After The Orphanage

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A/N: A flashback chapter for Cole

One day, a man walked into the orphanage that held Cole Monroe and Scarlett Dimitri, but, he was only coming for one of them, not knowing the other was there too. "Good evening, sir. How may I help you?" The desk lady asked him, "I'm here for one of your children." The man replied, "Which one would you like?" The desk lady replied to him, "Cole Monroe."

"Oh, Cole? Are you sure? He's a bit of handful." The desk lady asked him, "Yes, I am certain that's who I want." The man replied, this orphanage was pretty shady, they needed to get all the bad kids out, they didn't even bother giving this man paperwork, rather, they just gave him Cole Monroe. Cole was escorted to a large black van, similar to an FBI van, Cole was ordered to sit in the back, but, he wasn't expecting anyone else to be in the back with him.

Cole knew that some dumb guy wouldn't want him. "You probably don't want me." Cole said as he looked out the tinted window, his voice was cold, as when he had first met Scarlett. "What makes you say that?" The man in the backseat replied, "I'm difficult, violent, neglected." Cole replied, still looking out the window. "No, you're simply, misunderstood." The man in the back replied.

"Don't you want to make the world understand you?"

The man's question intrigued Cole, but, Cole had thought he already found someone that understood him, Scarlett, who he didn't want to leave for some creepy old guy in a van. "I'm Doctor Henry Wu." The man in the backseat introduced himself, sticking his hand out for Cole to shake, Cole had never heard that name before, he wasn't all into dinosaurs. Cole's hand moved in hesitation, he wanted to shake Dr. Wu's hand, but, a part told him not to. "Cole Monroe." Cole took Dr. Wu's hand and began to shake it. "Oh, I know." Dr. Wu replied, "Together, we can make our humanity better than ever before."

Dr. Wu's voice was almost hypnotic, drawing his victims in, persuading them to do the right thing.

If, it even was the right thing to do.

"I've seen what you can do, Mr. Monroe and I am very impressed. Head of the team, top scorer, the grades could be better, but, it's all in the athletic performance." Dr. Wu said, flipping through a clipboard. "You train everyday, yes?" Dr. Wu asked. "I try to train and practice everyday, but that place sucked like a sore thumb." Cole replied, "Where are we going?" Cole asked Dr. Wu, "A training facility." Dr. Wu grinned, "Almost there, right, Hawkes?"

"Yes, sir, almost there." Hawkes replied from the front seat. "Wow, that guy is cool." Cole said out loud, Hawkes chuckled and Dr. Wu grinned wider, "Indeed he is." Dr. Wu said, there was something villainous about Wu, but, to Cole, both of these strange men seemed really fascinating and cool.

"So, how does this whole thing work? Are you kidnapping me? Feels like you're kidnapping me." Cole asked, Dr. Wu jeered at his sentence, "It's not kidnapping if you don't have anyone to go back to." Dr. Wu replied, "No parents, no uncles or aunts, or any...grandparents." Dr. Wu added, getting reminded of Scarlett Dimitri, the girl that he desperately wanted, he was angry that he still hadn't gotten her. "Guess you're right." Cole said.

"Enough talking for now." Dr. Wu said, and as that Wu was Cole's closest thing to an adult, he listened. Dr. Wu took note on how obedient Cole was, a good attribute for what would be next to come. The next thing Cole knew, he was on a helicopter, "I'm not a big fan of heights!" Cole slightly exclaimed, his eyes tightly closed. "Don't worry," Dr. Wu said, putting headphones over Cole's ears, something endearing about the gesture. Cole was still super nervous about the whole up in the air situation, but, he was almost excited about what was to come, it was better than being cooped up in a small orphanage with only one friend.

Cole felt terrible for leaving Scarlett, but, what choice did he have? He basically got persuaded by a bunch of strangers, the orphanage didn't care about him going missing, it's not like they were going to send anyone out to find Cole Monroe, a boy who everyone would soon forget about. The helicopter landed, a black bag was placed over Cole's head, his vision going dark, he had to rely on his hearing, his touch if he could, Cole thrashed around in the arms of a another, a strong man, Hawkes. Hawkes hauled Cole into a dark room, before the bag was removed from his head, the room was dark, now, it was clearer, a white room, where he couldn't see out of.

