- JeongCheol - Tattoo -

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- Top Seungcheol -

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- Top Seungcheol -

( For the person who wanted this ship ! )


For his 25th birthday Jeonghan decided to mark his skin with a tattoo, being a little stressed he asked his precious cousin to come with him so he'd be less tense, when the two men arrived at the desired location, Jeonghan seriously starts to get more and more panicky and as Chan senses it he takes his hand and smiles gently to reassure him this works relatively well as the older man sighs and calms down, then two boys arrive together, they don't even seem to have noticed the two young men as they're busy teasing each other.

" Oh, sorry hello to you two, would you like to have a tattoo ? "

" Just him not me, I don't feel ready to do it yet." Say Chan with a beautiful smile on his lips.

" Follow me I'll take care of you tell me what you want and I'll see what I can do."

Jeonghan turns to Chan and the younger smiles even more and nods, the blond swallows and feels his cousin let go of his hand and as he feels abandoned he decides to follow the tattooist, the two men arrive in a dimly lit room, the atmosphere is rather warm and soothing here and it eases Jeonghan's stress.

The tattooist asks him to take a seat on the chair in the space so the boy does, he quickly says what he wants and the tattooist is rather surprised because he's never heard of this, but he's hopeful of doing a good job, slowly he puts a small product on his work tool and he starts to mark Jeonghan's skin, the blond starts to breathe heavily and when he feels the tip hurting him slightly he groans.

Jeonghan blinks in embarrassment and puts his free hand over his mouth, the tattooist chuckles slightly, he looks up at Jeonghan and slowly his face approaches the blond's, he leaves his work tool aside and places a chaste kiss on the tip of Jeonghan's nose.

" Will you allow me to kiss you on your kissable lips ? "

" Um yeah, what's your name ? "

" Seungcheol and you ? " Seungcheol smirks slightly.

" Jeonghan. "

Seungcheol smiles softly, he puts Jeonghan's hair back properly and places his lips on the blond's, at first it's something relatively gentle and slow but when the tattoo artist inserts his tongue into Jeonghan's mouth the exchange quickly takes a hot and languorous turn, gently Seungcheol's body rubs against Jeonghan's and he stops kissing Jeonghan to come and place kisses on Jeonghan's neck.

The blond responds with a moan and his hands slip under Seungcheol's shirt, the tattooist keeps moving and after a few minutes the two men end up coming together, Seungcheol stops kissing Jeonghan's skin and moves slightly away from him, picking up his work tool again and winking at the boy, Jeonghan is so euphoric that he doesn't even react to the tool marking his skin.

" Your tattoo is finished Jeonghan ah ~ " Seungcheol says after an hour's work.

" Hmm ? My tattoo is... Oh wow, you do amazing work. "

" I'm glad you like it, we still have one more thing to do."

" What's that ? My tattoo are done."

" You're not going out with that ? We'll go wash up first."

Jeonghan blinks but allows himself to be led by Seungcheol to a place he doesn't know, on the way they see Chan and the other tattooist, his cousin is shocked while the tattooist doesn't even seem surprised.

Seungcheol takes Jeonghan with him into the shower, embracing him from behind and placing kisses on his shoulders. Jeonghan is on a cloud of happiness throughout the shower, after which the two men leave the shower, Seungcheol gives the blond his clothes and says he'll clean the dirty clothes if he wants them back.

Jeonghan nodded with flushed cheeks then they returned to the main room, the blond was about to pay but Seungcheol told him he needed to pay just by giving his number and coming more often that's all, the blond blushed even more but agreed, he gave Seungcheol his number and dragged his cousin with him out of this place.

" You never stop, Hum."

" I assure you, Josh, it's different this time. You know very well I don't normally do anything with my customers. "

" Yes, whereas right now I'm sure the neighbors heard your moaning. "

" Were we that loud ? "

" You traumatized his cousin, he asked me what you were doing I had to come up with a lie. "

" Sorry, but tell me you seem to like this young boy, don't you ? "

" Well, that's why we're going on a date tonight, besides he's not that young."

" How old is he ? "

" He's about to turn 20, and he's asked me to give him a tattoo to mark his coming of age. "

" You're going to wait until he comes of age to kiss him and ask him to be in relationship with you, aren't you ? "

" I'm not like you, I don't pounce on my prey as if I were hungry for the person and thirsty for sex. I get to know the person and go slowly at their pace so as not to scare them off."

" He didn't seem frightened by the idea of us doing this." Seungcheol smiled wryly, remembering Jeonghan's moans and requests to go further and make him come.

What's certain is that this relationship with Jeonghan has only just begun and he's not going to stop there, for once he's really found an intriguing and interesting person, it's true that it's happened to him to play with many of his clients but he's never gone further than that nevertheless Jeonghan really seems to please him and the idea of going on a date with him, is something he likes so he sends a message directly to the blond and the latter replies in a minute that he accepts.

Joshua says they can go on a date as a foursome to make a sort of double date, he'll get to know Chan and he'll get to know Jeonghan, Seungcheol thinks it's a great idea and sends a message back to Jeonghan and the blond responds even quicker than the first time and he's happy with the request as he'll feel more comfortable having his wonderful cousin with him. The four boys are really looking forward to the evening.


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