Nobody's Coming

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Bumpy started licking Ben's face, despite Scar hissing at her, telling her not to do that. Ben opened his eyes with a groan, pushing at Bumpy's face. Ben struggled to get up, Scar gently wrapped her hands around his body and slowly lifted him up, pulling him against her body. Ben looked up at Scar, his body only made it up to her shoulders. Ben blinked his eyes, his vision focusing on her face. "Scar!" Ben exclaimed, "Are you...crying?" Ben weakly asked her.

Scar looked down at Ben, her face overflowing with emotion, Scar smiled at Ben, but not showing her teeth. Bumpy groaned at Ben, she might've been getting a little jealous. "Oh, Bumpy! Bumpy!" Ben said as Bumpy came running over in between Ben's legs, Scar's legs too. Ben wrapped his hands around Bumpy's back, hugging her. Ben looked up, expecting to see more people, "Where's everybody else?" Ben asked, breathing heavily, looking around excitedly, Bumpy continued to rub herself against Ben, he had dropped Bumpy out of his arms. "Bumpy, Scar." Ben said, his eyes widening with a sudden realization. "Where's everybody else?"

"No here." Scar sighed. "I not know where went." She added. "Darius!" Ben yelled, he tried to move but Scar was holding him back. "Ben, we no worry about everybody right now." Scar said. "What? Are you crazy? Of course we need to worry about everyone else! I—I—I gotta get out of here!" Ben replied, his voice cracking as he panicked. "You need heal." Scar said. "They are no get out of here." Scar added. "What are you saying? They're heading for the ferry!...That must've already left." Ben frowned.

"Baby, go get some leaves." Scar hissed at Bumpy.

Bumpy didn't understand. Scar rolled her eyes.

Scar gently let go of Ben, leaving him in a sitting up position, "Stay." Scar ordered to both Ben and Bumpy. Scar began crawling away, "Wait! Where are you going?" Ben attempted to crawl after her but he collapsed to his stomach. "Stay!" Scar slightly yelled. "I go get leaves for you hurts." Scar explained. "Baby, watch Mom." Scar looked to Bumpy with a growl.

Bumpy understood that, walking closer to Ben.

Scar didn't walk that far away, just a foot, Scar picked leaves off of a bush, tucking the ones she had picked under her arm. Scar then climbed up the nearest tree, reaching out and grabbing vines, pulling them off the trees. Down below, she could see that Ben and Bumpy were looking around, she could hear that some twigs had snapped. Bumpy screamed almost like a baby as some Compies surrounded them. Scar jumped down from the tree.

Scar got in front of Ben and Bumpy, standing on all fours, looking around and snarling at the Compies. One by one, more and more Compies popped out of the bushes and greenery. Ben was scared, alone, for the most part, Ben whimpered slightly behind Scar. The Compies charged at Ben, Bumpy and Scar. Scar snarled and swatted at them as Bumpy used her tail to smack them away like a couple of bowling pins.

Bumpy and Scar roared in unison, making the Compies run away. Ben pulled Bumpy into his lap, resting his arms and his head on her back, "Thanks, Bumpy." Ben said. Scar huffed, "You too, Scar." He said, closing his eyes on Bumpy's back. Scar pushed Bumpy away from Ben, making her slightly upset and confused. "What'd you do that for?" Ben asked Scar. "You not feel that in arms?" Scar asked, moving her eyes to the shards of glass in his skin.

"Oh...I.." Ben said, "With every motion, it goes deeper." Scar said, "Hold still." Scar added, grabbing one of Ben's arms. Scar pulled the shards of glass out of Ben's arms, Ben whined through his teeth, looking away from Scar and over to Bumpy. "I sorry." Scar said, "I know it hurt." added Scar. Scar wrapped the leaves around his arms, securing them with vines, tying them not too tight. Ben's eyes were glazed with tears as Scar moved down to his legs, pulling shards of glass from them as well. " are you so good at this?" Ben asked, inhaling and exhaling to calm himself down. Scar looked up at him and shrugged. "All done." Scar said, crawling behind Ben.

The blood on the back of Ben's head has dried up for the most part. "Okay, okay.." Ben said to himself with his arms and legs freshly wrapped with leaves. "It's gonna be okay." Ben said, reassuring himself. "They'll come save me, right?" Ben asked, looking down at Bumpy, and looking other to Scar. Bumpy groaned, providing him an answer. "Right! They don't even know where I am." Ben said, "They'll probably waiting for me at the ferry..." He said.

"You said that it already left." Scar said, stretching her legs out in front of her. "That doesn't mean it's true!" Ben declared. "We just got to get to the ferry." Ben said, his frown turning upside down. "How do we get to the ferry?" Ben asked, his frown returning. "The map!" Ben slowly stood up, feeling around for his fanny pack. Ben felt around his body, "No pack,"

"No map!" He said, "No snacks, no...hand sanitizer!"

Scar paced back at fourth in front of Ben.

Ben sat back on the floor, his knees close to his chest and his hands on his head. "Okay, this is bad...this is worsely bad.." Ben talked to himself, falling back. "Stop!" Scar yelled. Ben looked over to her. "You can't keep doing whatever that is." Scar explained, the most normal sentence she's said in a long time. "To get snack, we must look round." Scar said, her vocabulary turning back to the way it's been for that long time. "It will not fall from sky." She said.

"You on own. No body come." Scar said.

"You on own. No body come." Scar repeated to herself and began pacing back and forth again. "Why do I feel like we're not talking about me anymore.." Ben sat up. Was Scar having a little crisis? Was she getting reminded of her past? What was going on...

"No one know where you are. No body know you." Scar kept mumbling to herself, rubbing her arms up and down. "No body care.." Scar stopped pacing. Scar smacked her palms against her head a few times, pulling herself together. Scar walked over to Ben without saying a word, Scar scooped up him, Ben clinging onto Scar like a baby monkey. "Put me down!" Ben yelled, but Scar didn't listen. "Bumpy, talk to her!" Ben looked under Scar's body, seeing Bumpy following behind them between Scar's legs.

"You need rest. You not walk." Scar said. "Or crawl."

Nobody was coming to help.

Nobody cared enough to go help.

Everything that was done meant nothing.

Nobody came to look for Scarlett Dimitri.

Nobody was coming to look for Ben Pincus.

Darius Bowman.

Yasmina Fadoula.

Sammy Gutierrez.

Kenji Kon.

Not even, Brooklynn, the superstar.

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