Someway Off The Island

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A few days had passed after Scar was found, and it was going fairly well, they had built a hammock for Scar and a extra bed for Ben, both didn't really use them, Ben preferred to sleep on the floor with Bumpy or Scar, or both of them for that matter. And Scar preferred to sleep in the trees, where things were all natural, but sometimes she did sleep on the floor or in the hammock. "Guys, before we test out the raft.." Brooklynn said, "Everything okay, Brooklynn?" Darius asked, turning his head.

"No, I don't know.." Brooklynn replied, "There's something down in the tunnels." She added. "This door, that I can't even open, it's thick, pure metal." Brooklynn said, "It's hiding something." She said.

"Whatever is it, we can't worry about it, Brooklynn." Darius replied, "It's locked for a reason, it's best we don't know why." He added, giving Brooklynn a reassuring pat on the shoulder before walking off.

"Guys! Off to the beach." Darius announced.

The campers had built a raft, they spent weeks, even close to a month building it, they were all trying to find a way back home without the help of anyone else. Deep down, everyone knew it wouldn't work, but, all they could do was hope, and Scar knows how much hope can do to a person. Bumpy and Scar waited on the beach, watching as the raft floated away into the ocean, Bumpy bellowed from the shore, Scar was worried, but, she didn't show it. Scar knew she had to give up Ben sooner or later, she had to put all her fears aside, fear had to turn into something, Scar was just trying to find out what hers would turn into this time, not hope, something else.

Bumpy ran down to the beach, hopping on one of the rocks and bellowed out into the distance, Scar splashed around in the shallow waters, having a little fun. Ben worried tremendously about Bumpy and Scar, who knows who he was more worried about, he didn't want to leave any of them, Kenji didn't want to leave Scar, but, him and everyone else, besides Ben, knew it was the right thing to do, Scar could never return to human life. In the end, the raft did not work as everyone had hoped and planned, Bumpy ran away from the shore as the water came splashing at her feet, Bumpy had ran into the jungle, and Scar had ran after her, all the campers could swim, they needed to help themselves, without Scar or Bumpy.

They were all for the idea of not waiting around for help. After the campers came crashing into shore, the island became cold, a foggy mist over everything. The campers decided to walk back to camp, all soaking wet and cold, feeling hopeless, tired, and quiet, everyone was quiet, only one spoke, Ben, breaking the silence as he called out for Bumpy and Scar. As they approached camp, Bumpy came stalking up on Ben, jumping up on top of him, greeting him with love and affection. Scar was already waiting for the campers back at camp, "Oh, hey, Scar. Thanks for keeping look out." Darius said, looking towards Scar as he finally made it to the top. "Circle up, guys! Camp meeting!" Darius exclaimed down below so everyone else would hear him.

Everyone sat around camp, Ben and Darius the only ones standing up, Scar sat next to Ben, Ben's hand was on the top of Scar's head, which was slightly damp. "Okay, on the plus side, no sign of Compies around camp, so that's good." Darius said, "On the minus side, raft escape attempt number one, was uhm—" Darius said, the campers finishing his sentence for him. "Wet." said Kenji. "Didn't work." added Brooklynn. "It wasn't a total disaster!" Darius replied, "Um, we lost the raft and almost drown, how is that not a disaster?" Sammy asked. "We didn't get eaten by a dinosaur?" Darius questionably replied.

"Darius, we're out of options." Brooklynn concluded.

"We tried kayaks." Brooklynn said, standing up and going to the chalk board that the campers had found, crossing out the drawings of kayaks with a big "/". "Gyrospheres." Brooklynn said, crossing another slash. "More gyrospheres." She added, making a third slash. "And, Yaz and Scar's bad 'find a helicopter and learn to fly it ourselves' plan." Brooklynn said, putting a big "X" over a drawing of a helicopter. To clarify, it was mostly Yaz's idea, Scar just added to it based on her knowledge.

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