Help Not Wanted

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One, two, three zaps, four, five, six zaps....One zap too many, Cole stood on his legs as he was being jostle around by the impact of the shock by the BRADs, but he fought loud and hard, he hissed and swung his arms. Despite the feeling in Scar's stomach, she decided to run over to Cole and the BRADs, running out of the bushes, Scar was sick to her stomach thinking about what Claws would do to her this time.

Scar tackled over one of the BRADs, but it's blast still shot at Cole, hitting him in the side of his shoulder, and yet, he showed no reaction, like this was any other day to him. Even with the one BRAD disabled, there were still many more and Scar had no idea how long he was out here and how much longer he could take. It wasn't the right time for Scar to administrate the antidote, Claws was focusing on something else other then her, not displaying his anger on Scar.

Claws ripped the head off a BRAD, however with one final shot to his stomach, Cole fell back on the dirt, Scar had to jump out of the way not to get crushed by him. His body created dust clouds that blew up from the ground, he was covered in burns and his pants were practically melted off of him. Scar clashed two BRADs together, trying her best not to get shot herself, but only four out of the seven BRADs were disabled and these were BRAD-Xs.

The three remaining BRADs circled around Scar, separating her from Cole's lifeless body, Scar growled at the robots, swatting and swinging her arms at them, one BRAD opened its mouth to admit the sleeping gas from the cartridge, but Scar wasn't going to let that happen, she knew how that gas effected her and effected him, Scar reached out for the mouth of the BRAD and clamped it shut with her hands.

Scar held onto the nose of the BRAD and twisted its face, watching as the eyes powered off. Though, she felt a sharp burning sensation at her back, it was unbearable but nothing she hadn't felt before. When she turned around, it was another BRAD and she destroyed and disabled that one too, along with the very last one. Scar ran over to Cole's body, she got on top of him, feeling the sides of his face with her hands, hitting his cheeks, "Cole." She said.

"Cole!" She grabbed his shoulders, trying to shake him awake, but his body was so heavy that he just was lifeless and still, his head fell to the side as Scar placed him back down on the dirt, "No..." Scar pressed her hands against his face, leaning her head against his forehead, even after everything Cole had done to her, he was still the first one to show some compassion for her, back at the orphanage and even back on Nublar. "Please, Cole..." Scar whispered.

"Don't let this island take you too..."

Scar barely sniffled, she didn't cry, rather she rolled off of him, kneeling at his left side with one of her hand's on the ground at the other at her chest, clenching the needle in her fist, there was no point in using it if he wasn't going to be awake to see if it was actually going to work and fix him...

Scar tightly shut her eyes, clenching her fists and her teeth, she raised her head to the sky, slowly opening her eyes and her mouth, Scar began to scream out, similar to the way she screamed when she was hurting Wu, but this scream was different...It was filled with less anger and it had more of a frustration to it, a sense of exhaustion, a cry of pain that didn't involve tears.

Scar moved her head down, no longer staring or screaming at the sky and after a few moments, she heard rustling followed by the crunching of dirt. Scar instantly dragged Cole's body closer to her, and when she looked up she saw....Ben. Only Ben.

Nobody else, not even Darius, he must've found his way here all by himself, not bumping into anything in the forest, he must've used his other senses. "I heard screaming, Scar...." He said with his hands reached out in front of him, "And when we all heard those crackles..." Ben added, "You didn't follow us."

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