Code 19

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It was a normal day at Jurassic World, it was a beautiful day. The park was filled with a bunch of tourists from all over the world, enjoying what it had to offer. Scar was running around in her paddock that was hidden away from the public, she had just eaten tainted food, but not all of it. Scar had pounced on the Newbie trainer that she was assigned. Owen Grady was over at the Raptor paddock when he and Dr. Wu got the CODE 19 alert.

A CODE 19 is when, in the words of Owen Grady himself "A restless critter which would cause lots of trouble if we don't calm them down." Owen Grady was the main man to handle this situations. Most of the time a CODE 19 was only called if they couldn't handle Scar and it was something minor, but this time, it was the real deal. Owen rushed over to her paddock and Dr. Wu just watched silently, continuing with his research.

"Scar, heal!" Owen yelled as the Newbie whimpered in fear. Scar hissed at Owen, looking at him. "Don't give me that tone." Owen noticed that her pupils were slits, they only got like that when she was really angry. "It's me, Scar. Owen Grady. I don't want to hurt you." Owen calmly said with his arms up, showing that he means no harm. "Can you please use your words?" Owen asked. Scar growled and looked back at the Newbie that she wanted to tear apart.

Scarlett's verbal comprehension became slim to none, she now has broken english and Owen tried helping her anytime he could. "Come on, girl. Focus on me and not the Newbie." Owen said. Scar growled at the Newbie, jumping off of him.

"Good, good." Owen said as the Newbie hurried off.

"Now, will you tell me what that was all about?" Owen asked.

"He bad." Scar uttered, scratching her face.

"He is bad." Owen corrected her.

"He made food taste funny." Scar said.

"Again?" Owen mumbled.

Scar nodded her head.

"I no care english." Scar said, feeling herself calm down. "I no care person either." Scar added, pacing back and forth on all fours. "I'm sorry, Scar. I can't be your trainer forever." Owen replied to her. "Why no?" Scar asked. "I have the Raptors, you know that."

"Why can't Raptors here?" Scar asked him.

Scar was trying to ask why the Raptors couldn't be here with her.

"They just can't. If you're good, I'll take you over there later." Owen smiled at her. "I good." Scar sat down. "Mr. Grady. I'd like to speak with you." The voice of Dr. Wu spoke over the PSA system in Scar's paddock. The sound of his voice made Scar jump up and begin growling again. "Hey, hey. Scar, it's okay." Owen said. "I'll be right back." He said and began walking away from her paddock. Scar paced back and forth once again, playing in the bushes that were in her paddock.

"What's up, doc?" Owen asked.

"It's Doctor." Dr. Wu corrected him. "I don't want you taking her to the Raptor paddock for simple child's play. She won't be what I need if she can't become a cold blooded killer." Dr. Wu explained.
"You'll bring her to the paddock only to test her skills, how about, we have her battle with Blue." Dr. Wu grinned, looking through the large windows to see Scar fussing around.

Blue was in the opinion of anyone, the strongest Raptor out of the four. "She can't. I don't understand what more you want from this girl!" Owen replied. "You've already damaged her enough. She won't fight Blue. You'll have to pick some other dinosaur." Owen forced himself to say that last part. "Very well, how about the Indominus?" Dr. Wu looked at Owen.

"No. She'd be killed. I've never understood why you created such a beast." Owen was referring to the hybrid called the 'Indominus Rex' that Claire Dearing, who was the manager park operator, made when they were testing the genetic mutations. "What would you recommend? Would you rather she fight a human?" Dr. Wu asked. "I'd rather if she didn't fight anyone! Why can't you see that this is wrong?" Owen protested. "How can simple science be wrong?" Dr. Wu answered Owen's question with a question.

"It's not like she had a lot to live for anyways." Dr. Wu said. "Nobody ever becomes successes from foster homes." Dr. Wu added. "That gives you no excuse to do this to her. She was once an innocent child, now look at her. You did that, all of that!"

"It seems like you've grown strongly to her." Dr. Wu's hands were behind his back. "I hope that it won't interfere with our work together." Dr. Wu turned his head to Owen and grinned a small grin.

"You shouldn't even be doing this work." Owen said.

"You are dismissed, Mr. Grady." Dr. Wu ignored his comment. Owen nodded reluctantly and walked off, grumbling passed Vic Hoskins who was going to talk to Doctor Wu. "Don't get any ideas." Owen threatened him and bumped shoulders with Hoskins, continuing to walk away. Hoskins stood angry and confused. What ideas could he possibly have gotten? Any really. Having a animalistic like human could come in handy. Hoskins was known for taken advantage of the wild creatures that Dr. Wu has created. Scar continued to fool around in her paddock, she dragged a large stick from the the bushes, it appeared to be carved into a thick piece of wood with a sharpen rock at the tip. Scar didn't know what she had created, but she certainly liked it.

It's not as bad as you'd think, if you get passed everything. Scar is simply like a lion cub exploring her territory.

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