- JunHao - Sexfriends -

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- Top Minghao -

( reennjunn here your request with the JunHao hope your going to like it ! )


The younger man's hands pass under the older man's shirt, Minghao's cold hands slowly caress Jun's warm belly, his mouth settles on the older man's neck and he takes care not to leave any trace in his wake, even if he does want to mark that soft, milky skin, He doesn't want the other members to notice that he's got a red, purplish mark on the back of his neck, not to mention the fact that Jun can't lie, so he'd end up telling them what's going on and the members would be deeply disgusted by them, so in this kind of situation avoiding dramatic stories is paramount.

Minghao slowly begins to undo Jun's clothes, and the older man wonders why every night he finds himself in this situation, to say he doesn't like sleeping with his younger brother would be a lie nevertheless there's something that's starting to bother him about all this so much that tonight he's not taking any pleasure, so yes they've just started but usually just having his younger brother's freezing hands on him makes him shiver nevertheless tonight. Nothing. He feels nothing, and Minghao knows it.

" Are you sure everything's okay ? We don't do it if you don't want to."

" It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I'm wondering. "

" At times like this you think ? "

" Yes, because it has something to do with what we're doing : how did you and I end up becoming sexfriends ?"

" We attract each other like magnets, it's physical between us we can't deny the fact that this attractiveness is powerful and inevitable. "

" The principle of a sexfriends is that no feelings get mixed up in it, right ? "

" That's right, when we're sexfriends, no feelings are involved, just sex and friendship. "

" What if I tell you I don't want to be your sexfriends anymore ? "

Minghao smiled, honestly he'd seen it coming and to say he felt nothing for Jun would be lying, he'd never dared tell his eldest because he was waiting for him to discover his real feelings for himself, in his speech the younger was totally sincere, if they started sleeping together it's because they're physically attracted to each other but beyond that there's more to it now.

" I don't want to be sexfriends anymore, do you want the truth ? It's not just your looks that attract me, but everything about you sincerely does. "

" Can we sleep together as if we were lovers and not sex depraved ? "

" Will you be my boyfriend ? Do you mind if we reduce our frequency to make love ? "

" Yes I do want to be yours and yours alone, and yes I do want us to make love less than that, once a week is already a good decrease in frequency. "

" Shall we do it tonight ? "

Jun answers nothing, he turns to his boyfriend and kisses him on the lips Minghao smiles in the exchange, his hands come directly to grip his lover's hips and their two bodies start to move, they come into friction and when their budding eréctions meet they grunt with pleasure. Minghao moves Jun back to the bed and removes his boyfriend's clothes.

The latter tries to remove his lover's clothes but Minghao prevents him from doing so by doing it himself in a slow, sensual way, Jun breathes heavily at the sight before him, slowly his fingers come to slide over his younger's body and the latter smiles, he returns to kiss his elder on the lips then lets his mouth slide over the black-haired man's body, Jun no longer holds back his moans and surprisingly today Minghao doesn't ask him to be quiet.

" Ah ~ it's strange today you're giving me permission to ah ! To be loud."

" Before I didn't want other people to find out we were sexfriends but today I do want them to know we're a couple so make as much noise as you want. "

Jun nods and when he looks down slightly at his body he sees that it's marked. This is new too, as Minghao used to refuse to do this, but today it's different: of course he wants to mark and suck his boyfriend's skin, he wants to prove to everyone that the young man is his.

Slowly Minghao places himself correctly between his boyfriend's legs, the latter has spread them wide and he lets the younger man do what he wants, so Minghao starts to move delicately and their erections rub against each other and this obviously makes both boys moan - it's only after a few minutes that the two men come together in a long moan of pleasure.

Minghao slowly moves away from Jun and goes to get some tissues to clean up their bodies and the space Jun has soiled, once this is done he goes to lie down next to the older boy and just as they are about to fall asleep, the door opens and Minghao looks in to see the leader.

" I'm glad you're a couple and no longer sexfriends. "

" Did you know about this ? " Minghao asks in a daze.

" Of course all the members knew Hao, you weren't that discreet."

" Oh...I thought we were."

" You were busier undressing with your eyes than with our group's promotions."

" Sorry about that."

" It doesn't matter though tonight now that you've slept together. We've all heard it, so sleep well you two, we've got a long hard day ahead of us tomorrow."

" Yes hyung. "

" Guys I'm really happy for you, be happy together."

" You too be happy in your life and make Chan happier than ever too. "

The leader simply nodded and closed the door, Jun literally hid in Minghao's arms, totally embarrassed that everyone had heard their moment of pleasure, Minghao for his part simply laughed, placed several kisses in his boyfriend's hair and told him it wasn't that bad, next time they'd be really more discreet or they'd warn the members to play loud music so as to hear only the music and not their moans.

This only served to embarrass Jun even more, but he's happy that he's no longer Minghao's sexfriends but her boyfriend, and that a real, loving relationship can now take place between them.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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