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Scar felt something shift beneath her body and it was moving but she wasn't. Scar slowly adjusted herself against the sand that felt like it was a cooler temperature, she was less hot, though she was still unconscious and she could feel the bullet wound at her collarbone above her right breast. Scar might've heard the sound of water passing by, perhaps she was close to a river, being transported there somehow by someone or even something.

It was all just a blur, the moments before came back in flashes, the running, the freezing, the shooting and the fighting. Scar's hair felt damp and she couldn't tell if it was from the sweat or if it somehow got wet. Scar slowly shifted once again, her eyes beginning to open and come into focus, she was down in one of the caverns, strange....Scar blinked some more and when she looked down to see her wound, her chest was covered with banana leaves, like the ones back on Nublar oddly enough....

It wasn't the best bandage work, she could tell whoever did this wasn't as experienced as she was. Scar's wound was a sudden eye opener because it reminded her of her own vulnerability and the unfortunate fragility of her life. Scar was strong, she had thick skin and a elastic heart, but in the end....she was still molded as a human and she had human flesh, she didn't have thick dinosaur skin that was covered in rough scales that would've made the bullet bounce off of her, she had no real animal qualities.

Scar had been neglecting her body and mind for some time now, she was getting out of hand, and until now, she didn't know how to stop. She lifted her head to see a broken pipe filling up a hole of sand that someone had dug. And she could see some fruit, Nublar berries and some weird spiky bigger looking fruits...Scar carefully began to sit up, a small groan escaping her lips as she felt the wound that was never properly closed open further.

She went to reach for the fruit, but her body fell from her overbearing exhaustion. When her body fumbled down on the rather hard sand, it echoed through the carven, "The afternoon sure did come fast." A voice that she had never heard trailed down the carven.

Scar was too vulnerable to hop into a defensive position like she normally would. Followed by the voice, something clattered against the thick walls of sand, and then followed by the clatter, there was almost a rattling sound. Scar was trying to prepare herself for whatever was approaching, she couldn't see beyond her spot in the cavern.

But, to her relief it was..."Prickle?..." Scar asked as they came into the light. Prickle shrugged, placing more of those strange looking fruits onto the already existing pile of them. It was the first time Scar had heard their voice and it was hard to describe what it sounded like, their English would've sounded broken to a human, but to Scar, it sounded perfect.

And this made her think, maybe Cole's English wasn't perfect either, he mainly talked to her and Ben had learned to make out her own broken English because he had spent so much time with her. Prickle grabbed a rock with a very significant indent in the middle of it, they dunked the rock into the small puddle of water. As Prickle did this, Scar noticed that their orange hair was strung up in a big bun on top of their head, being held together by two or four long cactus spines, that they must've picked from the plants. Prickle walked over to Scar and placed the rock filled with water in front of her.

Followed by the water, they brought Scar some Nublar berries and that strange fruit. "Thank you." Scar said, hoping they would say something back to her. Prickle sat across from Scar and they did whatever they usually did as if Scar wasn't here. Prickle held the magenta fruit of their own in their hand and ran a finger down the skin to peel it.

"I watched a beautiful sunset last night." Prickle whispered, they didn't to talk all that loud because the echo carried their voice. Prickle took a bite from the top of the pink fruit once it was out of its skin. Scar couldn't bare to eat any Nublar berries, she only took small sips of the water from the rock using her left hand. "I never realized how dark it was over there until coming out here..." Prickle observed.

Prickle's voice was deeper than Scar expected, it had this undertone of gravel, it was rough like it had been scraped across the ground a few too many times, but something about it was calming, something about what they were saying made their voice flow out of their mouth like honey. It made them sound as if they didn't go on a silent strike.

"The wind takes me places..." Prickle finished the fruit and tossed the skin to the side. Scar stared at them, unsure how to truly feel about them. "I've heard some things, Scar." Prickle's facial expressions seemed to be implying that, that was what they were going to tell her. Prickle picked up the rock that was placed in front of her and went over to the pool of water to refill it for her, "I don't need this right now, Prickle." Scar huffed.

Prickle gave her a confused look.

Perhaps, they weren't implying anything, maybe that's just what their face looked like. Scar was coming off hostile, and she knew for certain it was because she was going crazy, it was definitely happening...Scar stayed quiet and so did Prickle.

Scar picked up her shredded, no sleeve shirt and put it back on, disregarding the pain that she had felt in her collarbone and shoulder. "...I'm sorry." Scar apologized. Prickle sighed, bringing their legs closer to themself, "Thank you for all of this, really...." Scar said, trying to sound as sincere as she could. "But, I need..." Scar hesitated, "I need to be alone." Scar stated, with no more feelings in her voice.

"I see." Prickle said, weaving some vines over and under each other. "It was nice seeing you again, Scar." Prickle exhaled, placing flowers from the cacti in between the vines that were weaved together. "Yeah...You too, Prickle." Scar replied, stumbling into a standing position and slowly putting one foot in front of the other, walking out of the cavern.

Scar followed the long thick walls of sand to find the exit, being greeted with the bright sun again. She shaded her face with her hand as she had down previously, as much as she didn't want to go back to the dreaded forest biome, this desert wasn't meant for her...It seemed that nothing was anymore.

Scar wasn't cut out for anything now, she wasn't a fighter in the arena, she wasn't Ben's companion anymore, she wasn't Cole's best friend, and she wasn't doing anything that gave her any reason to make her think that she was special in any way shape or form. Scar stood at the entrance, realizing she had no clue where the nearest airlock was.

"Shit," She mumbled a word that she heard Ben say once or twice, she would have to follow her instincts to find her way out of here. Scar looked to her left and to her right, 'Which way?' She thought. Scar decided to take a right, and again, she had felt the sun beaming down at her and small dots of sweat formed on her forehead all over again like deja vu.

Scar walked and her arms slightly swung at her side and she could feel a discomfort in her right side, like the bullet was still in her system. And when Scar felt this, she felt sick again...She remembered how much Prickle despised fighting, they never stated this, but Scar could just tell. They never liked to fight in the arena, they only fought because they had no other choice. But, now, all because of Scar and her drama, someone and something that they barely knew, they fought for her? For Scar? For the Scar from Nublar?

To focus on something else, Scar continued to think about her wound and not associating it with Prickle. Who knew a small piece of copper would be Scar's demise? She fought dinosaurs, humans, natural disasters, and so much more. Scar needed to remove the bullet as fast as possible and she needed to go to the forest biome to do that, she could do it herself or maybe she could find....What? No. She wasn't going to find anyone. She was going to help herself, the way it had always been before the evacuation of Jurassic World and the fall of Camp Cretaceous.

Later on, transitioning into night, Hawkes managed to find his way back to Mr. Kon, who immediately called for Mae's help. Hawkes had broken ribs, a fractured eye socket, one of his wrists were broken and the other was fractured. "I don't know, sir.." Hawkes couldn't tell him what happened, but somehow, Kon just knew who the culprit was. Mae helped Hawkes to the best of her abilities, there wasn't a lot of medical supplies to deal with these kinds of injuries, the medical bay was mainly for dinosaurs, it wasn't equipped for this influx of injuries.

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