Mae We Trust Her?

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Somewhere in the new, yet still strange forest, the campers trudged on, their bodies were adjusting to the natural lighting and temperature of the forest, their feet were walking on grass rather then concrete, they didn't know where they were going, they all were trying to wrap their heads around what happened, trying to figure out where they were, why Wu did what he did, it couldn't all have been because he thought that the children provided nothing for the community, it had to be more then that.

As they walked, Ben accidentally bumped into Sammy. "Can't you watch where you're going?" Sammy snapped, causing everyone to stop in their tracks and stare at her for an uncomfortably long time. "Ah! Sorry.." Ben replied, "I'll try to do that.." He looked around as Sammy sighed at his response.

"I'm sick of this. We've been walkin' forever." Sammy crossed her arms, "Where the heck are we even going?" Sammy gestured her buff arm to the side. "None of y'all know." Sammy blew through of her nose. Everyone was surprised and a bit concerned about Sammy's new behavior. "Sammy...a-are you alright?" Yasmina asked her, she might've been a little out of breath from both walking and running. "I think we're all messed up." Kenji said as he plucked a black feather from his neck, "Ow!"

"I second that." Darius shifted his standing position, he might've been a bit off balance. Brooklynn inspected a strand of her hair, twirling it around in her finger, now that the lighting was better she could see what her hair really looked like. "Does my hair look brighter to you guys?" Brooklynn asked. Kenji looked over to her, "Eh..." He said.

"It does seem a little redder. Guess I can't call you Pinkie Pie anymore?" Kenji asked with a smile, causing Brooklynn to laugh with a snort. Sammy stomped her foot, "Who care's about Brooklynn's hair color?!" Sammy slightly raised her voice, "Hey, Hey, Sammy..." Yasmina tried calming her down. "Guys, i-it's okay...let's just keep going. I'm sure we'll find something." Darius didn't know what to do or what to say anymore, he was just trying to keep this team alive and well.

Darius took a step forward with a limp, and everyone followed, but not too long after, Ben bumped into Darius, "Okay! Camp meeting." Darius said with tiredness and frustration in his voice and a twitch to his eye. "Sorry, Darius.." Ben apologized and Darius sighed, "It's fine, Ben." Darius looked over at him.

"Are you okay?" Darius asked him. "I'm—I'm..." Ben hesitated, "It's alright, Ben. You can tell us." Darius put his hands on Ben's shoulders. "I'm having a hard time seeing." Ben admitted, "At first I thought it was because of the lights—...But.." Ben added, Darius felt bad for Ben, but he and the rest of the campers were relieved it wasn't anything too serious. "Everything's just all messed up and I..." Ben couldn't find the words, "I miss her, Darius." Ben's eyes filled with tears. "Oh, Ben.." Darius said, gently grabbing the sides of Ben's face, "I'm sure she's okay." Darius leaned his forehead against Ben's forehead.

"Yeah, yeah, I bet she is. It's Scar we're talking about.." Ben convinced himself that Scar was okay. "Thanks, Darius." Ben smiled as loud thumping happened in the distance, Ben's head jerked to his left, "Ben?..." Darius asked. "No. It can't be." Yasmina whispered, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that feels like a..." Sammy said as the thumping turned into a rumbling, which was happening more often as a dinosaur was coming to the light. "T-rex." Sammy whispered. "Are you kidding?" Sammy asked. Darius took Ben's hand, "Don't let go." Darius instructed Ben as the T-rex turned the corner with a roar, Brooklynn screamed as they all began to run off.

"I have to agree with Sammy, because you have got to be kidding me!" Kenji exclaimed, running with the group. It was hard to tell what was effecting the campers more, was it the fact they were being chased by a T-Rex or was it that they had been forcibly kidnapped and experimented on? Both was the answer, they were effected by both things, one more than other. The campers were briefly split up, Darius, Ben and Yasmina hid behind a tree, while everyone else hid behind a rock, the lone T-rex ran in between the trees with a loud growl, it started to back up as another T-rex came into view.

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