- MinShua - Kiss -

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- Top Mingyu -

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- Top Mingyu -

( For the person who wanted this ship ! )


Joshua is a twenty-one years old boy who is currently single and complains about it a lot. So much so, that his best friend Seungcheol urges him to sign up to dating apps if he really wants someone. The copperhead boy refuses, because that's not how he wants to meet his boyfriend. He wants something more original, shall we say...

At the moment, it's 3:35 p.m....

Joshua is sitting on the couch staring at the ceiling, bored out of his mind. Luckily, his best friend is there to get him out of this deadly boredom...



Dude, let's go for a walk outside, it's sunny !


Yews ! I'll be down in five minutes.


The copperhead boy smiles again. He quickly changes into a classy but casual outfit and leaves his house. Seungcheol is waiting for him with a gentle smile.

" Where are we going ? " Asks the elder.

" To the bar ? I'm thirsty. "

" I'll follow you."

The two friends begin to walk towards the desired location, but stop in mid-stride because it's so crowded. Seungcheol, who isn't really from this area, wonders why it's so crowded.

" What's going on ? " asks the blond.

" Since the beginning of the week, there's been a stand."

" What's this stand say ? "

" You can kiss a guy for a minute."

" Oh really ? And you're waiting for what ? Just do it."

" No, i don't want to ! "

" He's not your style ? "

Joshua blinks, while his cheekbones tint red.

" That's not the point, Cheol. "

" Shut up, go on ! "

" There are three, so if you want to take the one of the other one."

" That's fine with me. "

The two boys get in line. Joshua keeps telling himself he shouldn't have given in to his friend, but the temptation is strong. To be honest, the boys manning the booth are really good-looking - there are three of them...

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