Wild Thoughts

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Scar had stumbled her way back into the forest biome, an area that was ridden with bad memories. She took shelter under a tree, using her left hand to remove her torn apart shirt and placing it to the side of her. She then untied the vines that were wrapped around the leaves and she let them fall off her chest. There wasn't enough pressure applied to stop the bleeding, the vines weren't tied tight enough...

But, Scar couldn't blame anyone for this. Except herself or Hawkes. Scar had never been shot before, she had been shot with tranquilizers and there was the time with Tiff and Mitch where Tiff had shot her and grazed her neck, but never was an actual bullet in her body. There wasn't an exit wound, no hole at her back, only one entry hole at her chest. And now, Scar had to do the unthinkable, something she had never ever done before.

Scar took a deep breath in before sticking two fingers into her bullet wound, stretching her flesh out, she had to feel around in her own skin to find the piece of copper that was floating around inside of her. Scar tried not to think about how all of this felt, she just had to power through it, like she had done all those other times she had gotten hurt when nobody else was around to help her.

Blood squirted out of the wound, splashing onto her knuckles and running down her arm. Scar had no idea how bullets traveled through the human body, but she knew if it stayed inside of her body any longer she could get some sort of blood disease or infection. Scar's fingers were knuckle deep into her chest, her long nails poking at her nerves.

Like tweezers, Scar pinched the piece of copper between her nails and slowly pulled her fingers out of her bullet wound. She tossed the bullet out in front of her, it bounced and rolled a few inches leaving drips and swirls of blood on the grass. Leaving behind blood was a very rookie mistake for her to do, it left her vulnerable and allowed easy detection for predators such as Cole.

Scar panted heavily, pressing down hard her left hand against the right side of her chest, she needed a moment to recover, just a moment. Scar breathed in and out front her mouth, keeping her hand firmly against the wound. She then looked up, seeing if the leaves on the trees were good enough to provide bandages for her, and Scar observed how those leaves would be too small for what she needed them to do. She would have better luck with bushes.

Scar began to move to the nearest bush as she still applied pressure to her injury. And when Scar began to pick the leaves from the bushes,
she....remembered. Ben. She remembered Ben.

When she had found Ben after the monorail accident, she picked leaves for his wounds, tucking them under her arms and wrapping them over his cuts from the glass, securing them with vines, but not too tight....Not wanting to hurt the boy. She rinsed the back of his head, fed him berries....Helped him made spears....

'No, Scar! Stop this. You're hurt. Just pick the damn leaves and fix yourself! Ben doesn't need you and you don't want him. He doesn't deserve this, Scar. You've ruined him, Scar. He's gotten so attached to you...Why? Why would he get attached to a monster like you, Scar? Fangs, claws, should've scared him....'

'He was scared in the beginning, what changed?' Scar began to pick the leaves more forcefully, tearing them off of the bush. 'Bumpy! That ball of hope...' Scar stopped tugging at the leaves, she had far too many. 'If you didn't help Bumpy, Ben wouldn't have warmed up to you, Scar.' Scar poked three cactus spines through each end of her skin to close the wound, the spines acting as stitches. She placed the leaves around her wound, letting the excess blood around it be an adhesive because she was too weak to go climb for vines. 'If you hadn't gotten involved with a single camper....' Scar couldn't stop thinking.

God, how she HATED to think. Before all of this, with Owen in her S6 paddock, Scar barely thought about anything, she only thought surface level, never driving deeper into anything. But then again, she didn't have the capability to think about anything to a great extent because of her limited vocabulary and how Wu had broke her over and over and over again.

Scar would only observe how the sky was blue and how Owen was late, and how sometimes her food tasted funky, but she never actually thought about it. Scar never thought that maybe Wu purposely paralyzed her, or that he had purposely let her escape back on Nublar, these two being speculations. And she had never thought that Wu could've tricked her into believing he didn't actually have the campers when he gave her those six chances....

He had done all of this though because Scar was too afraid to think. She had never thought about it, but her thoughts could consumer her and Scar would let them do that. Scar would let her thoughts eat away at her, bit by bit, picking her apart, tearing into her until she didn't have anything left. But then she thought....If, just if, her and Ben ever made up...

It wouldn't be real. Scar had meant everything she was telling Ben, after all those were her thoughts and her feelings. The truth was, Scar hadn't had a voice for a long time, and when she had got it back, she had meant every word. Even if those words were hurtful to everyone around her, Scar couldn't help herself, the words just overwhelmed her mind and overwhelmed her lips, and once she started, she couldn't stop....

When Scar and Ben were alone together with Bumpy and themselves, they would actually talk for hours, and it was always about strange topics. Ben would do most of the talking, Scar was a good listener and she added anything she could. But, even when they had peaceful, happy, calm conversations, Scar wouldn't talk as much as she had done in the present...But, Scar wasn't talking to Ben when he had found her those times on Mantah Corp island. Scar was yelling at him and who knows how that had effected him....

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