghan and Joshua's house is filled with tenderness and affection, the younger man's head is positioned on the older man's shoulder and the blond man places several kisses in the hair of the one he loves. Joshua begins to yawn and slowly looks up at his lover.

" Are you tired my baby bambi ?"

" Um, I think I'll go to bed and just sleep."

" How about we do something to keep you awake for a few more moments ? "

Joshua immediately understands his boyfriend's implication and starts to blush ; he says nothing, just blinks, his heart beats wildly and his hands become slightly sweaty.

Jeonghan realizes that he's rushed his lover a little with his request, so he sighs softly and goes back to kissing his boyfriend's hair to calm him down.

" I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you that. Let's go to sleep Shuji-ya. Hmm ? "

" I'm tired but I still have energy to do what you have in mind if you want."

The American has no idea where all this confidence comes from, but he knows he wants to do it now, his tiredness seems to have gone out the window and only his lover's desire-filled eyes seem to exist.

Slowly, the black-haired man raises his head from the blond man's shoulder and, without hesitation, places his lips on Jeonghan's. The older man is surprised at first and doesn't react, but when he feels Joshua's mouth move against his, he pulls himself together.

Jeonghan regains the upper hand in the exchange, also moving his lips against Joshua's and nibbling on the black-haired man's lower lip to get him to open his mouth, the American gets the message so he opens his mouth and the older man's tongue slips into the younger man's mouth.

The blond continues to explore his boyfriend's mouth without restraint and this makes Joshua moan a little, Jeonghan takes this as a really important green light so he makes Joshua lie down on the sofa and he comes on top of him.

Joshua blinks and blushes to see his eldest with such a domineering aura around him, Jeonghan bit his lower lip and slowly runs his hands up his lover's shirt, then pulls the younger man's top off.

The boy arches his pelvis in pleasure and groans as he feels Jeonghan replace his fingers with his mouth.

Jeonghan's tongue plays over Joshua's body and he quickly reaches the younger boy's belt, the American's jerky breathing makes the Korean want it even more, without waiting any longer he removes Joshua's belt, then his pants and finally his lover's underwear.

The young boy places his hands on his body and looks his lover in the eyes, Jeonghan makes a little pout, he knows what's going on in his boyfriend's head and he wants him to stop thinking like that. So he leans in close to Joshua's ear and whispers softly.

" Your body is beautiful Shuji-ya. You don't need to hide it, okay ? "

Slowly Joshua removes his hands from his body and Jeonghan smiles as he comes to place several small kisses on his lover's body.

" Hannie-ya ~ take off the rest of your clothes too...ah ~"

" Do it yourself my Shuji."

The Korean has a slight smirk on his face, he knows the American is embarrassed at the idea of doing this because he never does it and it's always up to him, but here Jeonghan really wants Joshua to gain confidence so he does nothing and waits.

" Jeonghannie...I don't know if I can do it."

" Don't think too much about it, just do it."

Joshua swallows and eventually does, catching himself completely undoing Jeonghan's belt and also pulling his boyfriend's pants down his legs.

" You've got one step left, you know you've done the hard part baby."

The black-haired man simply nods and with all the courage he has left he pulls off Jeonghan's underwear and the two men finally find themselves completely naked on their sofa.

" Baby Shuji-ya, you know how the rest goes."

Joshua nods, while Jeonghan goes off to get what's next, putting his belly against the couch and waiting.
After a few seconds he feels a body mass come over him and a trail of kisses meet his back.

The blond sprinkles his boyfriend's soft skin with several wet kisses and a few flicks of his tongue, then presents some fingers to Joshua, the young boy takes them in his mouth and sucks on them, when they're nice and wet Jeonghan retrieves them and inserts one into Joshua.

The young man grunts but quickly calms down, although he grunts again when Jeonghan inserts a second finger.
Jeonghan warns his boyfriend and moves his two fingers to relax his boyfriend's entrance.

After a few scissor movements Jeonghan reckons it's good, so he withdraws his fingers and takes the protection and puts it around his crotch. Joshua watches him do it and nods slowly as he sees his lover position himself over his entrance.

" Can I go ? "

" Um.."

Jeonghan inserts himself slowly and as gently as possible into Joshua, the American grunting and howling slightly but relaxing when he hears his lover say sweet words to him. After a few seconds like this, the American is completely relaxed, so Jeonghan starts to move, the room filled with the sound of jerky breathing and loud moans, but also soft words and tender caresses.

" Ah ~ Hum ~ Hannie-ya..".

" Just a little bit more ."

" I'm tired Hannie-ya please let me ah ~"

" Let's come together Shuji-ya. "

" AH ~ okay..."

The American holds on as best he can but he's not going to hold on very long as soon as his boyfriend tells him he's coming, he doesn't wait any longer and he comes on his own, afterwards Jeonghan comes quickly after him too so it's not so bad.

Jeonghan pulls away from Joshua and throws the protection in the garbage can, then fetches two pairs of pyjamas and returns to see his lover in the living room.
When he returns to the sofa, he sees his boyfriend with his eyes closed and his breathing quiet, a sign that he's fallen asleep.

" You were really extremely tired, baby. I have then any energy that it remained. I'm sorry."

Jeonghan chuckles lightly and decides to wear Joshua in princess mode, being careful not to wake him, then goes off to lay him in their bed and as quietly as possible puts on his lover's pyjamas and goes off to bed beside the one he loves.

The night of sleep well deserved.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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