Fighting Spirit

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Not too long after Wu gave his order, his special sleeping drug that was a greenish yellow color began seeping out of the pipes, "What's—" Sammy started to ask and then she immediately passed out. "Sammy!" Yasmina exclaimed and then she too, dropped like a fly, Darius covered his mouth with his shirt, though it was no use, Darius fell to the floor, followed by Brooklynn, Kenji and then Ben. "Where are we going to put them?" The same scientist asked.

"Do we just throw them out?" The scientist asked.

"No! They've seen too much." Wu replied.

Wu took a deep breath in, adjusting his collar and smoothing his hair over, "They can go in those rooms." Wu pointed to the map, "They won't go out for battle and no sectors for them, got that?" Wu said. "Yes, sir." The scientist nodded and called out for a mercenary to help gather all the kids. Since Sammy was the first one down, she was the first one up, Sammy blinked her eyes, she waited for her eyes to focus, Sammy's vision was similar to when she got poisoned by the Scorpius Rex. But, she nor the other campers were in any pain, just in a sleepy state.

"...Y-Y'all?" Sammy asked, looking up in front of her, unable to see what was out there, all she could see was her own reflection in the mirror. "Yaz?.." She asked, gathering enough strength to look to her left and to her right, Sammy was confined in a brightly lit room, with white walls, a white floor, but with a grey ceiling that consisted of a long light fixture.

"Sammy...?" Yasmina asked as she propped herself to sit up. "Hello?" Yasmina asked as she looked around and sat in a similar room to Sammy, there were two rows on each side of the white hallway, two rows with three rooms on each side. Sammy and Darius were placed across from each other, Yasmina and Ben also placed across from each other and that left Kenji and Brooklynn to be placed across from one another.

To make it easier to understand, it was Kenji, Yasmina and Darius on one side and Brooklynn, Ben, and Sammy on the other side. "Guys?" Darius asked, "Where are you?..." He too began to look around. "Darius! I-I can hear you, but I can't see you..." Sammy replied. "I think Yaz is here too."

"I don't think any of us can see each other.." Brooklynn said as she stared at her reflection in the glass, "My hair was just down on my back...why is it back like this now?" She asked as she noticed her hair was put into a bun, she couldn't be all that happy about her hair being up, they were all just kidnapped after they thought they would be saved.

"And, are we wearing hospital gowns?" Brooklynn asked as she looked down at herself, it appeared that all the campers were changed into white hospital gowns with small blue dots that were scattered around, fasten to her body with buttons at the back, rather then the traditional drawstring.

"Is this an asylum?" Yasmina asked.

"I..I knew this place was bad.." Ben muttered.

"I knew we were abducted by aliens!" Kenji exclaimed, "Not now, Kenji!" Brooklynn and Darius both slightly yelled, and then they started to laugh as they realized they said it at the same time. "Okay...we gotta find a way—" Darius began to say but he stopped talking as he heard a door open. "Out?" Wu asked, Wu disguised his voice, making it sound low and distorted, he didn't need to change his appearance yet, the campers couldn't see him.

"There is no way out." Wu put his hands behind his back, "But, I guess you suppose that there is because you found a way in." Wu walked down the hallway with light steps, glancing over to each camper in their rooms. "Who are you?" Brooklynn asked. "Let us out!" Ben quickly sprung into action and began banging on the plexiglass with the sides of his fists.

"Oo, you have spunk, don't you?" Wu stopped at Ben's door and looked at the boy banging on the glass. "Fighting spirit." Wu glanced to the ceiling. "You know, I think out of all the experiments I've dealt with.." Wu grinned, "You'll be the most like him." Wu grinned down at Ben, who backed away at his words, "What..." Ben uttered, "What do you mean?.." Ben asked, "Experiments?.." Brooklynn said. Wu simply chuckled wholeheartedly, "Y-You're joking right? Please tell me you're joking." Kenji's face fell and Wu's words sunk deep into all of their heads. "Why are you doing this?" Darius asked.

Wu walked away from Ben's room, continuing his journey down the hallway, Doctor Wu stopped between Darius and Sammy's rooms, "That's funny." Wu merely said and began to chuckle again, but this time, rather cynically. "What's so funny..." Sammy asked, "S-Should we be laughing too?.." Sammy said in a nervous way. "Quiet!" Wu whipped his body around to face Sammy's room, "You kids need to learn some manners." Wu stated, grinding his teeth.

Wu took a deep breath in, calming himself down,"It's only funny..." Wu began to say, "Because she asked the same thing." Wu wickedly grinned. "Of course, I didn't give her the answer..." Wu added.

"But, since you guys are so persistent."

"So eager for an answer."

"I'll tell you."

"It's a simple answer, really."

The campers were on the edge of their seats, they needed some sort of answer, everyone was filled with anxiety as they waited for this mysterious man, who was just Doctor Wu in disguise, to answer. "I choose you and my experiments for one reason." Wu said, lifting one of his hands up to make the number 'one'. Though, nobody could see his gestured or demeanor.
"Nobody notices that you're gone, and you only provide problems for the community." He explained.

"That's not true!" Sammy called out. "Sir—there's been a breach!" A scientist ran down the stairs and tripped their way into the basement. "A breach?" Wu asked, "C712!" The scientist yelled. Wu was beyond frustrated, "Well, what are you waiting for? GO GET HIM!" Wu yelled for real this time, "If he escapes, that's the end of you! You hear me?!" Wu kept yelling as the scientist went running off.

Wu sighed, "This job, is not for the weak."

"I'll get back to you all later. I expect you to be on your best behavior." Wu walked out of the basement.

"C712..." Ben quietly said to himself, "But that's..."

"No, it can't be." Ben whispered to himself, he concluded that he must've been hearing things, Wu voice was distorted and muffled, and Ben with the campers had all just woken up from a deep slumber. Cole wasn't here, Ben thought, he couldn't be. Cole's fighting spirit wouldn't have let him get caught by Wu, and Scar's fighting spirit was bigger then the both of them combined. Right?...

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