Surprise At The Nursery

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Scar was still being chased by the BRAD-X and it seemed to be right on her, showing no signs of slowing down or missing its target. She ran as fast as she could, hoping to lose the BRAD and reunite with the campers, thinking that they didn't go too far and they weren't hurt in any way. Scar had no clue that the campers were captured, she had a feeling something was up with them, something that had to do with Kenji and the others, his father was the big denominator of the situation.

"Unauthorized life form detected." Scar couldn't hiss or growl at the BRAD because that wouldn't do anything good for her, she didn't know how this robot would react to it and she couldn't risk wasting her breath. Scar looked straight ahead as she ran on all fours, she couldn't afford to bump into an invisible airlock.

The BRAD opened its mouth and it was full of a charged up with a zap of shock, she couldn't help but hear the crackling and get reminded of the shock prods. It only made Scar run faster, and as she did, she saw something darted out of the bushes, charging into the BRAD that was chasing her, the zap going roque and hitting a nearby tree. Scar didn't want to look back to see what took it out, because she knew exactly what took the BRAD out.

Claws ripped the arms off the BRAD, tossing them aside, he was looking down at the robot and when he found out it wasn't anything he could eat or actually kill, he was furious. Claws looked around quickly and he had spotted Scar, who felt around for that antidote that Kenji had gave her provided by Rosemary, 'No...' Scar thought, 'I left it back at the...'

Claws snarled behind her, Scar's eyes widened and welled up with tears, she didn't want to face Cole again, she almost died the last time, and these weren't the memories that Scar wanted with him. Scar made a sharp turn, Claws attempting the turn too, but he tripped over his own body and rolled away, that was too easy though. Scar knew that he wouldn't give up that easily, Scar suddenly felt out of breath, and she didn't know if it was because of her accident or if she hadn't done cardio recently.

Scar collapsed to the ground as Claws came crashing down on top of her, he must've climbed up in the trees and dropped down on her, Scar not detecting a thing. Claws pinned her down on the ground, her stomach against the dirt, one of his arms were holding her the side of her down and his other was on her shoulder, digging into it with his nails.

Claws hissed at Scar, his spit hitting the back of her neck, Scar swallowed, blinking her eyes, her face was squished against the dirt, Claws leaned into Scar, he was breathing down her neck, Claws closed his eyes as he sniffed at her wounds on her neck and the smell was intoxicating. Claws inhaled the smell, his eyes opening and he appeared to be smiling....

Claws bit down on Scar's earlobe, Scar dug her hands into the dirt and as her hands ripped into the ground her senses were regained, fight or flight, get out and live, she couldn't be afraid. Not now, she couldn't be afraid by someone slightly above her power and size, he was just some experiment. He was no longer Scar's friend, but her enemy.

Scar used all her strength to lift off the ground, making Claws get off her and fall onto his back. Scar jumped on Claws', she didn't want to hurt him, despite how he had hurt her, Scar couldn't bring herself to harm him again, after the horror she felt when she did the first time, she couldn't bare to do it a second time...

Instead, Scar simply looked down at him as she gently but firmly held onto his shoulders, "You've lost yourself, Cole." Scar looked down at him with a deep sigh, "I need you to find yourself." Scar added. "You have to do that for me." Scar stated as she kept her composure. "I'm not going to fight you." Scar said and Claws hissed and squirmed under her as she spoke. "Now, I let you go." Scar released her grip from him and backed off, she hissed at him before turning around and running off.

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