No Way Home

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To fill in the blanks, the campers had left Isla Nublar and they were all happy to go home, everything was going well, the yacht had enough gas for the journey and food for the campers. It all started to go down hill when they found a Compy on board, to put it short, during their escape from Nublar, the Mosasaurus had escaped from its enclosure and now it was swimming along the Caribbean sea.

The campers of course didn't know this, and the Mosasaurus most likely assumed that the yacht was a whale and decided to attack the yacht with the campers aboard. The yacht was broken into large pieces, but lucky the campers had washed up somewhere, they couldn't figure out where they were or why this had to happen again, all they knew was now, there was certainly no way home, they were on another island, a deserted one too.

In the span of about a day and a half, the campers had dragged themselves through the sandy dessert, they did all they could to look for help while all staying alive. Kenji seemed to have bumped into thin air, only he and the rest of his friends were quick to see that they had found an invisible airlock door. With no other choice, they decided to walk through this airlock and see where it led. They exited only to find another jungle, a murky jungle with plants that stood still. They were all so surprised, they were just in a desert..."Guys, do you remember how, like, five seconds ago, we were in a desert?" Brooklynn asked them, "What the heck is this place?" Sammy asked.

"I guess we just see where this goes." Darius said as he began walking, and the rest of them following. It was humid, sticky, and misty weather, a noise happened in the distance as they walked through all the gloom, "Was that a goose?" Kenji whispered, "Nope..." Darius appeared to shudder as if a shiver was sent through his spine. "Darius, what's wrong?" Ben reached out for Darius' hand. The noise happened again, "Run!" Darius exclaimed and the rest of the campers sprinted after him, "That was Dilophosaurus! They're known for their goose like noises, but they definitely aren't gooses!" Darius quickly explained.

"Are you sure?" Brooklynn asked as she ran beside Darius. "Of course he's sure, Brooklynn!" Kenji said, "How could the dino nerd be wrong?" Kenji asked. "Oh, great! More dinosaurs?" Yasmina exclaimed in annoyance, "Don't worry Yaz—" Sammy went to say.

"Darius, look out!" Ben exclaimed as Darius crashed into a door and bounced back, falling onto the floor. "Ugh..." Darius groaned as he sat on the slightly damp grass, Darius rubbed his forehead with this hand, "Darius, are you okay?" Brooklynn asked with a sense of urgency. Ben helped Darius to his feet as Darius began to talk, "Yeah, I..I think so..I don't know how I didn't s..." Darius was saying and his mouth seemed to drop open as he stared up at the tall camouflaged building that stood over him.

"ee it.." Darius finished his sentence.

"You—You guys are seeing what I'm seeing, right?" Kenji asked and slowly the campers nodded in unison. Not only was the building partially camouflaged, the windows were dirty and some were boarded up, there were vines that cascaded along the sides of the building, but for now, that was all the damage they could see so far."Now we gotta be dreaming." Sammy uttered. "Do we—go in?" Ben asked, looking to Darius.

"We don't know who could be in there, Ben." Darius replied as he looked over at Ben and then back to the others, Yasmina sighed, "Darius, we're out of options. Maybe it'll lead us to way home." She said. Darius took a deep breath in, "We're in this together." He said as he reached for the doorknob.

"Step aside, Darius." Brooklynn said, walking over to Darius and the door, Brooklynn reached up into her her bun and pulled her remaining bobby pin out, her long hair fell down to her back. Brooklynn bent the pin and bent down so she was eye-to-eye with the knob, Brooklynn could only hope that it went better then with the door down in the tunnels. Brooklynn took a deep breath in, blowing out through her nose.

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