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- Top Vernon -

( biaswreckedbyjoonie Here our duo )

They're so cute together 🥹


Seungcheol is bored out of his mind, and for good reason: his boyfriend has been away for a few weeks on a professional project, and the young American hardly ever sends Seungcheol any news.

The Korean is deeply disappointed, but he tries to have faith in his boyfriend, despite the many rumors of a couple that are becoming increasingly viral, Seungcheol gets it into his head that this is normal, fans crave drama and stories like that, so what the hell.

He simply waits for his lover on the sofa in the living room, then, really missing his lover, so the blond gets up from the sofa and goes to his bedroom, he quickly rummages through the wardrobe and finds a jacket, one of his lover's sports jackets. Without hesitation, he takes it and puts it on. He knows his boyfriend is coming back today, and he can't wait.

The jacket isn't his boyfriend, of course, but it does the trick. The young man returns to the living room and a surprise awaits him at the bottom of the stairs. His boyfriend is there, a rose in one hand and a small box in the other, and as Seungcheol finishes descending the last step, Vernon gives him the little flower and drops a knee.

" Nonnie ? Your finally back home ! Uh, what are you doing ? "

" This trip away from you has made me realize how impossible it is for me to live without you, so will you stay by my side forever and marry me ? "

" Of course, Nonnie. "

Vernon stands up and immediately takes his lover in his arms, Seungcheol lets go of the flower and also takes his lover in his arms.

" I'm really glad you're back home, Nonnie. I missed you so much. "

" I'm glad to be home at last too, I'm also glad you're accepted. I'm missed you too baby."

" Under no circumstances would I have refused to say yes to the person I love more than anything in the world. "

Vernon smiles into Seungcheol's neck and eventually peels himself away from his lover a little, it's then that he realizes his eldest's outfit, his jacket too big for him and nothing below.

The chestnut's gaze quickly changes, and a slight smile appears at the corners of his lips. Without waiting any longer, he carries his eldest in his arms and leads him into their bedroom, the younger putting the older on the bed and coming on top of him.

Seungcheol blushes a little; his boyfriend's domineering aura has always made him a little shy. Honestly, when his lover looks at him like that, he simply feels like a gazelle and Vernon a lion, in other words, Vernon looks like a wild animal ready to devour its prey.

Slowly, Vernon unzips the jacket, slowly pulls it down and notices that his boyfriend is wearing something underneath, but he's wearing something that makes him want to take Seungcheol all the way to heaven. It's black sexy lingerie.

Vernon bites his lower lip and slowly runs his fingers over his boyfriend's torso, his breathing quickening slightly and his gentle gaze meeting Vernon's.

The second that follows is very pleasurable for the young man, who sees his lover undress and end up totally naked. The chestnut-haired man then removes the last remaining piece of cloth from Seungcheol's body and finally comes to kiss him.

He kisses Seungcheol on the lips, neck, collarbone, Adam's apple, cheeks, forehead, tip of the nose, earlobes, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, torso, nipples and legs.

The older man sighs with pleasure, arching his back as excitement and ecstasy mount, he gently runs his hands through his boyfriend's hair, letting him mark it as he pleases.

Vernon approaches Seungcheol's crotch and begins to place simple little kisses here and there. The older gets a little impatient and asks his lover to stop playing and do something more concrete, so that the next second, Vernon takes Seungcheol in his mouth.

An explosion of emotions runs through Seungcheol's body, he arches his pelvis when he feels he's about to cum and warns Vernon that he's about to cum, the younger one continues his actions and the older one finally comes.

The younger man takes a handkerchief and spits it all out. He then asks Seungcheol to put his belly against the mattress, which the older man does.

" With or without ? "

" With, please Nonnie. "

The chestnut nods and opens their dresser drawer to get a condom, before slipping it on he properly prepares Seungcheol who moans when the younger man puts his fingers inside him, then when he tells his younger he wants more than fingers inside him, Vernon withdraws his fingers and slides the protection around his crotch and slowly penetrates Seungcheol.

At first he doesn't move, because it's been a long time and Seungcheol must be in pain, so he takes his time, but when he hears his lover say he can move, he starts to do so. The room fills with jerking breaths, the sounds of wet kisses and, above all, obscene noises and moans.

" Ah ~ Nonnie ! Ah ~ I'm going to... ! Ah ~"

" Ahn ~ Me too baby love, ah ~"

Then it's after these words that both come at once, Vernon pulls out of Seungcheol as gently as possible and puts the condom in the garbage can, the blond stands up and grabs tissues to clean the place up. The two lovers simply pull on a T-shirt and shorts to open the window and stand at its edge.

" It feels good to be home again."

" It's good to have you here with me again."

Vernon smiled sweetly and came to stand behind Seungcheol to wrap her arms around her boyfriend's waist and rest her head on his.

" From now on, if I have any more plans abroad, I'll take you with me, it's too hard without you. "

" Besides, it'll keep people from thinking you're sleeping with the whole world. "

" Have you seen the rumors ? "

" Obviously, it's viral Nonnie. "

" I know you trust me and you're right by the way because the only person I love is you, you're my home you know that. "

" Um, I know that, you're my home too Nonnie. "

Seungcheol gently turns towards Vernon and places a small kiss on Vernon's lips, a tender kiss that has nothing in common with the previous ones, but is still as soft and pleasant as ever. The Korean steps back gently and wraps his arms around the American's neck.

" No one has the importance you have in my life, baby love. "

" And nobody knows how important you are to me, Nonnie. "

The two lovers smile at each other, they're so happy to have found each other again, Vernon is happy to be back home and Seungcheol is happy that Vernon is back home too, the two lovers stay here looking at the stars and cuddle each other's.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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