Non To Normal

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Sammy would be okay, Brooklynn had administrated the antidote to Sammy and she woke up shortly after, still woozy and in pain, but, she would make it another night on this god forsaken island, now, the campers had to prepare to get ready to leave, it was a long wait, the time had come and everyone was fairly happy about it. The campers, besides Sammy, packed up all the things that weren't packed, like cans of food, water jugs, soaps, utensils, anything and everything they thought they'd need for the trip back home.

It was relatively normal, it had stopped raining and the Scorpius wasn't running amuck anywhere near the campers, as much as Darius wanted to protect the dinosaurs and Isla Nublar, he couldn't, what could a normal teenage boy like him do? If two, non-normal teenagers couldn't do anything, what says he could? Nothing, nobody could do anything. Ben didn't want to leave the island, he didn't want to leave Bumpy or Scar, he was preparing to leave one, but, not the other. Ben had abandoned his bag and snuck off into the jungle, looking for his bumpy girl.

Scar and Cole sat outside the camp, near the rubble, Scar leaned her head against the nook of Cole's neck, they had no clue why they were so tired, it was something they couldn't figure out, and when they tried to sleep, they couldn't, it was rather confusing. Cole hit his hand against Scar's arm, it was a gentle little hit but it produced enough force to get Scar's attention, "Boy." Cole said, it had occurred to Scar that Cole didn't know any names of the campers.

Scar lifted her head up, looking at Cole with a small tilt to her head, essentially asking him 'what was up', Cole thought for a moment, thinking how to phrase this, "Boy with spear went into jungle." said he and just as he did, it clicked, Ben, Ben had gone into the jungle. Ben had gone into the jungle, alone, with the Scorpius around, Ben couldn't be alone, Ben had to be with someone who could protect him.....

"You should said something sooner!" Scar said, quickly getting into a crawling position and running over near camp, trying to find a scent for Ben, Cole figured not to follow Scar, or, at least, he wouldn't follow her a lot, Cole didn't like Ben and Ben didn't like Cole. Scar sniffed around for the scent of Ben, but she kept picking up the smell of the fresh dew that was settling on the leaves, this was strange, Scar has always been able to pick up the smell of someone or something, especially Ben. Scar needed to find Ben, it was important that she did, if Ben were to get injured by the Scorpius, oh, Scar didn't want to think about it...

Scar felt her heart beat at a fast rhythm. Ben gave her little reason to worry, though, the past few days, he had given her some reason to. Scar made her way into the jungle, hoping that she could navigate her way towards Ben or Bumpy at the minimum. Scar didn't call out for Ben that campers might have done, not might, they would've done. But Scar knew more then to draw attention to herself in a jungle full of dinosaurs and strange experiments.

Scar searched for some squished grass, preferably in the shape of a shoe, telling her that she was going the right way, why couldn't she smell for Ben? Something wasn't right about her, but what? Scar had the impression that she wouldn't be the only one  looking for Ben, however, she'd be the one to find him first. Scar had no idea where Ben could be by now, Ben could be fast if he needed or wanted to be, and now was a time he was doing both, he wanted to get to Bumpy because he needed to be with her.

Scar considered wherever Bumpy was, that's where Ben would be, so now she had changed her plan and went to go look for Bumpy, she could be at her favorite berry bush or down by one of the many streams on the island, anywhere, she could be absolutely anywhere. In a panic, Scar dug her hands into the grass and started sprinting away into the jungle, she'd find Ben, she'd find him, she had to find him. Cause if she didn't...that would be the end.

They wouldn't be able to say goodbye and Ben would disappear, just the way everyone else in Scar's life had. Ben would make it to the boat, that's what his goal had always been, get to the boat and never come back to Isla Nublar, the home of both Jurassic World and Jurassic Park, both destroyed and ready to be forgotten, Scar would go with the park, lost in it forever. Scar wasn't really paying all that much attention, when she really should've had been.

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