Cole was strong, he actually bruised Hawkes up.

Cole shook his head, slowly opening his eyes to the brightly room, Cole ran his hands through his hair that was sweaty from the heat the bag created, Cole quickly caught his breath. Cole collected his feelings, he was mad, upset, he had left Scarlett for nothing! He had just gotten kidnapped, and he was so naive to let it happen, nothing ever good comes from guys in tackle gear, how could Cole be so stupid? What could have possibly made him think that any good could come from this? Cole ran up to the glass, banging on it with his fists, "Hey! Doctor you who! Let me outta here!" Cole yelled, banging on the glass.

"'Doctor 'you who', that's new." Hawkes said.

"Hold your tongue, Mr. Hawkes." Dr. Wu replied.

"We've found a valuable asset." Dr. Wu said before he walked away, "We'll leave him here for the night." Dr. Wu said, gesturing his head for Hawkes to follow. Hawkes looked back at the boy banging on the glass, "Stupid boy." Hawkes muttered, following after Dr. Wu. No matter how hard Cole banged on the glass, it wouldn't budge, it simply bounced back and forth like a piece of plastic, Cole was tired, out of breath, sweaty too, he was not used to all this heat after hanging around in the slums of New York.

Cole breathed out repeatedly, backing away from the glass, examining the slight bruises on his hands, Cole sat down on the concrete of the white room, what was there left for him to do? He didn't know where he was, deep inside he was still that little boy with the abusive parents, he was still the boy with the dull eyes and the cold heart. Cole curled up in a ball, trying to fall asleep on the cold concrete, the only plus side was that the ground cooled him off.

On the next day, it was training day, Dr. Wu did say he would bring him to a training facility, "Rise and shine, C712." Dr. Wu's voice came through the white room, causing a rather rude awakening. "My name is Cole, asshole." Cole replied. "Your simple, yet childish insults do not affect me." Dr. Wu replied. "Me and you are not so different."

"I don't care about you!" Cole yelled in response.

"You said that you'd make people understand me, but has anyone ever understood you?" Cole asked.

"You wouldn't have to be so secretive if they did."

Dr. Wu was intrigued by his words.

"I see right through you, Doctor Henry Wu."

"If you're trying to make the world a better place, people would follow rather then astray." Cole said, perhaps a little Scarlett had rubbed off on him. Cole got a foot to his back, Mr. Hawkes had kicked him and now one of Hawkes' feet was placed on Cole's back, Cole grunted in pain, "He talks too much." Hawkes said. "I'd have to agree with you, Hawkes." Dr. Wu said through the speaker.

And with that, training began, even if Cole didn't want to go through with it, he certainly had to, at first, it wasn't all that bad, it was just him building up his muscular strength and endurance, along with his cardiovascular health and fitness, it was really just an extreme form of gym class. It started to go down hill as soon as Dr. Wu started to use needles, injecting strange serums into Cole that made he grow foots taller, his muscles larger beyond the average boy. Dr. Wu used other serums too.

Dr. Wu began to experiment with dinosaur DNA, Compsognathus, Carnotorus, and many others. To Dr. Wu, he was doing the best thing, giving Cole everlasting strength and power, however, Wu might've gone too far. Cole became too unstable, unpredictable, too dangerous and risky to keep alive. But, Dr. Wu didn't want to kill his first ever visionary, his first ever attempt to better humanity.
Instead, Dr. Wu froze Cole, now 'Claws' as it had fit the Jurassic World theme, in a cytogenetic tank in the same white room where it had all started.

It only hurt to put away his visionary, but he knew he could do the same thing, a bit more toned down. Doctor Wu now knew not to go overboard with all the dinosaur DNA, keep it simple, as the saying goes, less is more. It wasn't too hard to find someone else.

The same orphanage would have a bunch more kids.

Even the one he had been looking for forever.

Scarlett Andante Dimitri.

The next, Cole Jackson Monroe.

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