- VerKwan - Love -

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- Vernon top -

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- Vernon top -

( For the person who wanted this ! )




Hey, Kwan meet me at the bar we used to go together


who's that ?
Just kidding :) of course I'm coming ~ don't hit me though.


I can't guarantee anything.


Hey, you're ruining my beautiful face, if you do I'll do the same.


Okay, we won't hit each other, I promise.


You'd better keep your promise.


Hey, I'm not you, of course I know how to keep my promises unlike you.


You really hate me that much, huh ? It's deserved after all, so I accept, but I no longer accept being your enemy Sol-ah.


We need to have this discussion hyung !


Um, I know, I'll explain everything in detail.


I should hope so.


The two boys where was friends at first but they're don't that anymore so Vernon seriously wonders how things are going to work out between them, he really want to understand.

A few minutes later Vernon saw Seungkwan arrived at the indicated location, they're not in the bar but outside at the smoke area.

The younger man sighed and, stressed by the situation and the events to come, took a cigarette out of his pocket and put it between his lips, then picked up a lighter and, just as he was about to light it, he felt his nicotine stick slip out of his mouth.

He gently turns his head and then feels a mouth crush against his, Vernon is completely shocked by this, he tries to push Seungkwan away from him but he can't.

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