Healing You(r,) Scar(s)

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A/N: Similar to "Casa De Kenji", I am skipping "Clever Girl" cause even though it has Blue in it, I don't see where Scar would fit in, but, the events of "Clever Girl" still happen, with Darius and Blue, and Brooklynn and E750. You'll see what I mean.

Scar managed to get away from Claws, Cole. Scar had managed to get away from Cole, she didn't know how it happened, but, she was glad that it did, Cole could've killed her if he really wanted, Scar could've killed him if she really wanted, she didn't, Scar had that bit of humanity left, that bit that was beaten out of Cole, he didn't have anything left, all he had was rage and anger. Scar returned to the dock, but, the yacht hadn't returned, it was missing from the spot in the ocean, it must've have gone somewhere far like Ben had said, yet, Ben hadn't come looking.

They could've gotten off the island, good for them. The sun was beginning to set, if the kids were to return, Scar did not want them to see her like this, a bloody mess with injuries left and right, she couldn't cause an image like that to be stuck in their heads for the rest of their lives, however long they had left. Scar stumbled her way into the nearest tree, climbing her way up, Scar didn't bother to heal her wounds, she was too mentally disturbed and psychically unstable.

When the sun began to rise the next day, Scar could hear an engine running down near the docks, it had to have been the campers, nobody was allowed to come on the island after the evacuation. Nonetheless, whoever it was, Scar stayed put, listening to the conversations of the campers, they had returned from Kenji's penthouse, they had found a better way to patch the boat and soon enough, they would all go home. "Scar!" Ben had called out numerous times, but, no response.

Scar was waiting for all the campers, except for Ben, to leave, Scar could let herself be vulnerable around Ben, and like hell she would be. Scar was overwhelmed with feelings of confusion, fear, anger, guilt, even. "Be back later, Ben, you're in charge!" Kenji yelled as he, Yasmina and Darius ran into the jungle, that was Scar's queue, Scar slowly crawled down the tree, causing a few leaves to fall off from the branches, "Scar?" Ben asked, waiting for whatever was in the tree to come down.

"Scar! Your—You.." Ben began to say but then he stopped himself at the realization at Scar's injuries. "I-I...What happened?" Ben was at a loss for words, Ben knew that Scar would never let a dinosaur destroy her as much as Claws did. Ben wasn't going to yell at her for not listening to him, she was still just a teenager underneath the fangs and elf ears. Ben sighed, "Come on, I think there's a first aid kit on the yacht." He said, as he and Bumpy began to walk down to the yacht, Scar followed after him.

Scar sat in one of the booths on the yacht as Ben had the first aid kit laid out on the table, her shoulders were ripped to shreds, many small gashes. "I know it hurts." Ben said as he wiped at her wounds with an alcohol swab, but, Scar could care less about the stinging, Scar looked down at her hands, her fingers twitching and her whole hands trembling as they were still covered in blood, only now it was dried and she couldn't tell what was hers or what was his. "You don't have to tell me what hap—" Ben started to say.

For a horrifying moment, Scar was crying, the tears gushing out of her eyes and rolling down her cheeks, her lips contorting into a large frown, Scar weeped, beginning to cover her face with her hands. Ben had never seen her cry, let alone like this, a violent sob, it couldn't have been because of all this external pain on her body, Ben was horrified, whatever happened to Scar, it had really messed her up enough to have a full out breakdown. "Woah...woah, Scar? Scar. Scar!" Ben stood up from the booth and stood up in front of the tall girl, "Scar, look at me, please." Ben gently said, "Scar, come on, it's just me, no one else besides me . Darius went chasin' after Compies and who knows where Brooklynn and Sammy went."

"Nobody will know that you had this reaction."

"It'll just be between me and you, like it always has."

"I'm gonna remove your hands now, okay?"

Ben gently reached for Scar's wrists, slowly pulling them away from her face and placing them on her legs, Scar still wept, but, she barely produced any sounds that conveyed her suffering, Ben grabbed a gauze pad and gently wiped Scar's hands off, "I know you, Scar." said Ben, "I know you'd never mean to hurt anyone." Ben looked Scar straight in the eyes and made sure that Scar was looking back at her.

"Whatever happened, it wasn't your fault."

"I will make it my duty to get whoever did this to you. Even if it was a dinosaur, I'll defeat it, just like how I defeated Toro." Ben said, Scar quickly shook her head, she didn't want Cole to get hurt more than he already was, "No?" Ben asked, "But.." said Ben. "Scar, whatever did this, it could've killed you. And, I...I can't—I just...I'm not going to let you die!" Ben said, trying to not break down in front of Scar.

Ben took a deep breath in, if Scar didn't want to say anything, she didn't have to, Scar sucked up her tears, only sniffling on occasion. Ben had to temporarily remove her shirt so he could wrap all the bandages around her shoulders and around her back, on Scar's back, just slightly below her neck, read a series of numbers with a letter, S, 6, 3, 1. Permanently burned into the back of her skin, the "S" had a slight tear from her most recent injury, the bite of Claws. Ben studied the code, but, he didn't ask about it, he just helped Scar put her shirt back on.

Scar jumped down from the yacht, Bumpy gesturing her head towards Scar, making a low growl to her. Scar and Bumpy began to chitchat back in forth in a series of groans, growls and hisses, Ben hopped down from the yacht after putting the first aid kit away, Ben gave Scar some reassuring and comforting pats on the head, Ben didn't know what they were talking about, but, Ben was just glad that Scar was talking to someone, it may have been about what happened, it may have been not been, all that mattered that Scar was expressing herself and her feelings.

Scar put her hands on the side of Bumpy's face, its something that Scar does a lot, and Ben can never figure out why, "She look like a goldfish." Scar said, slightly looking over to Ben, who chuckled in response, "I guess she does a little bit." Ben replied. Scar let go of Bumpy's face as Bumpy blew through her nose, "Chubby Bumpy." said Scar. Ben couldn't help but smile, even if Scar was wrong about Bumpy's weight and appearance.

Claws continued to zoom around the forest, he wasn't looking for anything to kill her hunt, he was just trying to stretch his legs after being cooped up.

But, you could say he was looking for Scar.

And Scar would go looking for him.

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