- JeongCheol - Crush on you -

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- Top Jeonghan -

( ArianaMerkelov, AmairaSid13ZaraAdil Here your request with the Jeonghan ~ hope you like it )


Seungcheol and Jeonghan have been friends for quite a few years now, they're in the same school and the same class, they're really like the most popular duo in the school and they really appreciate the interest others show in them because they're loved and they show that the chemistry between two people really does exist.

At the end of the day, Jeonghan is waiting for Seungcheol but the older man says he has things to do and can't stay with him today, so before leaving he places a chaste kiss on the younger man's cheek and leaves.

Jeonghan, for his part, still decided to do what he'd planned to do without his friend, and doesn't think of the older man as his eldest at all any more; he's been completely in love with him for some time now, but doesn't dare tell him so, So, to forget his feelings for Seungcheol, he finishes his day in a bar and drinks until he loses track of things a little. The bartender sees the young man lying down and in complete pain, he sighs because it's not the first time and calls Seungcheol on his mobile. Seungcheol sighs and says he'll come and get him.

-> The next morning

Jeonghan wakes up slowly, yawns and stretches, then a huge headache makes him groan in pain, he starts massaging his temples, then the bedroom door opens, the blond looks at the boy, who goes to open the shutters and has a glass in his hand.

Once the shutters are open, the black-haired boy comes to give the glass of water with aspirin inside to his elder and settles on the edge of the bed just after.

" Cheol, what happened last night ? "

" You drank like a fool, and you tried to kiss me repeatedly. "

Jeonghan blinks several times, he realizes that alcohol gives courage. The younger man drinks the glass Seungcheol has given him and observes all the perfect features of his older face, and his heart starts to beat faster, the older puts a friendly hand on one of Jeonghan's thighs and he feels a huge pain in his crotch.

" Are you okay, Hannie ? "

" Cheol, didn't I try more than kissing you ? "

" No, afterwards you were drunk so I didn't take anything seriously."

" Did I say anything ? "

" Um, but like I said I didn't take anything seriously. You were completely drunk."

The blond felt bad, honestly afraid he'd said something embarrassing, or even worse his feelings, and what if that was what he'd revealed ? After all, it's possible he'd tried to kiss his friend a few times after all.

Jeonghan's mind goes blank, he loses himself in his thoughts, until he feels his older hand close to his crotch, when the older small hand comes to caress the swollen spot, Jeonghan holds back a moan but finally he doesn't succeed.

His obscene noise echoes in Seungcheol mind and he looks towards his youngest, who looks away embarrassed.

" Hannie ? "

" I don't know what I said when I was drunk, but one thing's for sure : even when I'm sober, I want to kiss you, I want to hold you, I want you. I really do. "

" You said exactly the same thing to me when you were drunk. You know Hannie, I've been secretly wanting you for a long time too, now that we've revealed our true feelings can we move on ? "

" Will you be my boyfriend ? "

" Already look me in the eye and really ask me. Because right now I feel like you're asking the question to the wall."

This sentence makes Jeonghan laugh, honestly he doesn't feel like facing Seungcheol older gaze but he tells himself that the older is right, asking this question in the eyes is better, deeper, more sincere.

Shyly, he turns his head towards Seungcheol, his eyes meet the black-haired man's and in a timid voice he asks his question again. The older doesn't answer, but climbs onto Jeonghan's legs.

The black-haired man smiles when he sees his elder's swollen crotch. Without hesitation, he places one of his hands on the spot and begins to knead his elder over his pyjamas.

His mouth comes to Jeonghan's neck, he leaves little butterfly kisses, sometimes licks, sometimes nibbles, and all his actions make Jeonghan moan with pleasure.

Jeonghan tries to put his lips on Seungcheol's and finally succeeds, after so many moments of waiting, the kisses are directly aggressive and torrid, Seungcheol undulates his pelvis against Jeonghan's and this makes both boys moan.

Seungcheol loosens his lips from Jeonghan's gently and stops moving, letting their breathing return to normal.

" Now that you're sober I'm not going to hold back, make me cum."

" You could have done it even if I was drunk Cheol. "

" I don't take advantage of people who aren't in control of their actions, even if you were enterprising I could never have taken advantage of you like that."

" That's the main reason I fell in love with you. You're incredible. "

" Now that you're fully aware and consenting, can we continue ? Show me the paradise. "

Jeonghan smiles softly and comes to grasp the nape of his older neck and he brings their two lips together again, Seungcheol smiles into the kiss and he starts moving his pelvis again, the two groaning together obviously.

The kisses continue, Seungcheol's movements quicken, the noises intensify, Jeonghan ends up swapping positions between himself and Seungcheol and he takes control, he holds Seungcheol's legs and it is he who starts to rub their two erections together, the moans get louder and after several minutes both come in their pyjamas.

Jeonghan stops kissing Seungcheol and settles in beside his elder, smiling at each other and deciding to shower separately so he can be ready to join the others in their etablissement.

Once clean and dressed the two recent lovers, leave Seungcheol's house hand in hand and decide to go meet the others at their establishment, once they arrive at their destination, their friends jump on them and laugh at them, they knew their friendship wasn't going to last and they knew they were going to end up together for sure.

" Shua ~ when are you going to confess your feelings to Chan ? "

" Bro- we've been a couple for several months now ? It might be time to find out."

" Uh ? "

" When I said you never listened to me because you were always busy thinking about Jeonghan. It wasn't a joke, I'm your cousin and I'm not important to you at all anymore, I know it."

" No ! That's not true ~"

Seungcheol tries to do a Joshua but the young man goes away, and he hugs his boyfriend, the elder starts to pout slightly, a little pout comes to his lips and Jeonghan comes to him, and he kisses him on the lips, Seungcheol starts to blush and he hides in his boyfriend's arms, Jeonghan laughs slightly at him finding him too cute, he's really happy to be more than just his elder's friend. Their friendly duet, which made the other students dream so much, now makes them dream even more, because they're such a wonderful couple.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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