Training Day(s)

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A/N: A flashback chapter

Compies rummaged around Jurassic World, they'd constantly get out of their enclosures and look for anything shiny with no thought in the world. But, don't let these tiny creatures fool you, they could pack a punch if they seriously needed to. You didn't come to Jurassic World to get bit by a venomous Compy, now did you? We at Jurassic World hope you didn't. But, they aren't just known for their venom, when in groups, Compies can do a great deal of damage, with their tiny little claws, small and sharp teeth, now why is this important information?

Not like you'd ever see a Compy outside of Jurassic World. This information wouldn't be important to you, but it'd be important to Scar, if she had found out about all of this, perhaps her fight would've gone better. Scar was still in her early stages of her experimental development, she was still trying to adjust to all of this, trying to figure out what was going on and what would happen next. Scar and Wu's other experiments needed to be more than just mentally strong, they also needed to be physically strong.

And seeing how Scarlett never had experience with any rough and tumble until now, she needed to be trained more than she already was. It was a bit of a challenge, Scar was struggling to stand and you needed both your arms and your legs to fight. It was hard for Owen to train her, the only thing he had was a boxing mannequin and it was unsettling imagining Scar ripping a human to shreds. Nonetheless, Owen had to train Scar, not just for Wu, but for herself.

"Alright, Scar." Owen said as he set up the mannequin, "Important points for damage." Owen said, using his finger to point around the mannequin, "Head, chest, waist." Owen only hoped that this all wouldn't be for nothing. "It's the same on a dinosaur." Owen continued to explain to Scar how to defend herself, sometimes he wondered if she was actually listening or if she would ever use these tactics and things he was teaching her.

"Come on, Scar!" Owen drilled. "You can do better than this!" Owen's harshness was needed in this moment, you could say that this is where Scar got her future drill sergeant attitude from. "You gotta be faster then that!" Owen clapped his hands. Scar liked her training days, it gave her something to do in her paddock, and it was something other then getting maltreated by Doctor Wu or Hawkes.

Now that Wu had someone to essentially look after his creations, he could do other things, for the future and betterment of humanity, that was his thought process. "Good job!" Owen congratulated Scar and he went to high five her, but in that moment, it didn't feel right. Owen had to stay professional so he put his hand back down to his side and tossed Scar a piece of meat instead. Eventually the hard part came around, actually using her skills, the mannequin was totally destroyed and it wasn't something that was known to fight back, and Owen couldn't bring himself to try and fight her, it would be wrong for him to do that.

Owen should've guessed that Doctor Wu had his own plans for Scar, and he told Owen nothing about those said plans. One day, Owen attempted to enter Scar's paddock, only to be stopped and held back by Mr. Hawkes and Mr. Steele, "What are you—" Owen struggled against the two of them, he could've easily broken away from them, but what would Wu have done if Owen happened to hurt the doctor's mercenaries? "Front row seats." Hawkes grinned.

Scar wasn't clueless, she knew enough that something was going to happen, Owen didn't show up during the normal time window and something just felt wrong and unsafe about her paddock. Scar heard the squeak of a Compy, and another, followed by another, three Compies were running around Scar's paddock. Scar hissed as she heard the grass crunch at the tiny claws of the Compies. "Scar, look out!" Owen yelled from above her paddock, and as soon as he did that, Hawkes covered Owen's mouth.

One by one, the Compies jumped out of the bushes, the neck hair on the back of Scar's neck stood up, the dinosaurs happen to circle around Scar. Scar jumped out of the circle, and like always, the small dinosaurs came chasing after her, the Compies began nipping at Scar's flesh, pulling itty bitty specks of skin from her body, but nothing yet to cause enough damage.

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